
Blood sugar exceeded, head prophet? There are 5 symptoms in the head, and the warning is that the blood sugar is exceeded

author:99 Health Net

Abnormally elevated blood sugar levels are an important indicator of diabetes, a chronic disease whose complications can be felt throughout the body.

It is important to note that when blood sugar exceeds the standard, there may be some symptoms in the head, providing us with an early warning. Here are five symptoms associated with excessive blood sugar in the head that should be taken into account if found.

Blood sugar exceeded, head prophet? There are 5 symptoms in the head, and the warning is that the blood sugar is exceeded

What are the causes of elevated blood sugar

1. Improper diet:

A high-sugar, high-fat, high-calorie diet can lead to a rise in blood sugar. Excessive sugar and carbohydrate intake can quickly raise blood sugar levels, especially refined sugar and refined carbohydrate intake.

2. Lack of exercise:

Exercise helps to increase the body's sensitivity to insulin, promotes the utilization of glucose, and lowers blood sugar. Lack of exercise can lead to an increase in blood sugar because the body is unable to use glucose in the blood efficiently.

3. Obesity and overweight:

Obesity and overweight increase the body's need for insulin, leading to insulin resistance, which can lead to a rise in blood sugar. Adipose tissue releases some inflammatory substances that further affect the stability of blood sugar.

4. Genetic factors:

Genetic factors play an important role in the development of diabetes. If you have diabetes in your family, you have a correspondingly increased risk of developing diabetes.

5. Stress and pressure:

Stress and stress cause the body to secrete large amounts of stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, which can raise blood sugar.

At the same time, stress and stress may also affect a person's diet and exercise habits, further aggravating the rise in blood sugar.

Blood sugar exceeded, head prophet? There are 5 symptoms in the head, and the warning is that the blood sugar is exceeded

There are 5 symptoms on the head

It may be that your blood sugar is exceeded

1. Blurred vision

Blurred vision is one of the common symptoms of excessive blood sugar. High blood sugar can cause the lens of the eye to swell, changing its shape, which can affect vision.

In addition, long-term hyperglycemia may damage retinal blood vessels, causing diabetic retinopathy and further affecting vision.

2. Headache

Headaches can be another symptom of excessive blood sugar. High blood sugar causes blood vessels to constrict, affecting blood flow, which can lead to headaches.

In addition, hyperglycemia may cause vascular lesions in the brain, which can further worsen headache symptoms.

3. Dizziness

Vertigo is also a symptom that can occur when blood sugar is exceeded. High blood sugar can affect blood circulation in the inner ear, leading to inner ear dysfunction, which can cause vertigo.

In addition, long-term high blood sugar may also damage nerves, affect the body's sense of balance, and further aggravate vertigo symptoms.

4. Dry mouth

High blood sugar causes the body to lose more water because the kidneys need to work harder to filter sugar from the blood, which leads to more urine production.

Dry mouth can be a sign of dehydration, which in turn can be the result of poor blood sugar control.

5. Oral problems

Oral problems, such as bleeding gums and periodontitis, can also be a symptom of excessive blood sugar. High blood sugar can lower immunity and allow bacteria to grow in the mouth, which can increase the risk of oral problems.

In addition, long-term high blood sugar may also affect the healing of oral wounds, making oral problems more severe.

Blood sugar exceeded, head prophet? There are 5 symptoms in the head, and the warning is that the blood sugar is exceeded

How to control blood sugar scientifically

1. Eat a balanced diet:

Choosing low GI (glycemic index) foods, such as whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits, can help stabilize blood sugar. Limit your intake of high-sugar, high-fat foods and choose lean meats, fish, and healthy sources of fats, such as olive oil and nuts.

2. Control the number and amount of meals:

Eating in portions can help reduce the production of blood sugar spikes. Eating small amounts several times a day can help stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce the need for insulin.

3. Regular exercise:

Regular physical activity can help improve cellular utilization of glucose, promote blood sugar degradation, and increase insulin sensitivity. Aim for at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling.

Blood sugar exceeded, head prophet? There are 5 symptoms in the head, and the warning is that the blood sugar is exceeded

4, Maintain Healthy Weight:

Obesity is one of the important risk factors for diabetes. By controlling your diet, exercising regularly, and getting a good night's sleep, maintaining a healthy weight can reduce your risk of diabetes and help stabilize your blood sugar levels.

5. Monitor blood sugar regularly:

For people who already have diabetes or prediabetes, it is very important to monitor blood sugar regularly. Follow your doctor's advice to keep track of your blood sugar levels and adjust your diet and exercise plan in time to ensure your blood sugar is within a reasonable range.

6. Avoid stress:

Long-term stress can lead to hormone imbalances in the body, affecting blood sugar levels. Learning ways to cope with stress, such as relaxation training, meditation and regular sleep, can help reduce stress levels and keep your blood sugar stable.