
Who is the popularity king of QQ yellow face emoji?

author:Genuine guest house

Starbucks and QQ Yellow Face have a new move! Starting May 16, the newly designed co-branded ice cups and a large wave of merchandise will be available in Starbucks stores. On QQ, a new co-branded yellow-faced emoji pack and more super QQ show props[1] will also be launched. This summer, smiling faces and joy will be everywhere.

Who is the popularity king of QQ yellow face emoji?

Who is the popularity king of QQ yellow face emoji? Let Starbucks tell you the answer with its latest ice glass. During the event, you can buy any large Starbucks Ice Drink for a chance to win a new co-branded ice cup[2]. The cup is printed with the 5 most popular expressions in QQ yellow face emoji - cool, smiling, baring teeth, laughing and crying, and heart-to-heart eyes. In your hands, it will be, along with coffee, a label for your mood today. If you share it with friends, two cups of ice with different patterns will also collide with more sparks. Two cups of "Yaya" are "I love you so much", and two cups of "Heart Eyes" are four heart eyes...... Who do you want to double the fun with this summer? At the same time, Starbucks has also launched a wealth of QQ yellow-faced co-branded star cups, and QQ yellow-faced stickers and mobile phone holders that can be purchased at a higher price are also on the shelves soon.

Who is the popularity king of QQ yellow face emoji?

In the online world, a newly designed co-branded emoji pack has also been launched, allowing QQ Yellow Face to "wear" classic Starbucks coffee elements. Smiling yellow face wearing a crown, cosplaying into a Starbucks mermaid; Laughing and crying, the yellow face is on the top of the Frappuccino cream top; Heart-eyed yellow face smiling among the coffee flowers...... These cute emojis allow QQ users to express their feelings in the virtual space, and they can also be filled with the aroma of coffee.

This season, two "new friends" of the Starbucks Raw Coffee series, Pineapple Lemon Power Coffee and Light Gold Raw Coffee, will bring a magical encounter of fresh passion fruit and fruity pineapple juice. The moment you enter your mouth, the bright and playful sweet and sour taste will start from the tip of your tongue to fill your mouth. Real passion fruit pieces are dotted to add a crisp chew. Customers can choose from pineapple lemon power raw coffee with fresh lemon juice or light gold raw coffee with sweet coconut water to enjoy this refreshing and fruity taste journey.

Who is the popularity king of QQ yellow face emoji?

The Starbucks Raw Coffee series is infused with real juice and green coffee bean extract, which has a natural and brilliant appearance, as well as a refreshing sweet and sour taste, just hold it in your hand to experience the joy of summer. It also breaks the iron rule that "coffee beans must be roasted to drink", using unroasted 100% Arabica coffee beans and extracting the green coffee bean essence with water, providing just the right amount of light caffeine and light refreshment. As a result, the raw coffee series has deeply hit the current generation of young people and has been very popular as soon as it was launched.

In QQ, a national-level software, the more mellow and dynamic QQ yellow face is also a TOP-level emoji popular among young people, expressing themselves and conveying joy for everyone at all times. The hand-in-hand between Starbucks and QQ not only brought coffee culture into the virtual world, but also created a refreshing Starbucks experience.