
The baby is kissed, which may have 5 effects, but small actions can cause great harm

author:Eight early childcare


Hello everyone~ I'm Hachi

Kissing has become a way for countless adults to express their "like" for their babies.

Looking at the baby's delicate skin and fleshy face, many people can't help but kiss, but this is not treated by the baby, which is very harmful to the baby.

The baby is small and can't express it, and the mothers themselves should also know that they should put an end to kissing the baby, and also prevent outsiders from kissing the baby.

After all, the adult's mouth is a place where bacteria can easily grow, especially many girls have the habit of wearing lipstick, and cosmetics may also contain chemicals, which is also easy to cause harm to the baby, mothers should understand.

The baby is kissed, which may have 5 effects, but small actions can cause great harm

When a baby is kissed, it can affect in 5 ways


Causes allergic eczema

Nowadays, many girls have the habit of wearing makeup, but cosmetics also contain chemicals, which may irritate the baby's skin and cause allergies.

Baby skin is very sensitive, and it is easy to cause allergies to some chemicals, so kissing the baby is also easy to cause allergies.

The baby is kissed, which may have 5 effects, but small actions can cause great harm


Saliva rash

After kissing the baby, saliva is easy to stay on the baby's skin, and it is easy to irritate the baby's skin and cause baby eczema, which should be noted.

The appearance of saliva rash is also precarious, which has a huge impact on the baby, so mothers should also pay attention to the baby's saliva wipe to avoid the baby's saliva rash, which should still be paid attention to, mothers should not be negligent.

The baby is kissed, which may have 5 effects, but small actions can cause great harm


Spread of bacteria and viruses

The oral cavity is a breeding place for bacteria, and it is also easy to get infected by bacteria and viruses.

Viral infection can easily lead to high fever in babies, and many babies have high fever the next day after being kissed, and even have a high fever of 39 degrees.


Oral infections

Kissing the baby's mouth is also prone to stomatitis, oral herpes, mouth ulcers, and thrush, which will also cause the baby to be emotional, not like to drink milk, and will also make the baby emotional and painful.


Respiratory tract infections

Kissing the baby is also susceptible to droplets, respiratory infections, mycoplasma and other conditions, which should also be noted.

Baby antibodies are very poor, especially for babies aged 0-1 years old, be sure to avoid kissing, especially those who like makeup and smoking, do not kiss the baby, to avoid harm to the baby.

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]