
"China's No. 1 Widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and was alone at the age of 69

author:Will speak the world

1. In his later years, he lived alone and pursued the past and gradually went deeper into the maze

On this quiet and peaceful afternoon, the 69-year-old Liao Xueqiu sat alone in his room, looking affectionately at the ancient trees standing outside the window, as if attracted by the tediousness and hardships of the past, and deeply immersed in the endless river of memories.

The warm sunlight poured down her old cheeks, and there was a hint of melancholy and exhaustion in her eyes, but the tenacity and indomitable spirit of life were always hidden.

"China's No. 1 Widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and was alone at the age of 69

With deep nostalgia and emotion for the past, she began to slowly look back on her life full of twists and turns.

Indeed, she has experienced countless ups and downs, from a poor and helpless orphan, to later won the supreme honor in the entertainment industry with her firm belief in art and tenacious perseverance, and then to the lonely figure who is now entering the age of sixties.

Her life journey is like this ancient tree, which has gone through vicissitudes but is still strong and upright, exuding the light of wisdom.

"China's No. 1 Widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and was alone at the age of 69

Liao Xueqiu took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and tried to recall those long past events. Those memories that have gradually blurred are like vivid comic books slowly unfolding in her mind...... At the age of four, she suffered the hardest blow of her life - her mother died of illness and her father died soon after.

The once happy family collapsed in an instant, and she and her brother depended on each other, living a life of poverty and poverty.

During those dark days, they struggled with poverty and hunger for a long time, and even their basic needs were not met. What's even more tragic is that the meager inheritance left by their mother was embezzled by their trusted nanny, which put the brother and sister in an even more difficult predicament.

"China's No. 1 Widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and was alone at the age of 69

In order to survive, his brother had to give up his studies and join the military camp, while Liao Xueqiu was sent to a remote village to be re-educated by poor middle peasants, eating food from his hard work and wearing clothes he had woven with his own hands.

Whenever he recalls those difficult years, Liao Xueqiu's eyes always burst into tears. She still vividly remembers how often she often hid alone in a secluded place, weeping bitterly, praying that Heaven would give her a new life and save her from such a tragic fate.

Indeed, in those days of shame and disgust, she was deeply ashamed and disgusted by her tragic fate. Seeing her peers enjoying the joy of learning in the joyful campus while she had to work hard in this desolate land, her heart swelled with endless anger and despair.

"China's No. 1 Widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and was alone at the age of 69

Fortunately, however, in the most difficult moments for her, a glimmer of hope finally ignited in the dark night sky, like the dawn before dawn, illuminating the way forward...... Liao Xueqiu blinked her eyes gently, and her eyes fell on the big tree standing by the window again, the big tree that had accompanied her through countless years had become the testimony of her memories of the past.

So, in the second part, let's talk about the major changes in Liao Xueqiu's childhood, and the lonely journey of life brought about by the death of his parents.

It was a twilight hour when Liao Xueqiu was only four years old, and she still remembers the scene vividly. At that time, she was immersed in the carefree and carefree of the home, playing and playing, but suddenly, her mother's painful cry sounded like thunder, and the whole world fell silent in an instant.

"China's No. 1 Widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and was alone at the age of 69

Liao Xueqiu hurried to his mother Liao Jingqiu's bedside when he heard the sound, only to see his mother curled up on the bed in pain, her face as pale as a piece of paper, and her forehead was covered with beads of sweat the size of beans.

The atmosphere in the home suddenly became tense and depressing, and a sense of foreboding permeated my heart.

Soon after, a solemn doctor walked out of the room, and he announced the shocking news in a deep tone - Liao Jingqiu was terminally ill and her life was in danger.

"China's No. 1 Widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and was alone at the age of 69

This sudden bad news was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, completely knocking down the young and ignorant Liao Xueqiu. She sat limply on the cold floor, tears pouring out like a flood that had burst the embankment, and her cry was bitter and mournful.

The gentle and kind face and the pampering smile of the mother gradually became blurred under the torture of the disease...... Eventually, after a faint breath, the mother closed her eyes forever and left this world forever.

Oops, Liao Xueqiu is only four years old, how can she withstand such a heavy blow? How could she understand the cruel reality of life and death? She only felt that the heavens and the earth had lost their color in an instant, and her heart felt as if she had suffered a heavy blow.

"China's No. 1 Widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and was alone at the age of 69

However, an even greater tragedy awaited her - her mother died shortly after her father, and the otherwise happy family fell apart in an instant.

As a result, a lonely little girl lost the love and warmth of all her relatives overnight, and she and her brother could only support and comfort each other to face the storms of life alone.

Everything in the world has become so strange and cruel, Liao Xueqiu and his brother rely on the meager savings left by their mother and the only 50 yuan a month to survive. However, even a little bit of money could not escape the tricks of fate, and they were easily cheated away by the nanny they believed in! Since then, the siblings' lives have fallen into an abyss of extreme hardship and despair.

"China's No. 1 Widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and was alone at the age of 69

Struggle, poverty and hunger loom over them, and for a long time, they have not even been able to get basic food and clothing to survive, it is like a battlefield that is too calm to see the smoke of gunpowder, but it is still cruel.

What's even more worrying is that Liao Xueqiu watched his peers around him study carefree on campus, while he had to stay in this isolated land, living a life of hunger and rags.

Her peers have the care and love of her parents, but she can only rely on a brother with a similar fate to herself, deep down in her heart, Liao Xueqiu is full of deep shame and despair about her fate, she often hides alone in a secluded place and weeps bitterly, praying that God can give her the opportunity to be reborn and let her get rid of such a tragic fate.

"China's No. 1 Widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and was alone at the age of 69

3. A turning point of fate, joining the art troupe to open the road to a new life

Just when Liao Xueqiu was on the verge of despair, a glimmer of life finally illuminated the road ahead for her and brought a dawn of hope. Back in her 20s, with her outstanding talent and perseverance, she successfully obtained the precious opportunity to join the local art troupe, thus stepping into a new stage of life.

When she first joined the art troupe, Liao Xueqiu was mainly responsible for some simple logistics work, but for her in the past, these were enough to make her crazy. It was as if she was in a new world, and everything around her seemed so bright and incredible.

"China's No. 1 Widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and was alone at the age of 69

Liao Xueqiu is eager to learn various artistic skills such as acting, singing, and dancing, and pours all her energy and enthusiasm into the pursuit of her career.

In this rich and colorful time, Liao Xueqiu can be said to be full of luck, not only met and got to know the first love of her life by chance, but more importantly, she successfully found a new path to self-realization! This woman, who was once left out and frustrated, finally began to appreciate the sweet taste of life and the dawn of hope in life.

Liao Xueqiu's first love gave her meticulous care and warmth, which made this woman who had gone through the ups and downs of life once again ignite her desire and longing for love. They quickly fell into the sweet atmosphere of love, and soon walked hand in hand into the sacred temple of marriage.

"China's No. 1 Widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and was alone at the age of 69

However, good times are always fleeting, just when Liao Xueqiu just tasted the sweetness of life, at the age of 25, she suffered serious betrayal and injury from her husband. In the face of such a heavy blow, she was in great pain in her heart, but she still firmly chose the difficult path of divorce.

Liao Xueqiu entrusted her son to her ex-husband, devoted herself to the pursuit of her career, and persistently opened up her own artistic path. She has never hesitated or questioned this decision, because she knows that only in this way can she truly realize her self-worth and get rid of all shackles and shackles.

Since then, Liao Xueqiu has poured all his passion and dreams into the stage of performance with great determination. And this will undoubtedly be the glorious starting point of a new chapter in her life.

"China's No. 1 Widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and was alone at the age of 69

Fourth, set foot in the Shanghai Film Studio and won awards for creating classic roles

In 1979, this was another important milestone in Liao Xueqiu's life. After years of unremitting efforts and perseverance, she was finally able to step into the Shanghai Film Studio and officially opened a new chapter in her career.

Since then, her acting career has flourished, and her reputation has spread far and wide, starring in and participating in many popular film and television masterpieces.

"China's No. 1 Widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and was alone at the age of 69

Among them, it is particularly worth mentioning her outstanding performance in a series of rural films. For example, in works such as "Ya Ya Love Story" and "On This Land", Liao Xueqiu portrays ordinary rural life vividly, simply moving, and full of poetry with his perfect acting skills.

On the TV screen, Liao Xueqiu's rich and diverse images of widows and mothers make the audience feel as if they are in a familiar rural scene, deeply immersed in the colorful emotional world of rural characters, and it is difficult to leave.

She skillfully integrates the inner emotions of the characters with the external expression, giving each character a lifelike breath of life, which is addictive!

"China's No. 1 Widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and was alone at the age of 69

Subsequently, Liao Xueqiu has attracted widespread attention and popularity for his successful portrayal of a large number of classic widows and mothers. Her wonderful performances in TV series such as "Snow Nest Mountain" and "Ringing Horse in the Western Regions" vividly showed the image of a widow who can sing and cry.

This character has endured hardships and hardships, but there is an innate tenacity and indomitable spirit in his bones. The audience was deeply moved and said that this was the true portrayal and profound interpretation of Liao Xueqiu's personal experience.

With these outstanding works, she quickly earned the reputation of "the first widow of the East", and was deeply loved and respected by a wide audience.

"China's No. 1 Widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and was alone at the age of 69

In addition, the image of a widow created by Liao Xueqiu in the costume drama is also eye-catching. Whether she played the woman who was neglected but always adhered to her duties as a wife in "Tang Minghuang", or in "The New Biography of Pan Jinlian", she played the widow who was forced to marry the old man but still maintained her chastity, she was perfectly presented with superb acting skills.

Every delicate look and movement shows the tragic, pure and powerful qualities of these women. The audience couldn't help but sigh that she was able to play these widow characters with different personalities so deeply rooted and tear-jerking.

In the family ethics drama, Liao Xueqiu has become the best spokesperson for the "mother professional household". For example, in works such as "Beijing Love Story", "Baby Project", and "Ten Years of Love", she used her gentle and subtle but profound acting skills to vividly interpret many beautiful qualities of her mother.

"China's No. 1 Widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and was alone at the age of 69

Strong, tolerant, kind, virtuous, these qualities that a good mother should have are just right under her interpretation. Every time he appears on the stage, the impression of the mother in the audience's mind can resurface in their minds and arouse strong resonance.

In addition to his excellent performance skills, Liao Xueqiu's extremely firm and persistent professionalism for his work is also admirable! During a filming trip, despite being unfortunately injured, she still chose to stick to her post without hesitation, and resolutely did not let her condition become a burden that delayed the progress of the whole crew.

As we all know, Liao Xueqiu's love for the script is like a madness, and he even had such an experience - in order to deeply understand one of the lines, he actually started a heated debate with Chen Daoming, a giant in the industry! However, it was this verbal discussion that made the two of them finally fall in love with each other and establish a deep friendship.

"China's No. 1 Widow" Liao Xueqiu: lost her parents at the age of 4, divorced at the age of 25, and was alone at the age of 69

With perseverance and endless enthusiasm for the artistic career, Liao Xueqiu has gradually climbed to the peak of his acting career, dedicating one indelible classic masterpiece after another to the audience.

With her all-out fighting spirit and hard work, she successfully created her own bright starry sky.

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