
What do people who are sentenced to "life" do in it every day? You may not believe it

author:Good luck comes with you

In this world, there is a kind of life that seems to be silent, but it is full of complexity and challenges. You may be surprised to talk about the people who have been sentenced to "life" today and how they spend their days, but please believe that everyone's story has its own unique value.

What do people who are sentenced to "life" do in it every day? You may not believe it

Outside the bars, they are no longer free birds, but imprisoned shadows. The first rays of sunlight shine through the narrow window into their hearts, and it is an indescribable expectation and helplessness. They say, "Life is like a mirror, if you smile at it, it will smile at you." This sentence is particularly profound here. They learn to smile, even though there is endless longing and remorse behind that smile.

What do people who are sentenced to "life" do in it every day? You may not believe it

Life in prison wasn't all hard-hearted. They participate in labor reform, grow fruits and vegetables, repair facilities, and create small values with their hands. Just as Tolstoy once said: "Labor is the basis of human existence, and without labor, man loses the meaning of existence." They understand that this is an atonement for their past actions and a possible salvation for the future.

What do people who are sentenced to "life" do in it every day? You may not believe it

Educational courses are the only way for them to acquire knowledge, such as legal knowledge, cultural courses, and even psychological counseling. One fellow inmate shared, "Knowledge is the food of the soul, illuminating the heart even in the darkest places. "They are hungry for change and look forward to being able to be new people when they get out of prison.

What do people who are sentenced to "life" do in it every day? You may not believe it

Of course, there are moments of loneliness and loneliness. At night, when the moonlight shines on the corners of their cells, they will look through old photographs, reminisce about the past, or write down their thoughts. As Ernest Hemingway said, "Man is not born to be defeated, but to stand up, pat the dust off his body, and move on." "Their tenacity is impressive.

What do people who are sentenced to "life" do in it every day? You may not believe it

However, some "indefinite" are not really indefinite, they are waiting for a fair ruling of the law, or the support of their families and society. Every letter from home, every day of visitation, is like a ray of hope, illuminating their way forward.

What do people who are sentenced to "life" do in it every day? You may not believe it

Their stories may be heavy, but the strength and humanity contained in them cannot be ignored. We should reflect on the fact that everyone should respect the law and cherish freedom, because "freedom is not about doing what you want, but about doing what you ought to do." "It's the best warning to them, and it's a warning to each of us.

What do people who are sentenced to "life" do in it every day? You may not believe it

In this world, everyone has the right to pursue a better version of themselves. For those who are in the "indefinite", our sympathy and understanding may be the source of their strength to get out of the predicament. Let's pay attention to their lives together, pass on warmth, and let love flow in every corner of society.

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What do people who are sentenced to "life" do in it every day? You may not believe it