
She was a princess who had been married 7 times, and she died at the age of 33

author:Ash laughs about the past and the present

Yehnara Bushia Mara. I've heard of "a laugh in the city", but have you ever heard of "a cry is amazing"? The newborn cry of Busia Mara made the wizard predict that she would die! This beautiful and powerful princess is unique in history to marry seven times, and by the age of 33, she was still a perfect person.

She was a princess who had been married 7 times, and she died at the age of 33

In the early Qing Dynasty, there was such a princess named Yehnara Bushia Mara, and her fate can be described as legendary. Bushia Mara is not only the first beauty of the Jurchen tribe, but also an ill-fated princess. Her story is full of historical dust and mystery, which has aroused the curiosity of countless people.

In 1582, Bushia Mara was born into a prominent family in Jilin, where her father was the head of the Yehebu. She was a sensation at birth, as her first cry was so unusual that it shook the entire tribe. This cry not only attracted the attention of the villagers, but also attracted a sorcerer in particular. The sorcerer had come to bless him, but when he saw the baby, his face changed and he left a prophecy: "This woman can also do the world or die in the world", and then mysteriously disappeared. This sentence was like a bombshell, and it made the whole tribe feel uneasy.

As time passed, Busiyamara grew up, and her beauty was so beautiful that countless warriors fell in love with her, and even the tribes from afar came to visit her. But her beauty seems to have become a curse for her. Her father, fearing for her fate, severely restricted her movements and tried to protect her from outside influences.

She was a princess who had been married 7 times, and she died at the age of 33

The wheel of fate still keeps turning. Busia Mara's marriage became a great mystery. She married seven times, and each marriage ended in failure, which was extremely rare at the time. The failure of each marriage seems to be related to the prophecy in her, and she has always remained in good shape.

The twists and turns in this are full of too much incredibleness. It is rumored that some unusual events happen at every wedding, sometimes with the accidental death of the groom, sometimes with a sudden disaster. These events raise questions about whether there really is a supernatural force at work.

She was a princess who had been married 7 times, and she died at the age of 33

And behind this series of marriages, there is a larger historical background. That was the rise of Nurhachi. Nurhachi, who later became the Qing Dynasty Taizu, was a key figure in the historical transformation of Northeast Asia with his ambition and ambition. Born in 1559, he had a unique vision and strategy, and had a strong interest in Chinese culture since he was a child, not only proficient in Chinese, but also able to write Chinese characters well. This hero of the Jurchen tribe, who later unified the Jurchen tribes, established the Later Jin, challenged the Ming Dynasty in the south, attacked Shanhaiguan countless times, and tried to enter the Central Plains.

Nurhachi's story and Bushiyamara's fate seem to be inextricably linked. It is said that Nurhachi tried several times to marry Busiyamara, but she never complied. This beautiful princess doesn't seem to have much affection for Nurhachi, and her thoughts and goals are always a mystery.

She was a princess who had been married 7 times, and she died at the age of 33

And every marriage of Busia Mara is like a political chess game. Her beauty and identity have made her the focus of contention between various forces. Behind every marriage, there seems to be hidden political deals and power struggles. Are these marriages really motivated by love, or are they merely instruments of political marriages? This is a question that only Busia Mara herself knows.

The fate of Busia Mara also reflects the sorrow of the women of that era. Although she has a noble status and extraordinary beauty, her life is not something she can control. She was forced to become a pawn in politics and power play, and her personal will was almost completely ignored. The helplessness and sorrow of this fate was the common fate of many women in that era.

She was a princess who had been married 7 times, and she died at the age of 33

Moreover, there is an even more mysterious dimension to the story of Busia Mara. That's the legend about her "perfect body". Rumor has it that every marriage of Busia Mara was not consumed, which leads to countless speculations. Does this mean that there is some special meaning to her perfect body? Or, again, is this the protection of some unknown force?

These mysteries, which surround the life of Busia Mara, constitute a complex and varied historical picture. From her birth to her every marriage, from her beauty to her fate, every detail is imbued with historical depth and human complexity.

She was a princess who had been married 7 times, and she died at the age of 33

The story of Yehnara Bushia Mara is not only a legend about a beautiful princess, but also a profound exploration of power, destiny and human nature. Through her story, we can get a glimpse of the depths of history and feel the helplessness and tragedy of the fate of women in that era. Busiyamara's life is full of lessons and worth pondering.