
Buying a car in the countryside is good!

author:Wushan Melting

A few days ago, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other five departments issued a notice to jointly organize and carry out the 2024 new energy vehicle to the countryside activities. It is reported that the event will be held from May to December 2024, and the activities include centralized exhibitions, test rides, test drives, etc., and a total of 99 models have been selected into the catalog.

Industry insiders believe that the activities of new energy vehicles to the countryside are of great significance. With the continuous expansion of the influence of the event, the new energy vehicle market has further sunk, which has effectively driven the construction of marketing service network and charging infrastructure. At the same time, new energy vehicles meet the needs of rural consumers, and the market potential is huge, which will have a positive impact on the auto market.

Buying a car in the countryside is good!

Data map: New energy vehicles go to the countryside. Photo by Lin Xin


99 models were included in the catalog

The notice requires that new energy vehicle models suitable for the rural market, with good reputation and reliable quality, be selected to carry out centralized exhibitions, test rides and test drives and other activities to enrich the consumer experience and provide diversified choices.

Zhongxin Finance noted that among the 99 models selected for the new energy vehicle activity catalogue this time, manufacturers include independent car companies such as BYD and Geely, as well as new forces such as Xiaopeng and Cialis, as well as joint venture brands such as FAW-Volkswagen and Dongfeng Honda; The range of vehicles covered is also from sedans, SUVs, MPVs to pickup trucks.

"Most of the above-mentioned models have the characteristics of large space and low price, which are in line with the purchasing power of the sinking market." Zhang Xiang, a researcher at the Automotive Industry Innovation Research Center of North China University of Technology and director of the Vodaf Digital Vehicle International Cooperation Research Center, told reporters that rural consumers have a higher demand for vehicle space, usually carry more passengers, and occasionally install some production tools; Relatively speaking, their requirements for automotive interiors and intelligence may be lower.

"In addition, most rural areas have the conditions of exclusive independent hospitals, have their own parking spaces to park, if you can use 220V sockets to charge, consumers no longer have to worry about charging anxiety, the catalog should be based on this scene, selected part of the model." Zhang Xiang said.

Buying a car in the countryside is good!

At the FAW-Volkswagen South China production base in Foshan, Guangdong, workers are busy on the production line. Courtesy of the company


The market potential may exceed 3 million units

The notice mentioned that the activity was carried out in a combination of "on-site + cloud". The "offline" activities are carried out through a combination of typical county-level special activities and characteristic activities in surrounding towns and villages. "Online" activities mainly include online exhibitions and sales, live broadcast interactions, etc., which are carried out through e-commerce and Internet platforms in conjunction with offline activities.

Zhongxin Finance learned from the relevant person in charge of the China Automobile Association that since 2020, the activities of new energy vehicles in the countryside have achieved positive results. According to statistics, in 2023, the new energy vehicle to the countryside activity has been actively supported by 28 vehicle companies, and a total of 69 new energy models have been selected for the event list throughout the year, with a total sales volume of 3.2087 million models, a year-on-year increase of more than 1.23 times, a significant increase.

The notice requires that in 2024, the activities of new energy vehicles going to the countryside will be further sunk to the county level, and a number of special activities will be held in a number of typical county cities with a low proportion of new energy vehicles and large future market potential; With this as the center, it radiates the surrounding towns and towns, and carries out a number of characteristic activities in combination with the actual situation of the region to form a "1+N" activity layout.

Zhang Xiang believes that the promotion of the county will have a more obvious effect on the sales of new energy vehicles. At present, new energy vehicles are basically saturated in large cities such as the first and second tiers, and the number is very small in small cities and rural areas, and the market potential is large. Therefore, the promotion of new energy vehicles in the sinking market is likely to reap better results than expected.

"The contribution of new energy vehicles to the countryside to the entire auto market can reach about 10%." Zhang Xiang said that according to the scale of 30 million new car sales last year, the market potential brought by the event may exceed 3 million.

Buying a car in the countryside is good!

Data map: 2024 (18th) Beijing International Automobile Exhibition. Photo by China News Service reporter Yi Haifei


Escort new energy to the countryside

The notice proposes to encourage all new energy vehicle manufacturers, sales enterprises, financial institutions, charging and swapping facility enterprises, sales and after-sales service enterprises to actively participate, and formulate promotional plans in combination with support policies such as trade-in and county-level charging and swapping facilities to make up for shortcomings, and establish and improve the after-sales service system.

Zhang Xiang believes that the construction of charging piles is also a key task to support new energy vehicles in the countryside. Although household 220V can solve part of the energy replenishment problem, the charging speed is far from that of charging piles. Accelerating infrastructure construction can solve the worries of rural consumers about buying new energy vehicles, and sales can be further improved.

"The rural activities have effectively driven the construction of new energy vehicle marketing service network and charging infrastructure, and improved the experience of using new energy vehicles in rural areas." According to statistics, 119,700 new county-level charging facilities will be added in 2023, with a year-on-year increase of 73.9% and a year-on-year increase of 74.17%.

In the view of Fu Bingfeng, executive vice president and secretary general of the China Automobile Association, in addition to publicizing and popularizing new energy vehicles, promoting enterprises to develop models suitable for rural consumers, and driving the construction of marketing service networks and charging infrastructure, new energy vehicles in the countryside also have important strategic significance in stimulating domestic demand, helping rural green development, and solving employment problems.

Attachment: 2024 new energy vehicle model catalog in the countryside

Buying a car in the countryside is good!
Buying a car in the countryside is good!
Buying a car in the countryside is good!
Buying a car in the countryside is good!

Source: China News Network