
You have to come in and learn this trick! Whether burning incense is effective or not, you have to master this trick

author:Good luck comes with you

Hey, old guys, today let's talk about a topic that everyone cares about - burning incense, that mysterious and ritualistic action, is it effective? Don't worry, listen to me, this matter is very particular!

You have to come in and learn this trick! Whether burning incense is effective or not, you have to master this trick

First of all, we have to understand that the ancients said: "Sincerity is spiritual." "This is not an empty phrase. How sincere your heart is, how likely your wishes will be fulfilled. If you want to burn incense and ask for peace, then you have to be sincere, close your eyes, and silently recite your expectations in your heart, every moment when the incense burns is a testimony of your faith.

You have to come in and learn this trick! Whether burning incense is effective or not, you have to master this trick

And then, you know what? Burning incense is not only to worship God, but also to purify the soul. As the old saying goes, "When the smoke burns, the heart is as calm as water." "In the midst of the smoke, we may be able to forget about the troubles of the world for a while and return to peace of mind, which is a practice in itself.

You have to come in and learn this trick! Whether burning incense is effective or not, you have to master this trick

Again, choosing the right time is crucial. The ancients said: "The time and place are favorable." "Find an early morning or evening, when the sun is rising or setting, when the aura between heaven and earth is the strongest, and your wishes are more likely to be accepted. Of course, it's up to you to find the moment that suits you best.

As for the location, it is a temple, a Taoist temple or a small incense burner at home. The key is your piety, not the amount of incense. Remember, when the heart arrives, everywhere is a holy place.

You have to come in and learn this trick! Whether burning incense is effective or not, you have to master this trick

Finally, don't forget the good deeds that come after burning incense. If you make a wish, you have to do it, so that good thoughts can be turned into practical actions, which is the real "wish come true". After all, gods and Buddhas don't look at how much incense you burn, but how many good deeds you do.

You have to come in and learn this trick! Whether burning incense is effective or not, you have to master this trick

To sum up, burning incense is not a superstition, but an expression of faith and inner sustenance. It reminds us that the difficulties and expectations in life require us to face and act with sincerity. So, the next time you light incense, remember to smile and have love in your heart, and the world will be full of hope.

Did you get this? Forward it to your old friends, so that they can also understand this simple and deep truth. The small blessings in life often happen quietly in these seemingly ordinary rituals. Let's work together to ignite the flame of hope in life with a sincere heart!

You have to come in and learn this trick! Whether burning incense is effective or not, you have to master this trick