
Patients with high uric acid, don't do 3 more things before going to bed, and be careful that gout comes to the door

author:99 Health Net

Gout, an inflammatory disease of the joints due to a disorder of uric acid metabolism, causes great suffering to patients. Elevated uric acid levels are often closely related to lifestyle habits.

For people with high uric acid, some behaviors before bed may exacerbate the accumulation of uric acid, thereby increasing the risk of gout attacks, and should be avoided as much as possible.

Patients with high uric acid, don't do 3 more things before going to bed, and be careful that gout comes to the door

What are the causes of elevated blood sugar

1. Gout attack:

When uric acid accumulates too much in the body, uric acid crystals are formed, which accumulate in the joints and cause gouty arthritis, resulting in severe pain, redness, swelling, fever and other symptoms.

2. Urinary tract stones:

High uric acid can easily lead to the deposition of urate crystals in the urinary tract, forming urinary tract stones. These stones can block the urinary tract and cause serious complications such as urinary tract infections and kidney colic.

3. Kidney damage:

Long-term high uric acid levels can increase the burden on the kidneys, leading to damage to the glomeruli and renal tubules, which in turn affects kidney function. In severe cases, kidney failure may occur.

4. Cardiovascular diseases:

High uric acid is closely related to the occurrence and progression of cardiovascular diseases. Uric acid can cause endothelial cell damage and vascular inflammation, promote the formation of atherosclerosis, and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

5. Metabolic syndrome and diabetes:

There is a strong association between high uric acid and metabolic syndrome and diabetes. High uric acid may lead to insulin resistance, worsening insulin insufficiency, which in turn promotes the development of diabetes.

6. Arthritis and joint injury:

In addition to gout, high uric acid can trigger non-gouty arthritis, which can cause joint pain, swelling, and limited movement.

Long-term high uric acid can also accelerate the deterioration of articular cartilage, increasing the risk of arthritis and joint damage.

Patients with high uric acid, don't do 3 more things before going to bed, and be careful that gout comes to the door

Patients with hyperuric acid

Don't do these 3 things before bed

1. Avoid alcohol

Alcohol consumption is one of the main causes of elevated uric acid levels. Alcohol interferes with the liver's uric acid metabolism process, allowing uric acid to accumulate in the body.

In particular, drinking alcohol before going to bed will affect the quality of sleep, and at the same time increase the burden of uric acid production and excretion, which can easily lead to an increase in uric acid concentration and increase the risk of gout attacks.

2. Avoid eating high-purine foods

High-purine foods such as meat, seafood, beans, etc. contain high purines, and excessive intake will increase the production of uric acid and aggravate the symptoms of high uric acid.

Avoiding too many high-purine foods before bed can help control elevated uric acid levels and reduce the risk of gout.

3. Avoid staying up late

Staying up late will affect the body's metabolic function, resulting in a decrease in uric acid excretion ability, which is easy to accumulate uric acid in the body.

Especially at night, the body's metabolic level is lower and the efficiency of excreting uric acid is lower, so the uric acid concentration tends to rise.

Getting enough sleep before bed can help keep your uric acid levels stable.

Patients with high uric acid, don't do 3 more things before going to bed, and be careful that gout comes to the door

How to lower uric acid levels through diet

1. Limit high-purine foods:

Reduce your intake of high-purine foods such as red meat, seafood, and organ meats, as these foods break down to produce uric acid.

2. Increase fruit and vegetable intake:

The alkaline components in fruits and vegetables aid in the excretion of uric acid and are rich in vitamins and fiber, which are beneficial for health.

3. Choose whole grains:

Whole grains are high in fiber, which helps lower uric acid levels while providing essential carbohydrates and energy.

4. Maintain sufficient moisture:

Drinking plenty of water can increase urine excretion, help uric acid be excreted from the body, and reduce the accumulation of uric acid in the body.

5. Limit alcohol and sugar intake:

Alcohol and sugar increase uric acid production and interfere with uric acid excretion, so alcohol and sugar intake should be limited.