
Abdominal breathing has many benefits: it makes it deeper and healthier

author:New Medical Line 306
Abdominal breathing has many benefits: it makes it deeper and healthier

Niu Lijun Zhao Min, Department 1 and 4 of Special Medical Center (formerly 306 Hospital).

Edited by Liu Yan/Cui Yan, Medical Science Popularization Center

Breathing, as a basic activity that supports life, provides us with the oxygen necessary for life and ensures the normal functioning of the human body. The correct way of breathing can fully exercise the internal organs, and by consciously controlling the breathing, people can indirectly control the movement of the five internal organs, so that the body becomes healthier. Among the many breathing styles, abdominal breathing has attracted more and more attention due to its unique advantages.

What is Abdominal Breathing?

Abdominal breathing, also known as diaphragmatic breathing, is a breathing style in which the diaphragm descends and the abdominal muscles contract to expand the volume of the chest cavity, so that the lungs are fully expanded, so that more oxygen can be inhaled. Compared to shallow and short chest breathing, abdominal breathing is deeper and slower, which helps to relax the body and mind and improve breathing efficiency.

Abdominal breathing has many benefits: it makes it deeper and healthier

Benefits of abdominal breathing

(1) Improve cardiopulmonary function: abdominal breathing can fully expand the lungs and increase lung capacity, and at the same time, deep breathing can help reduce heart rate, blood pressure, reduce the burden on the heart, thereby improving cardiopulmonary function.

(2) Enhance immunity: Abdominal breathing helps to increase the oxygen content in the blood and improve the oxygenation level of various organs in the body, thereby enhancing immunity and resisting diseases.

(3) Promote digestion: abdominal breathing can stimulate intestinal peristalsis, promote digestion, and relieve constipation. At the same time, deep breathing helps to eliminate waste gases from the body, reduce the burden on the body, and maintain good health.

(4) Relieve stress and anxiety: Abdominal breathing can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, reduce the secretion of stress hormones, and make people feel relaxed and comfortable. Trying to breathe in the abdomen when you're nervous or anxious can help relieve negative emotions and restore calm.

(5) Improve sleep quality: Abdominal breathing helps regulate the nervous system, makes it easier for people to enter deep sleep, and helps alleviate insomnia and other problems.

Abdominal breathing has many benefits: it makes it deeper and healthier

How to practice abdominal breathing?

(1) Sitting or lying position: Choose a quiet and comfortable environment, sit or lie down, and relax your body.

(2) Inhale: Inhale slowly through your nose while feeling the gradual bulge of your abdomen. Try to keep your chest still during the inhalation. You can feel the ups and downs of your abdomen by placing your hands on your abdomen or placing a soft pillow on your abdomen.

(3) Exhale: Exhale slowly through your mouth while feeling the gradual contraction of your abdomen. During the exhalation, try to expel exhaust gas from your lungs.

(4) Repetitive exercises: 5~10 minutes each time, 2~3 times a day. As you practice more often, you can gradually extend your breathing time and improve your breathing efficiency.

Abdominal breathing has many benefits: it makes it deeper and healthier

In conclusion, abdominal breathing is a simple, effective way of breathing. However, it is important to note that abdominal breathing exercises need to be consistent and maintain a calm mind while practicing abdominal breathing to avoid being too nervous or anxious. While there are many benefits to abdominal breathing, it's not for everyone. For people with severe respiratory diseases, breathing exercises should be performed under the guidance of a doctor. At the same time, any discomfort during the practice should be stopped immediately and professional guidance should be sought.

(The picture comes from the Internet)