
Parent-child families go into nature and have a "treasure hunting trip" of Chinese herbal medicine

author:Yangpu, Shanghai

On the eve of the International Day of Families on May 15, the Good Neighbor Center of Zhengli No. 2 Community of Xinjiangwan City Sub-district held the activity of "Fragrant Education in Xinjiangwan, Health with Me". Under the leadership of Chinese herbal medicine experts and volunteers, more than 10 groups of parent-child families launched a "treasure hunting trip" of Chinese herbal medicine in Xinjiangwan Wetland.

Although the weather was slightly cloudy and rainy that day, it did not stop the children's enthusiasm for exploring nature. In the wetlands, you can find a variety of plants such as echinacea, brocade flower, white-flowered clover, and P. falsaceus, which are not only a food source for birds, but also have unique medicinal properties.

Parent-child families go into nature and have a "treasure hunting trip" of Chinese herbal medicine

Through interactive games and treasure hunts, family members learn how to identify herbs that can prevent colds, improve sleep or refresh the mind as they walk along the edge of the wetland. At each treasure hunt site, volunteers explain the medical benefits of various herbs, such as echinacea for swelling and stasis, and cinchona for trauma treatment.

Parent-child families go into nature and have a "treasure hunting trip" of Chinese herbal medicine
Parent-child families go into nature and have a "treasure hunting trip" of Chinese herbal medicine

After completing the treasure hunt, the parent-child family not only increased their knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine culture, but also obtained incense plaques and incense pieces that matched their constellations or zodiac signs as souvenirs. These creative rewards add to the fun and engagement of the event, allowing each participating family to leave with a rewarding finish.

Parent-child families go into nature and have a "treasure hunting trip" of Chinese herbal medicine

This event not only strengthened the emotional connection between family members, but also deepened everyone's understanding and respect for traditional Chinese medicine culture. The relevant person in charge of the Zhengli No. 2 Community Good Neighbor Center said that he hoped that through such outdoor activities, family members could enjoy the beauty of nature together and grasp the precious parent-child time.

Text: Mao Xinhui

Image: Mei Kai

Editor: Xi Yuxuan

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Yangpu

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