
"My son's salary belongs to me, and my daughter-in-law earns money to support the family" The man was helpless: Mom, your daughter-in-law is gone

author:Smoke Moon wrote

My name is Dajun, and I am a duty worker, who has worked hard all my life to raise my son. My son Xiaowei married Caiyun from the neighboring village, I thought I could enjoy Qingfu, but who knows, but it was a different situation.

That day, I was sitting on the threshold and smoking, and my son Xiaowei came over and sighed. I asked him, "Son, what's wrong?" Tell Dad about it. ”

Xiao Wei said hesitantly: "Mom, have you noticed that something is wrong with Caiyun recently?" ”

My heart tightened, and I hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?" Caiyun she ......"

"She's been working overtime lately, sometimes coming back in the middle of the night, and I'm worried about her ......" Xiaowei didn't finish, but I already understood.

In the evening, Caiyun returned, and I decided to talk to her. I said, "Caiyun, have you been busy with work lately?" Listen to Xiaowei, you often work overtime. ”

Caiyun bowed his head and was silent, and said for a long time: "Mom, I'm sorry, I ......"

"Don't be afraid, if you have any difficulties, tell your mother, and your mother will help you." I patted her hand and comforted her.

Caiyun said with tears in her eyes: "Mom, in fact, I have been working part-time recently, because ...... Because Xiaowei's salary has been given to you, the family's expenses are too big, so I can only ......"

I was stunned, it turned out that my son's salary belonged to me, and my daughter-in-law earned money to support the family. How does this work? I immediately decided that I wanted my son to hand over his salary to Caiyun.

When I mentioned this to my son, he didn't think so: "Mom, you are old, we as children should be filial to you, and it is a matter of course for you to give you a salary." ”

I was anxious: "Xiaowei, you are stupid!" Do you know how much Caiyun has paid for this family? You can't leave her alone! ”

My son didn't listen, so I had no choice but to go to Caiyun and let her communicate with my son. Caiyun shook his head: "Mom, forget it, I don't want to quarrel with Xiaowei because of this." ”

I was so anxious that suddenly, a thought flashed through my mind: I want Caiyun to know that her status in this family is very important, and I can't let her be wronged.

So, I began to know, consciously or unconsciously, that the family's financial situation was not good, and let her understand how important her income was to the family.

It didn't take long for Caiyun to finally hold back and quarrel with Xiao Dawei. Xiaowei came to me to complain: "Mom, you see, Caiyun has changed, she only recognizes money now." ”

I glared at him, "Did you know?" Caiyun has been paying for this family, but you turn a blind eye! ”

Xiaowei was stunned and didn't speak for a long time. I took the opportunity to say, "From today on, your salary will be handed over to Caiyun and let her take care of the house." ”

Xiaowei nodded and agreed to my suggestion. Since then, their relationship has gotten better and better, and their family has been harmonious.

However, the good times did not last long, and one day, Caiyun suddenly fainted at home. We panicked and rushed her to the hospital. The doctor told us that Caiyun was pregnant and was weakened by overwork.

I regret that if I had found out earlier, maybe it wouldn't have been like this. I decided that from now on, I would take good care of Caiyun and let her raise the baby with peace of mind.

As the days passed, Caiyun's belly became bigger and bigger, and I gradually understood that the harmony of a family requires everyone's dedication. I secretly vowed that I must make this family better and better, so that Caiyun and Xiaowei can live a happy life.

During this time, I learned to be considerate and understanding, and I also understood that as a mother, I should not only care about my son's life, but also care about my daughter-in-law's dedication. Only in this way can this home be filled with warmth and love.

In the days after Caiyun became pregnant, I became her personal bodyguard, for fear that she would make a mistake. I made food for her every day, and I also deliberately learned the knowledge of pregnant woman care, hoping that she could give birth to a healthy and safe child.

Xiaowei also became considerate, and went home every day after work to accompany Caiyun, help her massage, tell jokes, and the atmosphere at home was warm and harmonious. When I looked at them, my heart warmed and I felt that all the hard work was worth it.

One day, Caiyun suddenly said to me, "Mom, I want to go out for a walk and bask in the sun." ”

I hesitated, afraid that she would be tired, but seeing her expectant eyes, I still nodded: "Okay, but be careful, I'll accompany you." ”

As we walked on the country road, Caiyun was happy like a child, and she said, "Mom, thank you for making me feel the warmth of home." ”

I smiled and patted her hand: "Silly boy, this is what I should do." ”

At this moment, Xiaowei hurriedly ran over, his face full of anxiety: "Mom, Caiyun, it's not good, something happened in the factory!" ”

My heart tightened, and I hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?" What's wrong? ”

Xiaowei took a breath: "The factory suddenly announced layoffs, I'm afraid that Caiyun's job won't be saved." ”

Caiyun's face turned pale instantly, and I comforted her: "Don't worry, there is a mother, and you and your children will not be wronged." ”

I decided to go to the factory manager and see if I could fight for Caiyun. The factory director was a reasonable person, and after hearing about Caiyun's situation, he promised to keep her job as much as possible.

However, within a few days, Caiyun still received a layoff notice. She took the notice, tears in her eyes, and Xiaowei also looked helpless.

I was so angry that I decided to go to the factory again to ask for an explanation. The factory director told me helplessly: "Dajun, I can't help it, the pressure is high, and I also do things according to the rules." ”

When I came back from the factory, I looked at Caiyun and Xiaowei and thought: this family can't be without a source of income, I have to think of a way to help Caiyun find a new job.

So, I started asking around if there was a job for Caiyun. Finally, I found a position as a cashier in a small supermarket. Although the salary is not high, it is better than nothing.

On the day Caiyun returned to work, I sent her to the door of the supermarket and encouraged her: "Come on, Caiyun, you are the pillar of this family." ”

Caiyun smiled and nodded: "Mom, I will work hard." ”

As the days passed, Caiyun's belly grew bigger and bigger, and her work in the supermarket became more and more proficient. Under my persuasion, Xiaowei began to learn new skills, hoping to find new development opportunities in the factory.

This family has come step by step in the predicament, and we support each other and face it together. Although life is still difficult, our hearts are closely connected, and I believe that if we work together, we will be able to overcome this difficult time.

That night, I sat on the edge of my bed, looking at the sleeping clouds, and my heart was full of mixed feelings. I knew that as a mother, I had to be strong, but I couldn't help but worry. Xiaowei walked in, sat next to me, and whispered, "Mom, don't worry, we'll get through." ”

I looked at him, and a warm current surged in my heart: "Xiaowei, you have to take good care of Caiyun, she and the child need you." ”

Xiaowei nodded firmly: "Mom, I know, I will work hard." ”

In the days that followed, Xiaowei really became more diligent, he worked hard to learn new technologies in the factory, and every day he came back to share his progress with Caiyun. Caiyun's smile is also increasing, and her work in the supermarket is becoming more and more handy.

One day, Caiyun came back from the supermarket and said to me excitedly: "Mom, today a guest praised me for my good service attitude and gave me a tip!" ”

I smiled and helped her fix her hair: "It seems that my Caiyun is not only beautiful, but also does a good job." ”

At this moment, Xiaowei ran in with a piece of paper: "Mom, Caiyun, good news!" I was selected as a technical expert in the factory, and my salary is going up! ”

At that moment, the home was full of laughter, as if all the difficulties had been left behind us. I know it's all because we're working together as one.

However, life is always full of surprises. Caiyun's due date was approaching, but the doctor told us that Caiyun's physical condition was not stable and she needed to be hospitalized for observation in advance. I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and Xiaowei was also worried.

During the few days I was hospitalized, I barely closed my eyes, for fear that Caiyun would make a mistake. Xiaowei ran to the hospital every day after work, his eyes were full of firmness and love.

Finally, Caiyun successfully gave birth to a healthy baby boy. When the nurse held the baby to me, I burst into tears, and it was a new hope for our family.

Xiaowei looked at me and the baby with tears in his eyes: "Mom, thank you, thank you for taking care of Caiyun and the child." ”

I held the baby, looked at Xiaowei and Caiyun, and my heart was full of gratitude: "Thank you, you are all my treasures." ”

After the birth of a baby, our lives become busier and more fulfilling. Xiaowei's performance in the factory is getting better and better, and Caiyun has also won the respect of colleagues and customers in the supermarket.

Although this family has experienced ups and downs, we have always been closely attached to each other. I know that as long as we are united, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome. I looked at the baby and silently made a wish in my heart: may he grow up healthily, and may our family be happy forever.

Time flies, and the baby grows up healthily under our care. I looked at his little face and my heart was filled with joy. I know that this little life is the hope of our whole family and our future.

Caiyun's body gradually recovered, and she began to share the housework at home, and also offered to continue working. I looked at her busy figure and my heart was filled with gratitude. This home, because of her, has warmth.

Xiaowei's work is also getting smoother and smoother, his performance in the factory has been recognized by the leadership, and his salary and position have been improved. Every day he comes home from work, he brings us good news. I looked at him with pride in my heart.

However, life is always full of uncertainties. One day, Xiaowei came back from work with a pale face and looked tired. I hurriedly asked him, "Xiaowei, what's wrong with you?" Isn't it uncomfortable? ”

Xiaowei shook his head and said softly: "Mom, the factory is going to lay off employees, I ...... I may not be able to keep my job. ”

My heart tightened, and I hurriedly comforted him: "Don't worry, we'll get through it." You have a good rest first, and then think of a solution tomorrow. ”

That night, I was lying in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. I knew that the family couldn't live without a source of income, and I had to find a way to help Xiaowei find a new job.

The next day, I asked around to see if there was a job for Xiaowei. Finally, he found a suitable position in a factory. Although the salary is not high, it is better than nothing.

On the day Xiaowei returned to work, I sent him to the factory gate and encouraged him: "Come on, Xiaowei, you are the pillar of this family." ”

Xiaowei smiled and nodded: "Mom, I will work hard." ”

As the days passed, Xiaowei's work in the new factory became more and more smooth, and his performance in the factory was also recognized by the leadership. And Caiyun's work in the supermarket is becoming more and more handy, and she will bring us good news every day when she comes home from work.

This family has come step by step in the predicament, and we support each other and face it together. Although life is still difficult, our hearts are closely connected, and I believe that if we work together, we will be able to overcome this difficult time.

One day, I looked at my sleeping baby and my heart was filled with gratitude. I know that this little life is the hope of our whole family and our future. I looked at Xiaowei and Caiyun, and my heart was full of pride. This home, because of them, has warmth.

I looked out the window, the sunlight poured into the room, and I silently made a wish in my heart: may our family be happy forever, and may our life be better and better.