
As the saying goes: "There are three non-planting in front of the door, and good luck will come naturally", are you planting right in front of your house?

author:Good luck comes with you

Hello everyone, as the old saying goes: "There are three non-planting in front of the door, and good luck will come naturally." "This is not superstition, this is the wisdom of life that has been passed down from generation to generation. Today, let's talk about this science and see if the small trees in front of your house are planted correctly.

As the saying goes: "There are three non-planting in front of the door, and good luck will come naturally", are you planting right in front of your house?

First of all, let's talk about the first one - the willow tree. Willow, homonym "stay", meaning to keep good luck, wicker soft as silk, symbolizing family harmony, children and grandchildren. The ancients said: "If there are thousands of homes, it is better to have a good willow." It can be seen that its status in the civil society is high. So, if you have a willow tree in front of your house, it is equivalent to inviting an auspicious messenger to guard your happiness and tranquility.

As the saying goes: "There are three non-planting in front of the door, and good luck will come naturally", are you planting right in front of your house?

The second is the jujube tree, also known as the "early son", which means that the early birth of a noble son, for our elderly, it is more hope that the family will be full of children and grandchildren, and the children and grandchildren will be around the knee. I remember that the ancients Li Yu once said: "There are dates behind the house, and there are many children and grandchildren." "Isn't the jujube tree in front of my house exactly this beautiful expectation?

As the saying goes: "There are three non-planting in front of the door, and good luck will come naturally", are you planting right in front of your house?

Finally, it is the locust tree, the fragrance of locust flowers is fragrant, symbolizing innocence and integrity, and the ancients often used the locust tree as a metaphor for noble personality. Planting a locust tree in front of the door not only purifies the air, but also improves the family style and makes people feel comfortable. Tang Dynasty poet Wang Zhilian's "The Yellow River is far above the white clouds, a lonely city and ten thousand mountains." Why should Qiang Di complain about the willows, the spring breeze does not pass the jade gate. Although the locust is not mentioned, the tenacity and nobility coincide with the spirit of the locust tree.

As the saying goes: "There are three non-planting in front of the door, and good luck will come naturally", are you planting right in front of your house?

Of course, these are just beautiful meanings in traditional customs, not absolutes. The most important thing is to take care of them and let them grow healthily, because every tree is a gift from nature and a companion of our lives. While planting trees, it also planted a love and expectation for life.

Now, do the three trees in front of your house fit the proverb? If not, consider that maybe a small change can bring unexpected blessings. After all, "home and everything is prosperous, people and trees are prosperous", and the greenery in front of the door is a symbol of the warmth and blessing of home.

As the saying goes: "There are three non-planting in front of the door, and good luck will come naturally", are you planting right in front of your house?

Don't forget to share it with your friends and family so that they can also understand this little wisdom of life. Together, let's decorate our homes with these old proverbs and welcome more blessings and good luck. Retweet, like, comment, let's inherit this simple art of life together!

As the saying goes: "There are three non-planting in front of the door, and good luck will come naturally", are you planting right in front of your house?