
The mother-in-law promised to give 500,000 yuan for the boy and 100,000 yuan for the girl, but she wanted to regret it when she had one child and three sons

author:Smoke Moon wrote

My name is Lin Xiu, and I am married to Zhao Ming, the eldest son of the Zhao family. Before I got married, my mother-in-law told me that she wanted a grandson the most. I still remember that she patted my hand and said, "Xiu'er, if you give me a boy, I will give you 500,000 yuan, and if it is a girl, I will also give you 100,000 yuan." Our Zhao family is counting on you. ”

After I got married, I worked hard to get pregnant, and finally got pregnant. When I checked, it turned out to be triplets! This time, the whole family exploded, and my mother-in-law was even more smiling, thinking that I would definitely be able to give birth to a boy for her this time.

However, on the day the child was born, it was three boys! Looking at the three little ones lying in the crib, I was full of joy, thinking that my mother-in-law would have to give me 1.5 million now.

Unexpectedly, my mother-in-law began to regret it. That day, she called me into the room and said, "Xiu'er, you see, there are three mouths added to the house at once, and this cost is not small. My 500,000, can I slow it down first? ”

I was stunned, I didn't expect my mother-in-law to say such a thing. I resisted the anger in my heart and asked her, "Mom, does what you said at that time still count?" ”

The mother-in-law smiled awkwardly: "Count, of course count." It's just that the situation at home is special now, so you have to be considerate. ”

My eyes widened, and I was chilled as I looked at the elder I had once respected. I took a deep breath and said to her, "Mom, since your words don't count, then I can only figure it out on my own." ”

Since then, I have been on a long road to defend my rights. I found a lawyer, learned about the relevant laws, and prepared to file a lawsuit with my mother-in-law. And my mother-in-law also went around asking for relationships and wanted me to give up fighting.

The lawsuit is in full swing, and the atmosphere at home is becoming more and more tense. The three children were still young and didn't understand anything, so I could only secretly wipe my tears while they were asleep.

That's when I stumbled upon a will. It turned out that when his father-in-law was alive, he left a will, saying that if a grandson was born in the family, he would give him half of the company's shares. And my mother-in-law has always wanted to monopolize this family property, so she will do everything possible to obstruct me.

After learning the secret, I decided to have a showdown with my mother-in-law. That day, I threw the will in front of her and said to her, "Mom, you don't even want your own grandchildren for this family property." Aren't you afraid of retribution? ”

My mother-in-law was stunned, she looked at me with a flash of fear in her eyes. She knew that I had mastered her secrets and that she could no longer stop me.

In the end, with the mediation of the court, my mother-in-law agreed to fulfill her promise and gave me 1.5 million. And I, too, decided to forgive her, after all, she is my child's grandmother.

After this turmoil, the atmosphere at home gradually eased. I began to take care of my three children wholeheartedly, and my mother-in-law slowly changed her mind and began to care for her grandchildren.

Although this experience has left me with lingering feelings, I believe that as long as we are united as a family, we can always get through this difficult time.


Time is like flowing water, and in an instant, the three children have reached the age of going to school. My mother-in-law's attitude has also changed 180 degrees, and she has started to take the initiative to help me take care of the children, and even help take the children to and from school when I am busy. I looked at her back, and my heart was mixed, I couldn't say whether I was moved or emotional.

One night, Zhao Ming came back from work and told me tiredly that the company had encountered some operational difficulties recently. He asked worriedly: "Xiu'er, do you think we should take out the 1.5 million given by my mother for emergency?" ”

I was silent for a moment, remembering those difficult days, and my heart was not happy. In the end, I decided to come up with that money, after all, family harmony is more important than anything else.

I walked to my mother-in-law's room and whispered, "Mom, the company is in some trouble now, and I want to use the 1.5 million to help." ”

A hint of surprise flashed in her mother-in-law's eyes, and then she smiled and said, "Xiu'er, you are really a good boy who is sensible. You can use the money. ”

At that moment, I seemed to see the softness in my mother-in-law's heart, and I also understood her helplessness and difficulty.

As the days passed, with the joint efforts of the whole family, the company gradually got out of the predicament. And my relationship with my mother-in-law has also been sublimated in this turmoil. We began to care for each other and support each other like mother and daughter.

One day, while I was sorting through my old things, I stumbled upon a letter. The letter was written by his father-in-law before his death, and it recorded in detail his expectations and blessings for his three grandsons. I looked at the familiar handwriting and burst into tears.

I decided to show the letter to my mother-in-law. After she finished reading it, her eyes were moist as well. She said softly, "Xiu'er, it was my mother who did it wrong before. In the future, I will cherish our family even more. ”

I held her hand tightly and felt the belated affection.

Time flies, and the children gradually grow up, they are smart and lively, and they bring countless laughter and laughter to the family. And my mother-in-law and I are no longer the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who quarrel over money, we work together for this family and the future of our children.

Sometimes, I still think about those difficult days, but there is no resentment in my heart. On the contrary, I am grateful for that experience, which taught me the importance of family and taught me tolerance and understanding.

In this loving home, we move forward hand in hand and face the ups and downs of life together. I know that as long as we are united, nothing will stop us from moving forward.


The days passed like this, the children were growing up healthily, and the relationship between me and Zhao Ming became deeper and deeper. My mother-in-law became more and more dependent on me, and whenever she encountered problems in her life, she always consulted with me. I also gradually discovered that the strong mother-in-law actually has a soft side in her heart.

One day, my mother-in-law suddenly fell ill and was admitted to the hospital. I hurried to the hospital and looked at her lying on the hospital bed, feeling extremely worried. Zhao Ming couldn't arrive in time because of work, and I became the only person my mother-in-law could rely on.

I sat on the edge of the bed, gently held my mother-in-law's hand, and comforted her, "Mom, don't worry, everything will be fine." ”

My mother-in-law looked at me with tears of gratitude in her eyes: "Xiu'er, thank you." I'm really relieved to have you there. ”

During the days when my mother-in-law was hospitalized, I took care of the children during the day and came to the hospital at night to accompany them. Although I was tired, I was full of strength in my heart. During this time, I have a deeper understanding of the value of family affection.

One night, I was nursing my mother-in-law in the hospital room, and she suddenly said to me, "Xiu'er, do you know? Actually, I've always been grateful to you. I knew I was doing something wrong. But you didn't hold a grudge against me, but you have always been so kind to me. I really feel lucky to have a daughter-in-law like you. ”

I smiled and responded, "Mom, let the past pass." We are now a family, and the most important thing is to support each other. ”

At this moment, Zhao Ming walked into the ward. He watched the interaction between our mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and his eyes were full of gratitude. He knew that this family was so harmonious because of the joint efforts of the three of us.

After a period of treatment, my mother-in-law recovered and was discharged from the hospital. And our lives are back on track, only with each other getting closer. The children have also grown up, and they have achieved excellent results in their studies, which has become the pride of our family.

However, life is always full of surprises. Just when our family thought we could live happily like this, Zhao Ming left us forever because of an accident.

During that time, I was in deep grief and couldn't help myself. The mother-in-law was also hit hard and washed her face with tears all day long. Although the children are young, they have also felt the changes in their families and have become very sensible.

In the midst of my grief, I realized that as the pillar of this family, I had to be strong. I want to replace Zhao Ming, take care of my mother-in-law, and raise the children.

I began to work hard to try to fill the void caused by Zhao Ming's passing. And my mother-in-law gradually came out of her grief and began to help me with household chores and take care of the children.

Our mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, in this difficult moment, support each other and tide over the difficulties together. I know that as long as we are united, this family will never fall.

As the years passed, the children gradually grew up, and they not only succeeded in their studies, but also inherited Zhao Ming's kindness and bravery. And my mother-in-law and I have also become stronger in this storm of life.

As a family, we walked through the wind and rain hand in hand, and finally ushered in the rainbow. And those pain and tears have become the most precious wealth in our lives.


As time passed, her mother-in-law's physical condition gradually improved, but her memory began to decline. Doctors say it's an early symptom of Alzheimer's disease. Looking at her increasingly trance-like eyes, I couldn't help but feel a trace of worry in my heart.

"Xiu'er, what's wrong with me? I was still cooking, why did I come to the living room? My mother-in-law looked at me helplessly, with a hint of panic in her eyes.

I gently shook her hand and comforted her, "Mom, you're just getting old, and you can't remember some things clearly. I'm here with you, so you don't have to be afraid. ”

In order to keep my mother-in-law active, I encourage her to do simple things such as helping to set the dishes, watering the flowers, etc. Although her mother-in-law moves slowly, she always has a satisfied smile on her face.

One day, I was busy in the kitchen when I suddenly heard a burst of laughter from the living room. I walked over and saw that it was the children teaching their mother-in-law a simple game. Seeing this scene, a warm feeling welled up in my heart.

"Xiu'er, look, I won!" The mother-in-law excitedly held the small toy in her hand and showed it off like a child.

I smiled and responded, "Mom, you're awesome!" Children, you should also be like grandma, always keep a childlike heart. ”

Just then, the doorbell rang suddenly. I opened the door and found a strange middle-aged man with a letter in his hand.

"Hello, this is a letter sent by Mr. Zhao Ming before his death, he said that if he is not there one day, let me hand it over to you." The man handed me a sealed envelope.

I took the letter and couldn't help but have some doubts in my heart. I returned to the living room, sat on the couch, and carefully opened the envelope. Inside is a photo and a letter.

The letter reads: "Dear Xiu'er, if one day I am gone, I hope you can forgive me for my selfishness. I know I won't be able to walk with you and your children for the rest of your life, but trust me to be there for you all the time. This photo is where we first met and where we have our fondest memories. I hope you can go there and see what I want to say to you. I love you forever, Zhao Ming. ”

Looking at the photo, my eyes moistened. It was the park where we first met and there are many fond memories of us. I decided to take my children and my mother-in-law to see it and fulfill Zhao Ming's last wish.

Our family came to the park, where the children were running on the grass while the mother-in-law watched them under the tree with a happy smile on her face. I looked at the scene in front of me and my heart was filled with gratitude.

"Zhao Ming, thank you for leaving us with so many good memories. We will always miss you, and we will work hard to live and make you proud in the inspiration of heaven. I said silently in my heart.

In that meadow, our family spent an unforgettable day. Although Zhao Ming has left us, his love and blessings will always be with us. As a family, we will continue to move forward hand in hand to meet every challenge in the future.


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