
In 1978, the Vietnamese government had bad intentions and wooed Deng Jinna to join the party, Deng Jinna: I am Chinese


In 1978, Sino-Vietnamese relations fell into a trough, with each other accusing each other of undermining the "comrade and brother" relationship. In this tense atmosphere, the Vietnamese government has malicious intentions and tries to win over Deng Jinna, a Chinese in Vietnam, to join the Workers' Party of Vietnam. As a martyr's widow, what is the story behind Deng Jinna's heavy identity? What will she ultimately decide? Where are China-Vietnam relations headed? These will be revealed in the following stories.

In 1978, the Vietnamese government had bad intentions and wooed Deng Jinna to join the party, Deng Jinna: I am Chinese

Dunkina's origins and upbringing

A plane crash in 1946 claimed the life of Deng Fa, an early leader of the Chinese Communist Party. Although she lost her father's care, Dunkina was not abandoned. She was born in that turbulent era and witnessed the arduous struggle of the Communist Party of China since she was a child.

To ensure the safety of the revolutionary family, Dunkina was placed in foster care in a children's home in Moscow. There, she was educated with the children of other revolutionaries and spent the first years of her life. It was not until 1949, when the People's Republic of China was founded, that Deng Jinna finally reunited with her mother Chen Huiqing and came to Guangzhou with her.

However, the climate in the south is humid and muggy, and it is like a pair of heavens in the north. Deng Jinna has always missed the ice and snow in the north and the friends she grew up with. In this way, she was sent to Beijing and spent her childhood under the care of Ye Jianying, Luo Ruiqing and other revolutionaries of the older generation.

In 1978, the Vietnamese government had bad intentions and wooed Deng Jinna to join the party, Deng Jinna: I am Chinese

Especially Luo Ruiqing, he loves Deng Jinna as much as his own daughter. In the dead of night, he would always tell Dunkina some stories of the revolutionary years and lull her to sleep. Once, Deng Jinna asked Luo Ruiqing why she was the only one who could eat sausages, and Luo Ruiqing smiled and said that everyone else had eaten them. It wasn't until many years later that Deng Jinna realized that the supplies were indeed scarce, but Luo Ruiqing was still reluctant to let her suffer a trace of grievances.

Under Luo Ruiqing's careful education, Deng Jinna soon became a beautiful and sensible girl. During her school years, she won the admiration of her classmates with excellent grades and also attracted the attention of a boy - this person was her future husband Li Xinhua.

Li Xinhua was born into a Vietnamese family, and his father was an official of the Vietnamese government, but he grew up in China and participated in the revolution. and Dunkina have similar hobbies and ambitions, and the two soon fall in love and get married. In 1965, with the blessing of relatives and friends, they entered the palace of marriage.

In 1978, the Vietnamese government had bad intentions and wooed Deng Jinna to join the party, Deng Jinna: I am Chinese

Experience while studying in Beijing

Although Deng Jinna lives in Beijing, her heart has always been full of thirst for knowledge. After graduating from high school, Luo Ruiqing prepared a grand celebration banquet for her, hoping that she could choose a favorite college major. At first, Dunkina was not too interested in a career as a teacher, thinking that "being a teacher is boring". However, under Luo Ruiqing's patient guidance, she finally realized the importance of teaching and educating people, and chose to apply for the English major of the Department of Foreign Languages of Beijing Normal University.

During her time at the school, Deng Jinna conquered many students with her outstanding academic performance and became a role model for others to learn. It was her excellent qualities that attracted the attention of a boy - this is her future husband Li Xinhua.

In 1978, the Vietnamese government had bad intentions and wooed Deng Jinna to join the party, Deng Jinna: I am Chinese

Although Li Xinhua was born into a Vietnamese family, he grew up in China since he was a child and participated in the revolutionary cause. The first time the two met was at a dance, Li Xinhua dared to talk to Deng Jinna and invited her to dance. Although the two have different cultural backgrounds, they share similar hobbies and ideals, and they soon meet and get along.

The years in college passed like a white horse, and in the blink of an eye, it was time to graduate. In 1965, under the auspices of the Vietnamese ambassador to China, Deng Jinna and Li Xinhua married and began a new chapter in their lives. Zhou Enlai, Ye Jianying and other revolutionaries of the older generation all sent sincere blessings to the young couple.

After marriage, Li Xinhua returned to Vietnam to work, and Deng Jinna also fully supported her husband, resolutely leaving the familiar Beijing and going to a foreign country. In the beginning, Dunkina's life in Vietnam was quite smooth. Her father-in-law, a high-ranking official in the Vietnamese government, arranged for her a job as an English teacher at a school. With a high degree of professionalism, Deng Jinna devotes herself to the cause of teaching and educating people, and integrates her passion into the classroom.

In 1978, the Vietnamese government had bad intentions and wooed Deng Jinna to join the party, Deng Jinna: I am Chinese

However, times of peace and prosperity are often fleeting. In 1966, the United States began to openly interfere in Vietnam's internal affairs, which eventually led to the outbreak of full-scale war. All of a sudden, houses in Vietnam were bombed beyond recognition, and many civilians were displaced, and their lives were in dire straits.

The war greatly damaged the peaceful environment in Vietnam and also exacerbated the contradictions with China. As an ally, China had to send a large number of additional troops to Vietnam to counterattack. The two sides once "fought in the same room" and intrigued, and the relationship deteriorated day by day. As a Chinese, Deng Jinna and her family were also treated unfairly and discriminated against by the Vietnamese side.

The outbreak of the Vietnam War and the deterioration of Sino-Vietnamese relations

In the 60s of the last century, the smoke of the Vietnam War became more and more intense on the land of Southeast Asia. As a neighbor of Vietnam, the Chinese government had hoped to persuade the United States to stop military intervention and restore peace in Vietnam through diplomatic negotiations. However, the United States turned a deaf ear and not only stepped up its military invasion of Vietnam, but also shelled China's border cities several times.

In 1978, the Vietnamese government had bad intentions and wooed Deng Jinna to join the party, Deng Jinna: I am Chinese

In the face of the unscrupulous behavior of the United States, China had to send a large number of additional troops to Vietnam to assist the Vietnamese people in resisting the invasion of the American army. For a time, China and Vietnam became allies, working together to fight against a common enemy. With the support of the Chinese army, Vietnam finally ushered in the dawn of victory in 1975, ending the nearly 10-year war.

However, the joy of victory did not last long, and the Vietnamese government broke its promise, blatantly violated the oath of "comrades and brothers", and began to exert various suppressions and discrimination against Chinese and Chinese-funded enterprises in Vietnam. Overnight, Chinese experts and workers were subjected to unprecedented cold reception and persecution.

In 1978, the Vietnamese government had bad intentions and wooed Deng Jinna to join the party, Deng Jinna: I am Chinese

The former revolutionary friendship was burned down in this way. Sino-Vietnamese relations have fallen to a freezing point step by step, and the relations between the two countries have also fallen to the lowest ebb. As Chinese living in Vietnam, the Dunkina family naturally cannot escape the rut.

In the early days of the Vietnam War, Dunkina was alienated and isolated by some of her friends. When she was teaching in school, her income was not high, and her life was quite poor. The pressure of the war made her suffer, for fear that something would go wrong with the family. Although her husband, Li Xinhua, is also Vietnamese, out of protection for his wife, he did not hide from Deng Jinna the cruel treatment of Chinese by the Vietnamese authorities.

As the contradictions between China and Vietnam intensified, the Vietnamese government's suppression of Deng Jinna's family became more and more severe. For a while, their home was closely monitored, and access was greatly restricted. Dunkina was detained with her work permit and unable to continue teaching at the school. Li Xinhua also lost his job in the government. The family's financial resources turned out to be nowhere to go, and their lives were in trouble.

In 1978, the Vietnamese government had bad intentions and wooed Deng Jinna to join the party, Deng Jinna: I am Chinese

Seeing that his family was surrounded by four walls, and his wife and children were wronged, Li Xinhua felt a little frightened while being angry. He kept thinking about what he had done wrong to provoke such frenzied persecution by the Vietnamese government. But no matter how much he reflected, he could not find a reasonable explanation. During these days, the whole family lived a life of fear, as if they would be persecuted more brutally at any time.

The conspiracy and co-optation of the Vietnamese government

In its relentless crackdown on the Dunkina family, the Vietnamese government has not been without purpose. Instead, they are secretly plotting a conspiracy.

In 1978, the Vietnamese government had bad intentions and wooed Deng Jinna to join the party, Deng Jinna: I am Chinese

The Vietnamese government believes that Deng Jinna, as the daughter of the Chinese martyr Deng Fa, has a very special status. If she can be successfully co-opted to join the Workers' Party of Vietnam, it will not only enhance the influence of the Viet Cong in Vietnam, but also cause great distress and humiliation to the Chinese government and military.

Based on this consideration, the Vietnamese government began a series of co-optation actions. First of all, they arranged for some agents to secretly observe the whereabouts of the Dunkina family and learn about their living conditions. Soon, they found a favorable entry point – the Dunkina's family's financial woes.

The Vietnamese side first gave some financial benefits, such as secretly subsidizing Deng Jinna's salary to ensure that their family had no worries about life. At the same time, some Vietnamese officials began to visit Deng Jinna's home directly, complimenting her, praising her as a descendant of revolutionary martyrs, and so on.

In 1978, the Vietnamese government had bad intentions and wooed Deng Jinna to join the party, Deng Jinna: I am Chinese

This series of actions quickly made Deng Jinna suspicious. As an intelligent woman, she is well aware that the Vietnamese government is by no means well-intentioned. They must have ulterior motives and are secretly planning some kind of conspiracy.

Sure enough, as time passed, the Vietnamese side began to target Deng Jinna's identity. They strongly urged Deng Jinna to join the Workers' Party of Vietnam, and even promised that as long as she joined the party, she would receive the same living conditions as senior Vietnamese cadres.

In the face of such temptations, Dunkina was unwavering. Years of revolutionary education have made her extremely loyal to the Chinese Communist Party, and she flatly rejected the Vietnamese government's request, reprimanding them: "I don't participate, I am Chinese, thank you for your concern." "

In 1978, the Vietnamese government had bad intentions and wooed Deng Jinna to join the party, Deng Jinna: I am Chinese

The Vietnamese government's conspiracy failed completely, but they did not stop there. Instead, they began to intensify their efforts to pressure Dunkina's family in a vain attempt to force her to comply. At one point, news came out that Deng Jinna's family might be arrested and detained by the Vietnamese side. This undoubtedly added to their fear and suffering.

At the same time, the Chinese government learned of the conspiracy of the Vietnamese side in time and reacted immediately. The Chinese ambassador to Vietnam visited the family in person on several occasions and urged them to stay strong and never succumb to the conspiracy of the Viet Cong. The ambassador also pledged that as long as they continue to oppose the Chinese government, they will receive the protection and support they deserve.

The deterioration of Sino-Vietnamese relations and Deng Jinna's final choice

In the face of the Vietnamese government's unreasonable repression and conspiracy, Deng Jinna and her family are living in dire straits. However, it was in this difficult situation that the Chinese government extended a helping hand and gave them great support and care.

In 1978, the Vietnamese government had bad intentions and wooed Deng Jinna to join the party, Deng Jinna: I am Chinese

In February 1978, the Chinese ambassador to Vietnam, Chen Morui, personally visited Deng Jinna's family to learn about their living conditions. When meeting Deng Jinna, Ambassador Chen said earnestly: "Comrade Deng, you are the daughter of Comrade Deng Fa, an outstanding martyr of our party, and your identity is very important. The despicable persecution of you by the Vietnamese side is completely contrary to the past friendship between the two parties and two countries of China and Vietnam. Be strong and don't be fooled by their schemes. "

Subsequently, Ambassador Tran said that the Chinese government will do its best to protect the personal safety of Deng Jinna's family and will never be harmed as long as they can continue to oppose the Viet Cong. At the same time, China will also provide sufficient economic subsidies to ensure that their lives are safe.

In 1978, the Vietnamese government had bad intentions and wooed Deng Jinna to join the party, Deng Jinna: I am Chinese

With Ambassador Chen's guidance and commitment, Deng Jinna regained her courage and fighting spirit. She told Ambassador Chen: "I am Chinese, I am Chinese in life, and I am Chinese in death. No matter how the Vietnamese side conspires to slander, I will never betray the motherland and the party. "

Deng Jinna's firm statement made Ambassador Chen very pleased. In order to show his support, Ambassador Chen also specially gave Deng Jinna a five-star red flag, hoping that she would always remember her revolutionary identity and feelings for her family and country.

Since then, the Chinese government has begun to visit Deng Jinna's family frequently, and has continuously sent more diplomats to Vietnam, sternly warning the Vietnamese side not to harm Chinese citizens. At the same time, Beijing has repeatedly made solemn representations to the Vietnamese government through diplomatic channels, demanding that it immediately stop its unreasonable persecution of Chinese citizens.

In 1978, the Vietnamese government had bad intentions and wooed Deng Jinna to join the party, Deng Jinna: I am Chinese

However, the Vietnamese government turned a deaf ear and not only refused to admit its own mistakes, but continued to increase the pressure on the Deng Jinna family. At one point, there were rumors that Dunkina was likely to be arrested and detained.

Faced with such a dire situation, the Dunkina family felt unprecedented panic. They began to closely monitor the development of the situation and were always ready to evacuate Vietnam. At the same time, Deng Jinna also had the intention of joining the Viet Cong, but was quickly corrected by her own reason and conscience.


Finally, on February 17, 1979, under the full protection of the Chinese government, Deng Jinna's family finally successfully evacuated Vietnam and returned to the embrace of the motherland. When leaving, Deng Jinna hugged the five-star red flag tightly, and against the backdrop of the flag, her flamboyant expression revealed firmness and confidence.

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