
Family is bullying that many people are experiencing without realizing it

author:Xiao Li Monk
Family is bullying that many people are experiencing without realizing it
Family is bullying that many people are experiencing without realizing it
Family is bullying that many people are experiencing without realizing it
Family is bullying that many people are experiencing without realizing it
Family is bullying that many people are experiencing without realizing it
Family is bullying that many people are experiencing without realizing it
Family is bullying that many people are experiencing without realizing it
Family is bullying that many people are experiencing without realizing it
Family is bullying that many people are experiencing without realizing it
Family is bullying that many people are experiencing without realizing it
Family is bullying that many people are experiencing without realizing it
Family is bullying that many people are experiencing without realizing it
Family is bullying that many people are experiencing without realizing it
Family is bullying that many people are experiencing without realizing it
Family is bullying that many people are experiencing without realizing it
Family is bullying that many people are experiencing without realizing it

Is the family bullying? Hurts that we don't even perceive

First, the beginning of the shocking story

At a seemingly ordinary family dinner, Zhang Ting bowed her head and ate under the stern gaze of her parents, her chopsticks stirring unconsciously in the bowl, but she never dared to look up at her parents. It's not because she's done anything wrong, it's because she's used to this oppressive atmosphere. Suddenly, her father scolded her loudly: "Look at you, you eat so slowly, what can you do in the future!" This scene made Zhang Ting's tears roll in her eyes, but she didn't dare to shed them.

Such a scene may seem to many people to be just a small dispute in the family, but Zhang Ting knows that this is a nightmare that she cannot escape in her daily life. Family, a place that is supposed to give warmth and love, has become a shadow in her heart.

2. Lift the veil of family bullying

Zhang Ting's family is a typical "strict father and mother" model. 's father, Wang Qiang, is the pillar of the family and has high expectations for Zhang Ting. He firmly believes that "filial piety comes from under the stick", so he is extremely strict with Zhang Ting's education method. Although the mother feels sorry for her daughter, under Wang Qiang's strength, she can only support it silently.

In such a family environment, Zhang Ting learned to observe words and emotions since she was a child, and tried her best to meet her parents' expectations. But no matter how hard she tried, her father always found her shortcomings, blamed and humiliated her. And although the mother is distressed, she is powerless to change the status quo.

As time passed, Zhang Ting gradually realized that this family environment was actually a form of bullying. She felt that she had no place in the family and could not receive even the most basic respect. However, she did not dare to ask for help from the outside world because she was afraid that others would ridicule her for "not even being able to handle her own family".

3. The deep impact of family bullying

The impact of family bullying on Zhang Ting is profound. She became more and more inferior and introverted, afraid to socialize with people. At school, she was always a loner and feared being ridiculed or ostracized by her classmates. At work, she also struggles to fit into the team, and her relationship with her colleagues is strained.

In addition, family bullying also led to Zhang Ting's psychological problems. She often felt anxious and depressed, and even had suicidal thoughts. However, she couldn't get out of this predicament because she couldn't escape from this home.

In the process, Zhang Ting also tried to resist and ask for help. But each time he was suppressed by his father in a more severe way. She felt helpless and hopeless, as if she had fallen into an endless darkness.

Fourth, out of the shadows, rediscover the light

Just when Zhang Ting was feeling hopeless, she met a psychiatrist. The doctor patiently listened to her story and gave her professional guidance and support. With the help of her doctor, Zhang Ting gradually realized the dangers of family bullying and learned how to protect herself.

She began to try to communicate with her parents and express her feelings and thoughts. Although the process was difficult, she gradually discovered that her parents were not completely uncommunicable. They also began to reflect on their own education methods and tried to change their attitude towards Zhang Ting.

After a period of hard work, Zhang Ting's family atmosphere gradually became warm and harmonious. She also began to re-examine her life and future. She understands that she is not alone and has the power to change her life. She began to actively participate in social activities and work projects, and gradually regained her confidence and happiness.

In the end, Zhang Ting stepped out of the shadow of family bullying and embraced a bright life again. Her story tells us that domestic bullying is a serious social problem that needs our collective attention and solution. Only when we bravely face and change this status quo can more families regain happiness and warmth. Is the family bullying? Silent shouting and awakening

1. Silent dinner and inner struggle

Every home has its own unique atmosphere, some are warm as spring, others are as cold as winter. Zhang Ting's home is the latter. Every evening, when the lights of the city are gradually lit up, there is always an indescribable depression on the dining table of Zhang Ting's house.

Zhang Ting's father, Wang Qiang, is the master of the family, his eyes are sharp, and his words and deeds reveal unquestionable authority. The mother, on the other hand, is a typical good wife and mother, who is always obedient to her husband's words and deeds. In such a family environment, Zhang Ting has learned to observe words and emotions since she was a child, and try not to touch her father's bottom line.

However, even if she is careful, there will inevitably be times when things go wrong. That day, Zhang Ting accidentally spilled the soup on the table, and her father's face instantly became gloomy, and he scolded loudly: "You can't do such a small thing, what else can you do?" The mother stopped talking on the sidelines, just silently cleaning up the mess.

Zhang Ting's heart sank to the bottom, and she felt as if she was a useless existence, unable to master even the most basic survival skills. However, what she was more afraid of was her father's cold gaze and endless accusations. She chose to remain silent and hid all her grievances and dissatisfaction in the bottom of her heart.

As time went on, Zhang Ting became more and more reticent. She is no longer willing to share her thoughts with her family or socialize with the outside world. Her world became smaller and smaller, as if there was only one person left.

However, just as she was about to fall into despair, an incident broke her silence.

2. Unexpected discovery and inner awakening

It was a weekend afternoon, and while Zhang Ting was tidying up her room at home, she stumbled upon an old diary. This diary was written by her mother when she was young, and it records the whole process of her acquaintance and love with Wang Qiang to marriage.

Zhang Ting opened the diary curiously, but was deeply shocked by the contents inside. It turned out that her mother was also a lively and cheerful girl with her own dreams and pursuits. However, after marrying Wang Qiang, she gradually gave up her dream and became a good wife and mother. Her life has become monotonous and boring, and she takes care of her husband and children every day in addition to housework.

What shocked Zhang Ting even more was that the diary also recorded some past events that she didn't know. It turns out that his father Wang Qiang is not a perfect person, and he also has his own shortcomings and mistakes. He once verbally insulted and physically hurt his mother, but his mother chose to forgive and endure for the sake of family harmony and the future of the child.

Looking at these words, Zhang Ting's heart swelled with an indescribable emotion. She felt as if she had seen a different side of her mother and her role in the family. She suddenly realized that she should not continue to be silent, but should stand up bravely and fight for the dignity and rights she and her mother deserve.

However, the process is not easy. Zhang Ting knew that if she expressed her dissatisfaction and protest directly to her father, it would likely lead to a family war. So, she decided to start by changing herself.

3. Courageous Struggle and Family Change

Zhang Ting began to actively seek help and support. She joined the school's counseling center and had in-depth exchanges with professional counselors. With the help of a counselor, she gradually regained her confidence and courage, and also learned how to communicate with others and express her ideas.

At the same time, Zhang Ting also began to pay attention to information and laws and regulations related to domestic violence. She learned that domestic violence was not a private matter, but a violation of the law. If the victim does not seek help and support in a timely manner, it is likely to find themselves in a deeper predicament.

With these realizations, Zhang Ting decided to take action. She first found her mother and had an in-depth communication with her. She told her mother about her findings and thoughts, and encouraged her to stand up for her rights. After hearing her words, a trace of surprise and emotion flashed in her mother's eyes, and then she nodded silently.

Then, Zhang Ting found her father again and had a frank conversation with him. She told her father about her views and concerns about domestic violence and hoped that he would change his behaviour. At first, her father didn't take her words seriously, and even disdained her. But over time, he gradually realized what was wrong with him and began to try to change his behavior and attitude.

In this process, Zhang Ting did not give up. She is constantly communicating, communicating, and consulting with her family, trying to find a solution to the problem. Her persistence and hard work eventually won the understanding and support of her family. The family atmosphere has gradually become warm and harmonious.

Eventually, under Zhang Ting's push, her family underwent a profound transformation. Domestic violence has been effectively curbed and eliminated, and families have begun to re-examine and pay attention to each other's needs and feelings. Zhang Ting has also grown and exercised in the process, and she has become stronger, more confident and braver.

This story tells us that the family is everyone's harbor and dependence, but domestic violence is an intolerable evil. We should be brave enough to stand up for our rights and dignity, and we should also pay attention to and support those who are experiencing domestic violence. Only in this way can we create a harmonious, happy and wonderful family environment together.

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