
A must-see| The base of Western cultural colonization: the Cannes Film Festival is about to start again! All kinds of black us?

author:Hu Kankan


As a grand event for filmmakers from all over the world, the Cannes Film Festival has always been one of the highest honors in the film industry. But the hidden Western cultural hegemony and prejudice against films from underdeveloped countries is obvious. Every year, filmmakers from all over the world step on this red carpet, hoping to showcase their talents and works on the international stage. But behind this red carpet, there is a shadow of cultural colonization, and there are many untold stories and controversies. The Cannes Film Festival is not only an arena for cinematic art, but also a stage for the influence and penetration of Western culture on other countries. In recent years, the Festival de Cannes has selected certain films that give the impression that it is biased, especially in its portrayal of developing countries, which tend to focus on the dark side of society. Is this choice a real judgment of film art, or is it a kind of cultural bullying? This is a question worth pondering.

A must-see| The base of Western cultural colonization: the Cannes Film Festival is about to start again! All kinds of black us?

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The Cannes Film Festival has an undoubted place in the international film scene, but its selection criteria and tendencies have always been controversial. Every year, on the red carpet, celebrities from all over the world dress up to showcase their country's cultural and cinematic achievements. However, the choice of Cannes is often surprising and puzzling.

For many years, the Festival de Cannes seemed to favor films that revealed the dark side of society and showed poverty and injustice. This bias is particularly evident in the choice of films from developing countries. For example, a Chinese documentary shortlisted at last year's Cannes Film Festival was about the hardships of the workers, and even included a plot of mixed sex. This kind of extreme case is actually extremely rare in China, but it has been unearthed by directors and shown on the international stage. After watching it, the audience couldn't help but question: Is this really a true portrayal of China? Is the choice of the Festival de Cannes deliberately amplifying these negative images in order to cater to a particular public opinion?

A must-see| The base of Western cultural colonization: the Cannes Film Festival is about to start again! All kinds of black us?

Not only that, but there are also films that deliberately depict China's ignorance and backwardness, which makes people feel that this is a great misunderstanding of a modern country. Is there a cultural condescension behind this choice? What is the starting point for the directors of these films? Is it to reveal the truth, or to cater to Cannes' selection criteria? These questions are worth pondering for every audience.

Looking at those domestic stars who have been on the Cannes red carpet for a while, their purpose is nothing more than to increase their exposure and show their international status by staying a few more minutes. However, this behavior is often chased away by security guards. What does this awkward scene reflect? Is it Cannes' disdain for stars from certain countries, or is it a potential cultural bias? Whenever a star on the red carpet is ousted, the feeling of impaired dignity is not only personal, but also a reflection of the image of the entire country.

A must-see| The base of Western cultural colonization: the Cannes Film Festival is about to start again! All kinds of black us?

In this context, many domestic stars are still proud to step on the Cannes red carpet. Why? Is it because of Cannes' influence in the international film industry, or because of a desire to be recognized? Behind all this glamour, is there a hidden psychology of cultural attachment? I am afraid that every star who pursues internationalization needs to face these problems.

In fact, the essence of the Cannes Film Festival is not only the judgment of film art, but also a kind of display and export of Western culture. Through films, Western countries not only show their own values and lifestyles, but also carry out an invisible cultural infiltration of other countries. This infiltration, sometimes mild, is sometimes overtly biased and hostile. As a powerful cultural tool, cinema has a far greater influence than people imagine.

A must-see| The base of Western cultural colonization: the Cannes Film Festival is about to start again! All kinds of black us?

Sublimation at the end

Behind the brilliance of the Cannes Film Festival is the collision and confrontation of cultures. We can't deny its role in promoting the art of film, but we must also be wary of the cultural bullying and prejudice behind it. For those stars and directors who stand on the red carpet in Cannes, they represent not only individuals, but also countries and cultures. Therefore, they need to keep a clear head, not be fooled by the halo, and not be a vassal of culture.

In the face of the international stage, we should present our culture and values as an equal and confident attitude, rather than blindly pandering to Western standards. Cultural self-confidence is the embodiment of a country's strength, and it is also the responsibility and mission of every cultural worker.

A must-see| The base of Western cultural colonization: the Cannes Film Festival is about to start again! All kinds of black us?

Cannes may never change its prejudices and selection criteria, but that doesn't stop us from showing the real and colorful China in our own way. In this era of globalization, cultural exchanges and collisions are inevitable, but we must have our own positions and voices. Only in this way can we be invincible on the international stage.

On the red carpet in Cannes, we may still choose those films that make us uncomfortable, but this does not prevent us from using real and beautiful works to change the world's perception of us. Every excellent film is a seed, and one day, it will take root in the hearts of audiences around the world.

A must-see| The base of Western cultural colonization: the Cannes Film Festival is about to start again! All kinds of black us?

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