
After entering the summer, remember to drink more of these 3 kinds of morning porridge, which can also cool off the heat and spend the summer comfortably

author:Foodie online

In summer, as the temperature gradually rises, people's bodies are prone to lose water and nutrients due to sweating, and they are prone to feel tired and lack of vitality.

Therefore, timely replenishment of water and nutrients has become one of the important tasks after the beginning of summer. As a food that can not only replenish water but also provide rich nutrients, drinking porridge has become one of the ideal foods chosen by many people.

Mung bean porridge

After entering the summer, remember to drink more of these 3 kinds of morning porridge, which can also cool off the heat and spend the summer comfortably

One of the ideal options to cool off in summer. Mung bean is cool, has the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat, diuresis and swelling, drinking a bowl of mung bean porridge after summer can not only quench thirst, but also clear heat and reduce fire, reduce the fire in the body.

After entering the summer, remember to drink more of these 3 kinds of morning porridge, which can also cool off the heat and spend the summer comfortably
After entering the summer, remember to drink more of these 3 kinds of morning porridge, which can also cool off the heat and spend the summer comfortably

Barley porridge

It is a good porridge for summer mornings. Barley is flat and sweet, has the effect of diluting water and reducing swelling, clearing heat and detoxifying, and is suitable for summer heat. Boiling barley into porridge and adding an appropriate amount of red dates or peanuts not only tastes sweet, but also rich in nutrients and can provide various nutrients needed by the human body.

After entering the summer, remember to drink more of these 3 kinds of morning porridge, which can also cool off the heat and spend the summer comfortably
After entering the summer, remember to drink more of these 3 kinds of morning porridge, which can also cool off the heat and spend the summer comfortably
After entering the summer, remember to drink more of these 3 kinds of morning porridge, which can also cool off the heat and spend the summer comfortably

Peanut porridge

It is a popular summer morning porridge. Peanuts have the effect of replenishing deficiency and invigorating qi, nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness, and eating peanut porridge in moderation after summer can not only nourish the body, but also relieve the fatigue caused by high temperature weather.

After entering the summer, remember to drink more of these 3 kinds of morning porridge, which can also cool off the heat and spend the summer comfortably
After entering the summer, remember to drink more of these 3 kinds of morning porridge, which can also cool off the heat and spend the summer comfortably
After entering the summer, remember to drink more of these 3 kinds of morning porridge, which can also cool off the heat and spend the summer comfortably

Morning porridge is a particularly popular breakfast option that not only helps people stay hydrated but also provides a variety of nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and various vitamins and minerals. In the summer, you can choose some special morning porridge to cool off and nourish your body.

In short, after summer, choosing a morning porridge that suits your taste and body needs can not only provide enough nutrients, but also help people cool down and keep their bodies healthy and comfortable.

Let's use these 3 kinds of morning porridge together to meet the challenges of summer and spend every beautiful day comfortably.


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