
Just born, these few days are the most difficult for my mother, and my mother must know it in her heart

author:Eight early childcare


Hello everyone~ I'm Hachi

According to the survey, many expectant mothers have done their homework on life after becoming mothers.

Many mothers know that the problems encountered by their babies in the first month of life are jaundice and sleep.

But many mothers don't know which days of the first month of the newborn baby are more difficult to bring.

The first week after birth is relatively difficult to bring, and mothers who have experienced it know that 0-7 days, and 8-30 days of babies are different, and the difference is also very obvious.

The reason why it is difficult to bring the first week of birth is mainly because of these factors, and expectant mothers should also do their homework and don't neglect it.

Just born, these few days are the most difficult for my mother, and my mother must know it in her heart


Vaccine reactions

After birth, the baby must be vaccinated, BCG and hepatitis B, when the baby obtains antibodies from vaccination, the body will also react, in addition to the discomfort of the wound, the baby may have loss of appetite, sleep disorders, and become crying.

Normally, the reaction will be relatively large within 24 hours, and after 24 hours, it will be relatively stable and normal, so affected by the vaccine, the baby is also very difficult, and the mother will be more difficult.

Just born, these few days are the most difficult for my mother, and my mother must know it in her heart


Jaundice effects

After birth, affected by jaundice, eat more and row more, the baby will also be more tormented, the mother will also be affected by jaundice, inner anxiety continues, after being discharged from the hospital, it is also frequent to take the baby to bask in the sun, and some babies are directly separated from the mother and live in the incubator.

After a week, it will usually fade on its own, and if the baby has pathological jaundice, further intervention should be required.

Just born, these few days are the most difficult for my mother, and my mother must know it in her heart


Insecurity during the adaptation period

The first week of life is also the time for the baby to adjust to himself. At this time, the baby's sense of security is relatively poor. In addition, the baby will go home after a few days in the hospital to re-adapt to the environment, which will also cause discomfort to the baby.

The day when you are born and go home will be more difficult, and it will be more difficult for the mother, who needs to saddle the baby before and after the horse, and feed the baby.


Babies sleep unfamiliarly

Before giving birth, mothers follow their own sleep rules, and after giving birth, they must follow their baby's sleep rules.

Because the mother does not have a sense of security to adapt to the baby's sleep schedule, it will lead to being very energetic during the day and unable to sleep at night, which will also make the mother feel tired.

After seven days, the baby's sense of security is established, and the sleeping mothers are more familiar, and the next period of time the mother only needs to feed the diaper, change diapers, etc., and do a good job of nursing, and the baby sleeps by himself in addition to eating.

But at the age of two months, the problem will continue to appear, the baby's real sleep problem is presented at the age of two months, but the first month of high sleep demand is not expressed, and the second month of age is obvious.

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]