
It's hard to go back to home" and "It's hard to get out of the door...... What is the difficulty of parking in the community?

author:Wushan Melting

I can't find a parking space for half an hour when I go home at night, and I have to move the car for half a day when I go out in the morning...... In many communities where parking spaces are tight, especially in old communities, "it is difficult to return to a home" and "it is difficult to get out" are problems that residents have to face. How to plan the parking spaces in the community of "one radish and one pit" is a test of the governance level of grassroots managers.

Sun Huanhuan, Secretary of the General Party Branch of the Martyrs' Tower Community, Pukou District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province:

To alleviate the problem of parking difficulties, the community must first do a good job of research and find out the actual situation. For example, how many owners in the community need to park? Is there a situation where the parking vehicles occupy a place in the community at night? What are the scattered corners where parking can be allocated? Wait, these situations are clear, and then we can deal with them.

First of all, you can make full use of the idle land in and around the community to expand the increment of parking spaces. Phoenix Garden Community is an old community in the Martyrs' Tower community, through accurate measurement and readjustment, the community "cut" out 24 parking spaces from the corners. The land to be transferred, the space under the bridge, and the land for the ongoing demolition project are also potential targets for the development of parking spaces. Our community has experienced a demolition, after the demolition of the land to be transferred has not been used, we in line with the principle of "can be used for a day is a day", sorted out and developed more than 300 parking spaces, greatly alleviating the surrounding old community, along the street shop parking problem.

Second, it is necessary to strengthen fine management. Some elderly people buy parking spaces just for the convenience of their children coming back to visit relatives, and they rarely use them in ordinary times. We negotiated with them to arrange a shared parking space and give some compensation to improve the efficiency of the use of the parking space. At the same time, a blacklist system will be established to prevent the occurrence of "parking ladies" for vehicles that are parked overtime and do not drive away after contacting them.

We also found that there are many commercial complexes around many communities, and parking spaces are often vacant at night, which can just give some convenience to the owners of the community. By enlisting foreign aid and signing a parking management agreement, it can also help some owners in the community to enter the commercial space for parking.

Gao Shun, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Tuanshan Community, Lishui District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province:

One of the keys to solving the parking difficulties in old communities is to improve the utilization efficiency of existing parking resources. We have alleviated the parking problems that have plagued residents for a long time by formulating and improving community parking regulations, scientifically dividing parking spaces, and strengthening morning and evening peak parking guidance.

Take the Skyworth Jiayuan community in the Tuanshan community as an example. There are about 720 motor vehicles in the community, but there are only 340 parking spaces, and nearly half of the residents' parking needs are not met. What to do? On the basis of full investigation, we used the "whistle-blowing report" mechanism to integrate the forces of the District Real Estate Bureau, Urban Management Bureau, Traffic Police Brigade and other forces, and convened a joint meeting of property management, resident representatives and relevant departments to hold a joint meeting on party building, and formulated a plan of "internal promotion + external sharing".

The so-called "internal improvement" focuses on the optimal allocation and efficient use of community space. For example, fine-tune the roads and green areas of the community to optimize the driving routes of the community; Use small and micro plots and corner plots to add temporary parking spaces; Clean up the zombie cars that have been parked for a long time, and solve the situation of private ground locks and sundries encroaching on public parking spaces. The so-called "external sharing" refers to digging deep into the parking space resources of roads, shops and enterprises outside the community, making up for the lack of parking spaces within the community, and realizing "on-demand distribution and paid sharing".

It's hard to go back to home" and "It's hard to get out of the door...... What is the difficulty of parking in the community?

The vehicle was parked in an orderly manner in the residential area Photographed by Wang Quanchao

Jiang Yuxian, Secretary of the Party Committee of the New House Community, Chaoyang Street, Beibei District, Chongqing:

More and more residents are buying cars, and the conflicts caused by parking difficulties are also increasing, and sometimes residents call in the middle of the night to complain. This is a problem that must be addressed. We set up a self-management service committee composed of residents' representatives, and the two community committees, together with the members of the "self-management committee", held a residents' meeting, and decided to renovate the parking facilities in a way that "residents contribute a part and the activity funds contribute a part". Only $10 per household.

There are many residents in the community, and there will always be different voices, and it is most important to explain and resolve the knots. Some residents are not satisfied with the planning of parking spaces, some have doubts about the charging standards, and some have opinions on the operation of the "self-management committee". We collect residents' opinions and suggestions in a timely manner, adjust and optimize the plan, and do a good job of explaining and communicating.

When parking spaces are built, they must be managed well. To this end, the members of the "self-management committee" actively integrate into the community grid governance system, and conduct fixed-point inspections with full-time grid staff every day to deal with problems such as "zombie cars" occupying parking spaces for a long time, parking indiscriminately and obstructing roads. In addition, the finance department of the "self-management committee" publicizes the fees collected on a quarterly basis to achieve transparency in the accounts.

Sun Weiqiong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhongbo Community, Zhongzhou Street, Zhongxian County, Chongqing:

The 6 residential communities under the jurisdiction of Zhongbo Community have been put into use for more than 10 years. Due to the lack of foresight, except for a few communities with very few parking spaces, most communities do not have parking spaces. Some communities are equipped with less than 20 parking spaces, but there are more than 100 cars that need to be parked for a long time. In particular, before the Spring Festival, the number of vehicles returning to their hometowns increased sharply, and it was difficult for pedestrians to walk an inch.

Because of the parking problem, the owner and the property company have repeatedly contradicted, and some communities have replaced 4 property companies. Community officials often have to mediate disputes over parking on the spot. It is not uncommon for vehicles to be parked indiscriminately and green spaces run over and damage pipelines, and in the thirties of the Chinese New Year's Eve, we also cleaned up the spilled manure for this purpose.

In response to this problem, some full-time grid members suggested to the community party committee to optimize and adjust the green space in the community and expand the parking space. After fully soliciting the opinions of residents, the community party committee raised funds from various sources, and the grid members went door-to-door to do work and mobilize residents to donate money and work. At present, more than 800 parking spaces have been expanded in 6 communities, and the parking problem has been well solved. Conflicts and disputes caused by parking difficulties have been greatly reduced, and the relationship between residents and property management companies has become more harmonious.

Wang Xueyan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Tong'an Road Community, Shibei District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province:

In recent years, the community has focused on the problem of parking difficulties in closed communities. Xiangshanyuan community is a closed community, with more than 500 vehicles, but only 120 parking spaces, before 2018, the community adopted a rental parking model, far from meeting the needs of the owners. In the case of "more monks and less porridge", how to recycle the parking space? We explore the "shared parking" model. The community is uniformly equipped with all 120 parking spaces, allowing each household to file two or three cars, but each household can only park one car in the community every day, charging 4 cents per hour. When the parking space in the community is vacant, foreign vehicles can also enter, but it costs 4 yuan an hour. Now the mode is on the right track, effectively alleviating the problem of parking difficulties.

It's hard to go back to home" and "It's hard to get out of the door...... What is the difficulty of parking in the community?

A community parking lot Photo by Chen Zeguo

Zhang Jin, Chief of the Public Facilities Construction Section of the Municipal Public Utility Center of Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Shandong Province:

To solve the problem of parking difficulties in old residential areas, the problem is mainly solved from the two paths of "internal potential" and "external addition". Internal tapping potential is to optimize the functional layout of the public area of the community and change new parking spaces during the renovation of the old community. Last year, Qingdao added more than 7,600 parking spaces through the renovation of old residential areas. External addition, mainly the construction of the external public parking lot of the community, increase the number of public parking spaces. In the past two years, we have built 65 public parking lots in key areas such as old towns and old communities, with 16,600 new parking spaces.

In recent years, we have also combined special parking planning and urban physical examination to analyze the parking situation in the old city, old community, schools, hospitals, key scenic spots and other areas, and find out the real parking difficulties. What is "really hard to park"? Some old communities seem to have few parking spaces, but there are many elderly people in the community, and the parking demand is not large; Some communities are located in school districts, and there are many young people, and the demand for night parking is especially great. Therefore, we have prioritized the construction of public parking lots in these areas to solve the gap in basic parking spaces.

Various districts in Qingdao are also actively exploring new models for the construction of parking spaces. For example, Shibei District innovated the "corner land +" model, which converted the shed to be developed into vacated land and temporarily built it as a plane or mechanical parking lot, and then dismantled it in time when the plot was developed, and the machinery could be recycled. We have also made use of the existing civil air defense facilities in Qingdao's old city to renovate the parking lot to achieve a combination of peacetime and wartime.

Chen Jie, Director of the Party Construction Office of Yijia Street, Qiaokou District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province:

Yijia Street is located on the border of Qiaokou District and other districts, and the ownership of some infrastructure construction and management is inconsistent, making it inconvenient to coordinate and manage across districts. Some communities are urban village reconstruction and construction communities, and residents are still built from various streets in the district, and the personnel structure is relatively more complex, and due to the large flow of people and vehicles from outside, the problem of disorderly parking is further exacerbated. Many of these communities have only been formed in the past two years, and the strength to mobilize and rally the masses is not strong enough, and the residents' sense of autonomy is not high enough. This also increases the difficulty of parking governance.

Leading community autonomy with party building, giving full play to residents' own governance strength, and actively striving for external support is a breakthrough in solving problems. In Zhuyehai Community, the grassroots cadres reintegrated the parking area and divided it into two parts: parking spaces for residents and temporary parking spaces in the community, so as to realize the separation of parking areas on the demand side and take into account a variety of parking needs. At the same time, the property security force, community propaganda force and community veterans were mobilized to form a "Smurf" volunteer service team to inspect and solve the problem of disorderly parking.

The street cooperates with the surrounding business districts to implement the "tidal parking space" project to alleviate the parking problem of residents after work; Negotiate with the Municipal Public Transport Group to introduce bus stations into the entrances and exits of some communities, and open special bus lines to meet the commuting needs of residents and reduce private car travel.

Source: Half Moon Talk