
"The most beautiful Aunt Ying" is actually "Miss Hong Kong" and "The Last Queen of the Golden Bell", Zeng Qingyu you don't know

author:Will speak the world

Before the glory - Zeng Qingyu, the third runner-up in the Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant, has transformed into a legendary superstar of the "last Golden Bell Song Queen"!

In 1978, Zeng Qingyu, a 22-year-old beautiful girl who had just stepped into the society, bravely challenged herself and won the third runner-up of the Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant with her outstanding temperament and mature charm, which not only marked her first appearance in the entertainment industry, but also kicked off her legendary life.

The following year after winning the third runner-up of Miss Hong Kong, Zeng Qingyu officially signed a contract with TVB with the bright light of "Miss Hong Kong" and became a member of this long-established TV station. Although she could only play some inconspicuous small roles when she first entered the entertainment industry, this young girl never gave up the persistent pursuit of her dreams.

"The most beautiful Aunt Ying" is actually "Miss Hong Kong" and "The Last Queen of the Golden Bell", Zeng Qingyu you don't know

In 1979, 23-year-old Zeng Qingyu made her debut in the song and dance drama "Youth Boom" starring Huang Xingxiu, Chen Baixiang and many other celebrities, and successfully created the image of a Cambodian girl. Despite the insignificance of the role, she still impressed people with her dedicated professional performances.

In the same year, she also participated in the filming of the TV series "Struggle" starring Zhao Yazhi and Chow Yun-fat.

The turning point of fate occurred in 1982, when 26-year-old Zeng Qingyu finally ushered in the first leading role opportunity in his life, co-starring with the popular student Andy Lau in the TV series "Falcon". In the play, her superb acting skills won unanimous praise from the audience, and also made countless film and television fans look at this powerful actor.

"The most beautiful Aunt Ying" is actually "Miss Hong Kong" and "The Last Queen of the Golden Bell", Zeng Qingyu you don't know

Zeng Qingyu's dream is gradually becoming a reality, and he is only one step away from becoming famous.

A few years later, in 1985, Zeng Qingyu resolutely decided to leave TVB and devote himself to ATV, a competitor at the time. There, she not only continued her dual role as actress and presenter, but also bravely ventured into a whole new field of singing.

In 1986, she won the honor of the best singer at Taiwan's "Golden Bell Awards" with her first Chinese album "I Don't Cry", and was known as the "last Golden Bell Queen".

"The most beautiful Aunt Ying" is actually "Miss Hong Kong" and "The Last Queen of the Golden Bell", Zeng Qingyu you don't know

So far, Zeng Qingyu has become a real all-round artist of film and television songs, pushing his life to the peak.

Chapter 2: Zeng Qingyu's ups and downs during the 7 years he hosted the Taiwanese variety show "Rose Night".

In the years of Taiwan's development, Zeng Qingyu participated in the hosting of the popular variety show "Rose Night", and cooperated tacitly with his partner Peng Chacha, injecting new vitality into the show. The humorous and witty dialogue between the two on the scene often caused the audience to laugh, however, what is less known is how much hard work and sweat they put in behind the scenes.

"The most beautiful Aunt Ying" is actually "Miss Hong Kong" and "The Last Queen of the Golden Bell", Zeng Qingyu you don't know

In order to ensure that every link achieves exquisite and perfect results, Ms. Zeng Qingyu and Mr. Peng Chacha have always maintained a rigorous and serious attitude, and have repeatedly played and rehearsed before recording, and dare not slack off.

Even between the seemingly light-hearted laughter and slapstick, the two artists demand extremely strict standards for every line and every action on the spot.

Ms. Zeng Qingyu often pointed out to Mr. Peng Chacha with a serious face: "I think you can behave more naturally here, and don't be too deliberate." And Mr. Peng Chacha unabashedly pointed out directly what she needs to improve in other aspects.

"The most beautiful Aunt Ying" is actually "Miss Hong Kong" and "The Last Queen of the Golden Bell", Zeng Qingyu you don't know

This tacit cooperation in facing difficulties together and sharing glory enables them to perfectly show the essence of professionalism in the show. Even if there are occasional unexpected situations or unforeseen changes, they can quickly make eye contact, seek cooperation with each other, skillfully resolve awkward situations, and always maintain a warm and cheerful atmosphere on the scene.

It is with this unwavering spirit of solidarity that Ms. Zeng Qingyu and Mr. Peng Chacha have successfully shaped the classic unit in "Night of the Rose" - "Ghost Stories". This topic of supernatural themes undoubtedly created a precedent at the time and was deeply loved by the audience.

However, just when the popularity of the show was booming, Ms. Zeng Qingyu suddenly announced her retirement from hosting work, which caused widespread concern and speculation from all walks of life.

"The most beautiful Aunt Ying" is actually "Miss Hong Kong" and "The Last Queen of the Golden Bell", Zeng Qingyu you don't know

Some people rumored that she chose to leave because she rejected the marriage proposal of her producer boyfriend Yu Kaier, and some people said that she was poached by billionaire Ma Zhiling and was about to take up a job in the gambling industry.

However, Ms. Tsang has never given any positive response to this matter, so the real reason for her departure remains an unsolved mystery.

However, the young Zeng Qingyu did not complain about the predicament he was in, but deeply engraved every character in his heart and devoted himself to the shaping of the characters.

"The most beautiful Aunt Ying" is actually "Miss Hong Kong" and "The Last Queen of the Golden Bell", Zeng Qingyu you don't know

She always admonishes herself: "Even if you only play a trivial role, you must perform it with all your heart and try your best to make the audience remember it" It has been proved that although the scenes shown in each appearance are extremely ordinary, she can always present the role vividly, which has won unanimous praise from the director and the audience.

It is with this firm belief that Zeng Qingyu has gone all the way in the crew, gone through countless hardships, and finally became the representative of "Mrs. Bitter". At the same time, her acting skills have also reached the peak in the tempering day after day.

It wasn't until 1982 that the god of fate finally favored her, and she co-starred with the hot actor Andy Lau for the first time in the TV series "Falcon". At first, the director team was skeptical about Zeng Qingyu's ability to handle the role, because before that, she had mainly played some inconspicuous supporting roles.

"The most beautiful Aunt Ying" is actually "Miss Hong Kong" and "The Last Queen of the Golden Bell", Zeng Qingyu you don't know

However, Tsang did not disappoint, adding to the series with her superb acting skills and showcasing her unique and deep understanding of the character.

In this way, Zeng Qingyu gradually emerged in TVB, an old film and television company, and became the leading actress. Recalling the scene when the crew awarded her the "Little Flower Dan" trophy, Zeng Qingyu is still grateful.

During her six years at TVB, she gradually realized her dream with her perseverance and unswerving pursuit, and this small trophy witnessed her extraordinary life journey.

"The most beautiful Aunt Ying" is actually "Miss Hong Kong" and "The Last Queen of the Golden Bell", Zeng Qingyu you don't know

It will also be a source of motivation for her to continue on the long road ahead.

Fourth, Zeng Qingyu's determination to switch to Taiwan's development after joining ATV in 1985

In 1985, Zeng Qingyu resolutely left TVB, which made her popular, and chose to join ATV, which was known as TVB's rival at that time. For this decision, Zeng Qingyu thought about it for a long time.

"The most beautiful Aunt Ying" is actually "Miss Hong Kong" and "The Last Queen of the Golden Bell", Zeng Qingyu you don't know

As a new generation of actors in the 90s, she is eager to have a broader development space on the new stage of her career. At that time, in order to attract outstanding talents, ATV TV did not hesitate to go all out to throw an olive branch to her.

In addition to participating in TV dramas and serving as hosts, they also promised that Zeng Qingyu could try a new direction in the field of music. Faced with such a generous treatment, Zeng Qingyu did not hesitate to make this major life choice.

However, since stepping into ATV, Zeng Qingyu's singing career has not been as smooth sailing as people expected. Although she has sung the theme song for many TV series, she has rarely received praise from the audience.

"The most beautiful Aunt Ying" is actually "Miss Hong Kong" and "The Last Queen of the Golden Bell", Zeng Qingyu you don't know

Even, it was supposed to be her exclusive episode "Tomorrow Today", but it was unexpectedly cut off by the popular diva Zhen Ni at the time and recorded into her own record album, which made Zeng Qingyu feel lonely and frustrated.

In the dazed stage of career development, a sudden opportunity quietly came. Liu Jiachang, a famous musician who enjoys the reputation of "ghost talent", praised Zeng Qingyu's unique and charming voice, and he took the initiative to tailor his first solo album "I Don't Cry" for Zeng Qingyu.

It was during this low ebb period that Zeng Qingyu strengthened his belief and resolutely decided to leave Hong Kong again and go to Taiwan to seek new career development opportunities.

"The most beautiful Aunt Ying" is actually "Miss Hong Kong" and "The Last Queen of the Golden Bell", Zeng Qingyu you don't know

For Zeng Qingyu, this is not only a brave attempt to enter the unknown, but also a perseverance and persistence in the music dream. Only in this way can she display her talents and realize her self-worth on the road of film and television songs.

Part 5: Zeng Qingyu successfully interpreted the role of Yinggu in the 1983 version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Undoubtedly, Zeng Qingyu's most impressive representative work is the role of Ying Gu in the 83 version of the classic martial arts masterpiece "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". The image of the princess from Dali, Zeng Qingyu, with her superb acting skills, portrays Aunt Ying's complex and changeable character vividly, which is unforgettable.

"The most beautiful Aunt Ying" is actually "Miss Hong Kong" and "The Last Queen of the Golden Bell", Zeng Qingyu you don't know

In the plot, Aunt Ying's original name is Liu Ying, who is the favorite concubine of the prince of Dali, and is known as the "god operator" because of her intelligence. However, the prince was obsessed with martial arts and ignored Aunt Ying's beauty and affection, so that Aunt Ying could only wait alone in the deep palace, sad.

At this time, the young "old naughty boy" Zhou Botong broke into her life, and Aunt Ying began to indulge in this ethereal love.

At first, Zeng Qingyu encountered a lot of troubles when grasping the role of Yinggu. She sometimes shows the gloomy and lonely side of Aunt Ying, and sometimes reveals her desire and expectation for love, and these delicate emotional transformations require extremely high acting skills.

"The most beautiful Aunt Ying" is actually "Miss Hong Kong" and "The Last Queen of the Golden Bell", Zeng Qingyu you don't know

In order to make the character more plump and three-dimensional, she specially asked the director for advice, hoping to have a deeper understanding of Aunt Ying.

When we saw Zeng Qingyu's delicate and nuanced performance strength, we couldn't help but marvel at the colorful and lifelike image of Yinggu! Her weather-beaten eyes that shone with the light of wisdom, sometimes flashed with touching grievances, which made people feel love and pity; Sometimes there is a sinister and breathtaking weirdness that makes people shudder, as if opening a window into the inner world of Yinggu, a "god operator".

The audience was deeply impressed by her superb acting skills.

"The most beautiful Aunt Ying" is actually "Miss Hong Kong" and "The Last Queen of the Golden Bell", Zeng Qingyu you don't know

Since playing the role of Yinggu, Zeng Qingyu has gradually become familiar to the audience, and has won many praises, and is known as an actor with "outstanding acting skills". With her sincere and profound expression, she rejuvenated the characters on the screen, successfully created the image of "the most beautiful Yinggu", and also set up a clear banner for herself in the film and television industry.

Recalling that at the filming site, many people were curious about how Zeng Qingyu performed Aunt Ying so vividly and realistically. However, she just smiled mysteriously and replied, "That's my secret."

Perhaps, only by devoting oneself to the character and having a deep understanding and grasp of the character can we achieve such a state.

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