
After retirement, the top way to live, 3 words

author:Qianfan said
After retirement, the top way to live, 3 words

Recently, I saw a post on Weibo that made people feel very warm.

The family went on a trip and found that the child's documents had expired, so the mother had to take the child home.

As a result, everyone's luggage was checked in the name of their mother, resulting in everyone arriving at the destination and finding that they could not get their luggage.

But the family didn't complain and blame because of this, didn't get the luggage, and still went to play happily.

After this incident was posted on Weibo, it caused many netizens to comment, and everyone was very envious of such a relaxed family.

For a time, the sense of relaxation has become a state of life that everyone envies.

After many years of work, relaxation is also a strange and luxurious state for me, and the whole person has been bound by anxiety and busyness for a long time.

In my opinion, being able to live a relaxed life is the best way to live after retirement.

After retirement, the top way to live, 3 words


People who have a sense of relaxation are able to live fully in the moment

A person with a sense of relaxation means that the whole person is in a state of relaxation and calm, without anxiety, without stress, and can fully enjoy every process of the moment.

In daily life, we can truly let go of anxiety, taste every meal carefully, experience the warmth of every bit of life around us, and feel the moisture of sunshine and rain.

Only then can you really enter life and feel the richness and colorfulness of ordinary days.


People who have a sense of relaxation and dare to accept the challenges of life

People who have a sense of relaxation, are secure at heart and are not afraid of losing anything, which leads them to be willing to take on challenges more.

For them, failure is nothing, at most they start all over again.

But from failure, you can learn more useful knowledge and grow faster.

And those who are afraid to face challenges tend to have a narrower and narrower path in life.


People who have a sense of relaxation are more emotionally stable

People with a sense of relaxation tend not to have internal friction, they will not suffer from gains and losses when facing things, and their emotions are more stable.

They are not bothered by the mistakes and failures of the past, know that everyone has their own limitations, and accept the imperfections of life.

In the face of challenges and pressures, be able to treat others with a tolerant and understanding mindset, without falling into anxiety and depression.

Instead, calmly analyze the problem and solve the problem.


People who have a sense of relaxation allow everything to happen in life

People with a sense of relaxation understand that there are many things in life that they cannot control.

They allow everything to happen, allow themselves to work hard without results; Allow for the unexpected to come to life; Allow others to be different from yourself, don't force it, don't change it.

Do your best for what you can change, and go with the flow for what you can't change.

Look down, look away, let the heart always remain calm and peaceful.

After retirement, the top way to live, 3 words

If you're in a state of anxiety right now, try to relax and tell yourself that it's nothing and that it's okay to do what you are doing.

When you feel incompetent and frustrated, tell yourself that everyone is not perfect.

Give yourself a hug, accept yourself calmly, don't be anxious, don't get entangled, and be a happy self.

No matter how noisy the world is, you are still comfortable, calm, and unhurried. #退休后的人生重要的是什么? #