
Absolutely increase knowledge! The names of the planets in the solar system turned out to be the names of the gods in ancient Roman mythology

author:Broken Thoughts of the King


When the planets were the eight major celestial bodies in the solar system, and people called them "stars" in ancient times, those bright celestial bodies, especially those "shooting stars", brought amazing energy and intense continuous light to make people extremely awe-inspiring about it.

In the ancient civilizations of the East, there were also unique names for these "stars", but in the West, they were named after mythological figures.

So how did this nomenclature in Western countries come about?

What are the names of the eight planets in ancient Rome?

Absolutely increase knowledge! The names of the planets in the solar system turned out to be the names of the gods in ancient Roman mythology

1. The name originated from the ancient Greek westward transmission.

In Western civilization, ancient Greek mythology is definitely a well-known content, which involves hundreds or even thousands of stars, all of which are all kinds of gods, and it can be said that there are too many characters in ancient Greek mythology.

Most of the ancient Greek myths were collated by scholars before the 18th century, but the ancient Roman myths are very similar to the ancient Greek myths, and some of them are almost identical, and even some of the names are the names of ancient Greek mythological characters that are read directly in the native language.

For example, Zeus in ancient Greece is the so-called "Jupiter" in ancient Rome, and in the same way, the ancient Roman "Sea King", "Hades", "God of War", "God of Love", "God of Beauty" and so on have corresponding ancient Greek gods, and their gods will not be less than the ancient Greek gods.

In the eyes of Western countries, these gods belong to the culture and memory of the land just like characters in other cultures, so how does this cultural inheritance in the eyes of Western countries be revealed in the naming of planets?

Absolutely increase knowledge! The names of the planets in the solar system turned out to be the names of the gods in ancient Roman mythology

Among the many mythological figures, the most famous are the king of the gods "Jupiter" and the god of war "Mars", these two gods have a very strong color in Western culture, even those who are not familiar with Western culture can hear a strong ancient Roman flavor from their names.

In fact, they owe their "fame" to Michelangelo's "Jupiter und Rejoice" and Pitinol's "Mars Degraded".

The stories that unfold around them are the most typical Greco-Roman myths, which all appear in the great epic poems "The Iliad" and "Odyssey", and the truly ancient stories can be said to be the classics of mankind.

Jupiter was the king of the gods among the Roman gods and one of the "heavens" and "weeks" in all the languages of the world.

In ancient Rome, there were only seven days, that is, the day of worship on April 15, which was relatively complete, and many important events were held on this day.

To meet the demand for sacrificial activities, religious scholars in ancient Rome held a religious ceremony on this day called the marriage of "Zeus" and "Goddess Minerva", followed by a celebration called the marriage of "Zeus" and "Goddess Minerva".

Absolutely increase knowledge! The names of the planets in the solar system turned out to be the names of the gods in ancient Roman mythology

But even at the wedding of gods and goddesses, Jupiter's demeanor was not suitable, he was short-tempered, unpredictable, and often quarreled with other guests for various reasons.

In the marriage of the gods of heaven and earth, the two goddesses of very good status were also very popular in ancient Roman society, so Michelangelo was widely popular in the 17th century.

Michelangelo's Jupiter and the Goddess Juno is the busiest sculpture in his studio and his most famous statue.

Absolutely increase knowledge! The names of the planets in the solar system turned out to be the names of the gods in ancient Roman mythology

Pitinore's "The Debasement of Mars" is a work that is not very respected, because war is something we should not celebrate, it is like a projectile novel, there is no art.

But Pitinore enjoyed his work, which was the masterpiece of his life, and he visited it every day.

Pitinore's The Debasement of Mars was one of the most beloved works of its time, and at the same time one of the strangest.

In this work, Pitinore makes full use of what he has learned, as well as using what he knows as "material" to connect what he knows with something he does not know.

Pitnoll called the work "Mars Degraded", and it all stemmed from what he knew, namely the love between Mars, the god of war, and Venus, the god of beauty.

Absolutely increase knowledge! The names of the planets in the solar system turned out to be the names of the gods in ancient Roman mythology

Pitnoll finds some subtle connection from another thing that he did not know about from the point of view of a typical artistic metaphor, all of which seriously affects the understanding of the mythology of the ancient Greco-Roman era.

This is probably an outpouring of the way the planets are named in Western countries, and of course more direct and hidden stories in the names.

Second, the most famous Jupiter.

328 years have passed since Galileo Galilei discovered the many moons of the king of the gods, and the distant names of Jupiter's moons and planets carry more unknowns.

Galileo discovered a total of four major moons, Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, representing Europa and Callisto.

During these 328 years, the number of Jupiter's moons has continued to grow, and so far, Jupiter's total number of moons is 79, the largest number of planets.

Galileo Galilei was the first person to observe the sky with a telescope, and he was very excited to discover these four moons, not expecting that his discovery would also change the development of astronomy.

Absolutely increase knowledge! The names of the planets in the solar system turned out to be the names of the gods in ancient Roman mythology

This also makes these four satellites extraordinarily valuable and valuable, the value they bring cannot be measured by money, and they also have special commemorations.

So, a student from San Gabriel School for Boys came up with his own unique idea for the Callisto object, and he suggested that they name the newly discovered moons, so the discovered moons were named Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, and of the four moons only Callisto was a beautiful princess, and her name represented the spirituality and beauty of Venus.

3. Flying Mercury.

Mercury got its name from Mercury, the god of communication, and his father was Zeus, the god of gods, so his name has very strong divine powers in Western culture.

The planets in the solar system represented by Mercury follow him to convey his father's will, which is a force unique to him in the solar system, so Mercury, the planet represented by Mercury, runs the fastest in the solar system.

This is also the reason why it is named Mercury, the god of communication, the Western countries have a lot of respect for it, but on the other hand, they have a feeling of farewell, but this emotion only exists in the highest layer of the atmosphere, it is extremely fast in the solar system, and the Western countries want to catch it, but in the end they fail to catch it.

Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system, and since it is closest to the Sun, its surface is a broken world full of cracks and potholes under the sun's radiation and heat.

Absolutely increase knowledge! The names of the planets in the solar system turned out to be the names of the gods in ancient Roman mythology

On the surface, Mercury is a lifeless planet, and it is true that this planet is not very suitable for human habitation, but the god Mercury it represents is a very important deity, and in Western culture, he is a very famous deity.

Mercury is not only the god of communication, but also the god of struggle, just like Mercury, which carries a lot of information, and humanity is always moving forward, and eventually, Mercury may also have dozens of moons around it.

Fourth, the wasted Venus.

Venus takes its name from Venus, which symbolizes love and beauty, and in the sky above Venus, there is always a layer of white clouds, which is very beautiful in the eyes of humans, but if humans like the beauty of Venus and the color of the clouds very much, they can blend into it, only to find that the internal environment of this planet is very harsh.

Absolutely increase knowledge! The names of the planets in the solar system turned out to be the names of the gods in ancient Roman mythology

This is inextricably linked to the fact that Venus has a beautiful appearance and a cruelty inside, and Venus must unmask Venus to know its true face, but if you don't look at Venus itself, their admiration for Venus is very sincere, and they regard it as the best assistant outside of trauma.

Therefore, Venus is interpreted as a magnificent view, but there is another reason that is also full of waste: in addition to the dazzling light that Venus itself can emit, its atmosphere can also reflect very bright light, so in the highest layer of the atmosphere, people can see Venus with the naked eye, which is a one-step process.

Venus is the brightest planet in the solar system, so don't take it lightly or your eyeballs will hurt.

5. The well-known Mars.

Mars is the most well-known planet in the solar system, and the reason why it has been famous for a long time is also because of one of its mythological stories.

Ever since humans first discovered it, it has radiated an alluring glow, and this alluring glow is its character.

Western countries both admire and respect it, but at the same time, they will be particularly distressed by it.

Mars is the fourth closest position to the Sun in the solar system and is known as the "Red Star".

This red color of Mars was in ancient Roman times, because humans had not yet set foot on this blood-stained planet, so they only associated from its color that its surface was full of war.

The name Mars is also derived directly from the ancient Roman god of war "Mars", and the ancient Romans revered this "red star" very much, believing it to be the god of war.

Hence the name Mars, but apparently, Mars is not just a place that no one can walk, but also the peaks and valleys on Mars.

Absolutely increase knowledge! The names of the planets in the solar system turned out to be the names of the gods in ancient Roman mythology

When human footsteps set foot on Mars, they found that the red color of Mars is actually caused by the interaction between the surface and the soil, but human beings are not confused by these illusions, they explore more things, which is also a kind of admiration for Mars.

However, there is another suspicion of this "red star" in the West, they believe that its color is not just as people know, but more hints at things that people can't know, and this hint has the function of escapism.

But in the end, this avoidance is boring, they have to face what they don't know, the more they don't know, the less they know its importance, and this avoidance mentality will frustrate them.

Absolutely increase knowledge! The names of the planets in the solar system turned out to be the names of the gods in ancient Roman mythology

VI. Sadoune's Crown.

Saturn is the largest planet in the solar system, but externally, it is more like a small star, however, it is revered by Western countries as much as other planets.

Saturn's name comes from the ancient Roman mythology of Sadoune, the god of fertility and agriculture, he is also one of the most revered gods, he has a very famous allusion, that is, he has a halo, although his halo is not bright, but it is very dazzling, which is what attracts his most attention.

The rings of Saturn, as witnessed at the San Gabriel Observatory, are the crown of Sadoune, which is Sadoune's love for Saturn, from which people observe the respect for Saturn.

In Western culture, Saturn is also a symbol of "Qu Li Lovely", and people will definitely be deeply attracted to it when they see it.

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