
How is a mega community governed? The Yangpu industry committee handed over the answer sheet

author:Yangpu, Shanghai

There is a mega community of 4,665 households along Songhuajiang Road, consisting of Yanji No. 4 Village, Yanji No. 5 Village, and Yanji No. 6 Village. In order to meet the different needs of community residents, the Yanji 217 Neighborhood Business Committee has set up two business committees for differentiated governance.

Under the joint efforts of the "troika" of the street, by continuously promoting the standardized construction of the business committee and empowering the grassroots governance, the high-rise residents have realized the barrier-free quality life of "elevator to the top" and "ramp to the ground"; Multi-storey residents no longer "fly line charging", and live an ideal life where they can enjoy flowers and walk downstairs. Today, this mega-community has gathered the spirit of good-neighborliness through a high degree of autonomy, allowing the people to realize a new life of good-neighborliness with quality, warmth, and vitality.

The credibility of self-government has risen, and community problems have been dissolved

"It's so convenient, I used to have to go around Songhuajiang Road to walk into the community, but now I can enter directly from this ramp, which is really a great thing for our people," said Grandma Wang, who came back from shopping for vegetables. Due to historical reasons, residents of high-rise buildings need to walk 8 steps to reach the elevator entrance, and residents' daily life is "stuck" on these 8 steps.

How is a mega community governed? The Yangpu industry committee handed over the answer sheet

"There are many elderly and disabled people managed by our Yanji 217 Neighborhood Owners Committee, and helping everyone to achieve a barrier-free life is also one of the important tasks of our Owners Committee," said the relevant person in charge of the Yanji 217 Neighborhood Owners Committee. ”

How is a mega community governed? The Yangpu industry committee handed over the answer sheet

In order to make these 8 steps no longer become a "roadblock" for residents to travel, the two committees of Yanji Qicun Residential District, together with the relevant functional departments of the street, the community housekeeper, the property committee, the property management company, and the residents' representatives, jointly discussed and built a ramp by "breaking the wall along the street", and named it "Good Neighbor Ramp". With the opening of the Good Neighbor Ramp, the elderly and disabled people in the building no longer have to worry about 8 steps. Today, this ramp has become a convenient ramp for residents to travel, and a good-neighborly and friendly ramp.

How is a mega community governed? The Yangpu industry committee handed over the answer sheet

For high-rise residents, elevators are an important tool for daily travel. The elevator has not been updated for nearly 30 years, and it usually breaks down, which worries many residents. After listening to the opinions of the owners, all the high-rise elevators in the community were replaced. In view of the fact that the original elevator in some buildings was only installed on the 11th floor (12 floors in total), and the residents on the top floor could only walk upstairs, the floors were upgraded together, and the residents on the 12th floor realized "one-click home".

How is a mega community governed? The Yangpu industry committee handed over the answer sheet

The problems can be solved one by one, which is inseparable from the learning spirit of the members of the business committee. We not only actively participate in the business training and study of the business committee organized by the neighborhood, but also carry out a joint meeting of the neighborhood committee, property management and the property committee once a month to discuss the work of this month, analyze the new reasonable requirements put forward by the owners, and arrange and implement the work of the next month.

"In the past few years, our business committee has also established a file system, which is managed by a special person, and can withstand the audit and inspection of the tax department, the bank and the higher-level special leaders." The transparent and open construction of the business committee system has made the credibility of this business committee in the hearts of residents continue to rise, and the neighborhood conflicts that were difficult to coordinate in the past have also been continuously dismantled.

How is a mega community governed? The Yangpu industry committee handed over the answer sheet

Underground garage renovation, "three-in-one" system,

It is no longer difficult for residents to charge and park

In many old communities, battery car flying line charging is a stubborn disease and one of the sources of fire safety hazards. With the start of the "Beautiful Home" renovation project in Yanji 217 neighborhood, the pothole pavement has been repaired, the tables, chairs and fitness equipment in the community garden have been replaced and maintained, the greening has been re-pruned and maintained, and it is imperative to rectify the "flying line charging".

How is a mega community governed? The Yangpu industry committee handed over the answer sheet
How is a mega community governed? The Yangpu industry committee handed over the answer sheet

"The community environment is getting better and better, and the residents' awareness of caring for their homes is also stronger." The relevant person in charge of the Yanji Xincun Street Autonomous Office said that the rectification of "flying wire charging" requires collective efforts, and residents with strong safety awareness will effectively drive the old way of life of "flying wire charging" will be gradually abandoned.

Under the guidance of the street, the property committee and the residents jointly planned to carry out the functional transformation of the underground garage in the community, so that the battery car could be charged centrally. At the same time, charging piles are also installed in the ground parking area to solve the problem of charging difficulties for some residents and greatly reduce the problem of "flying wire charging".

How is a mega community governed? The Yangpu industry committee handed over the answer sheet
How is a mega community governed? The Yangpu industry committee handed over the answer sheet

As a super-large old community, the parking spaces of motor vehicles in the community are becoming increasingly tight, and the owners often bump into each other due to parking problems, and conflicts between neighbors are frequent. The relevant person in charge of the business committee said.

The Owners Committee listened carefully to the opinions of the owners and held many meetings, and finally made a major decision: to cancel all the original registered vehicles, re-register the measures, and classify the children and other immediate family members in the way of "three certificates in one", which is basically divided into three categories: long-term parking, family car, and temporary parking. After several months of registration, the elimination of non-compliant vehicles, the problem of parking difficulties has been alleviated, but still can not completely solve the problem of parking difficulties, the "troika" once again discussed to listen to the opinions of residents, learn from the good practices of other communities, and decided to change part of the lawn to a flat lawn, without reducing the lawn area to facilitate the parking of some vehicles.

How is a mega community governed? The Yangpu industry committee handed over the answer sheet

The good-neighborly homeland in the new era is inseparable from the high degree of autonomy of the residents. Under the effective organization of the Yanji 217 Neighborhood Business Committee, the residents boldly "brainstormed" and implemented it step by step, so as to go to a better life together.

Text/Image: Shen Ying

Editor: Xi Yuxuan

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Yangpu


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