
In 1986, Deng Jiaxian, who was dying, asked his wife Xu Luxi: Will anyone still remember me after 30 years?

author:Integrity Gabriel 9q2

It was an era of war, and an ordinary and great man was writing his own legend in the last days of his life. Deng Jiaxian, this name was once hidden in the tide of history, but now it is blooming with dazzling light. What exactly did he go through in his life? And what kind of contribution did he contribute to the country? This question will linger in the heart of his wife Xu Luxi with his last breath. Facing the end of his life, what is Deng Jiaxian's only wish? Thirty years later, when this history is known to the world, how will we evaluate his life?

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian, who was dying, asked his wife Xu Luxi: Will anyone still remember me after 30 years?

Big ambitions in the context of the ordinary

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian, who was dying, asked his wife Xu Luxi: Will anyone still remember me after 30 years?

The childhood shrouded in the smoke of war forged Deng Jiaxian's desire for peace. In 1926, he was born into an ordinary peasant family in Donghai County, Jiangsu Province. As a young child, he witnessed first-hand the atrocities of the Japanese army – his hometown was looted and villagers were homeless and displaced. It was this painful memory that strengthened his determination to serve the motherland.

In 1948, faced with the turbulent environment at home, Deng Jiaxian, with a thirst for knowledge and expectations for the motherland, gave up the opportunity to study in China and went to the United States for further study. Before leaving, he made a solemn vow: "In the future, national construction will need talents, and I will definitely come back after I finish my studies." "

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian, who was dying, asked his wife Xu Luxi: Will anyone still remember me after 30 years?

During his time in the United States, Deng Jiaxian desperately absorbed new knowledge. When he learned the news of the founding of the People's Republic of China, his heart was extremely excited. Only 9 days later, he could not wait to give up the affluent life in the United States and return to his homeland with a large amount of information.

After returning to China, Deng Jiaxian did not choose a comfortable life, but immediately devoted himself to the cause of national construction. He clearly realized that mastering advanced science and technology is the only way to achieve national strength. As a scientist, he hopes to use his knowledge and talents to contribute to the new China.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian, who was dying, asked his wife Xu Luxi: Will anyone still remember me after 30 years?

In 1953, Deng Jiaxian married the soulful Xu Luxi. In a few short years, they respected each other like guests, loved each other, and lived a healthy life. However, the time of peace did not last long, and the call of the party and the state soon took Deng Jiaxian away from the small family.

Tenacious struggle to overcome many difficulties

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian, who was dying, asked his wife Xu Luxi: Will anyone still remember me after 30 years?

In August 1958, Deng Jiaxian was transferred to the Nuclear Weapons Theory Research Department, responsible for the design of nuclear weapons theory. Since then, he has devoted himself to the cause of nuclear weapons, isolated from the outside world, and only worked hard for the strength of the country.

At that time, the continent was congenitally deficient in everything in the field of nuclear weapons. The United States and the Soviet Union imposed a strict blockade on nuclear technology, lacked experimental equipment in the country, and the means of calculation were very primitive. In order to overcome the world-class problem of nuclear weapons theoretical design, Deng Jiaxian led the scientific research team to rely on themselves and work hard.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian, who was dying, asked his wife Xu Luxi: Will anyone still remember me after 30 years?

There are no large-scale computers in the theoretical department, and researchers rely on the most primitive abacus to make repeated calculations. Due to the poor conditions and the inability to carry out experimental verification, they could only rely on the power of mathematics to solve the mystery of the atomic bomb explosion little by little.

The living environment is also worrisome. It was a three-year natural disaster, food was scarce, and some colleagues suffered from stomach cramps due to malnutrition. In order to maintain their physical strength, the researchers had to drink soy sauce mixed with boiling water to satisfy their hunger. But even so, they are still working around the clock to calculate.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian, who was dying, asked his wife Xu Luxi: Will anyone still remember me after 30 years?

There were many difficulties, and the scientific research team fell into a lost path several times. Sometimes, when Deng Jia rode his bicycle first, he would suddenly fall into a roadside ditch; Sometimes another one accidentally crashes into a telephone pole. But no ordeal could break his faith, and he gritted his teeth and persevered, never giving up halfway.

After several months of repeated calculations, Deng Jiaxian finally calculated a set of parameters. But this is a far cry from the data he received from the Soviet Union, and he knows that the accuracy of the core data will be directly related to the success of the much-anticipated first nuclear test.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian, who was dying, asked his wife Xu Luxi: Will anyone still remember me after 30 years?

In order to ensure that nothing went wrong, Deng Jiaxian led the team to repeatedly calculate again, and finally persevered to find out that there were major errors in the data provided by the Soviet side before. He searched everywhere for information, and finally got the support of experts who had just returned from studying abroad.

In this way, with his persistent pursuit of truth, Deng Jiaxian independently mastered the core technology of nuclear weapons design, clearing the last theoretical obstacle for the design and development of the mainland's first atomic bomb.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian, who was dying, asked his wife Xu Luxi: Will anyone still remember me after 30 years?

Sacrifice and dedication write a legendary life

For the country's nuclear weapons cause, Deng Jiaxian made huge personal sacrifices. Over the years, he has been working in a radiant environment for a long time, and his body has gradually developed symptoms. Despite this, he never delayed his work and was always at the forefront of nuclear weapons theoretical research.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian, who was dying, asked his wife Xu Luxi: Will anyone still remember me after 30 years?

In 1964, the continent's first atomic bomb was successfully tested, marking a phased victory in the cause of nuclear weapons. However, Deng Jiaxian did not relax for a moment, and he devoted himself to more advanced nuclear weapons research.

This time, he faced an unprecedented challenge. Due to the limited calculation conditions at that time, the design of nuclear weapons was in a difficult situation, and the data calculation results were repeatedly discrewed. In order to find the crux of the problem, Deng Jiaxian had to linger in the area of intense radiation for a long time.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian, who was dying, asked his wife Xu Luxi: Will anyone still remember me after 30 years?

In this high-intensity radiation environment, his physical condition deteriorated. The hair began to gradually fall out, and a pungent smell emanated from the whole body. When relatives and friends saw him, they couldn't help but cover their noses. But no matter how much physical suffering he endured, he insisted on working on the front line until he overcame the technical difficulties.

With the advancement of the nuclear weapons cause, more and more colleagues fell to their posts, but Deng Jiaxian never had the idea of backing down. One day in 1967, when he learned of the tragic death of his colleague, he immediately rushed to the scene and witnessed the scene of the body being carried out.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian, who was dying, asked his wife Xu Luxi: Will anyone still remember me after 30 years?

It's a shocking scene. The body of the colleague has been completely deformed, the flesh and blood are blurred, and the facial features are completely devoid. Deng Jiaxian said calmly: "Bury it in the ground, we have to move on." In the face of the threat to his life, he regarded death as his home, only to protect the core secrets of the state.

Such stories are well-known in the Nuclear Weapons Research Institute. Every scientific researcher is contributing his strength to the country's weapons cause at the cost of his life. Everyone understands that once someone reneges on their beliefs, the whole business will be in vain.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian, who was dying, asked his wife Xu Luxi: Will anyone still remember me after 30 years?

In this way, several generations of scientific researchers have been fighting at the forefront of the cause of nuclear weapons. At the cost of their blood and lives, they built a great wall of steel for the motherland. And Deng Jiaxian, who took the lead, is the brightest star in this team.

Quenched into steel, husband and wife hand in hand

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian, who was dying, asked his wife Xu Luxi: Will anyone still remember me after 30 years?

In Deng Jiaxian's difficult career, his wife Xu Luxi has always been his solid backing. Since the two got married in 1953, they have been with each other, sharing joys and sorrows, and resolving all difficulties and tribulations with love.

In 1958, Deng Jiaxian was transferred to the secret nuclear weapons research institute and began a life of isolation from the outside world for 28 years. Although she could not reunite with her family, Xu Luxi never had a trace of complaints, she silently supported her husband, raised two children alone, and took care of all the housework.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian, who was dying, asked his wife Xu Luxi: Will anyone still remember me after 30 years?

In those years, Deng Jiaxian could only go home to reunite with his family for a short time during the Lunar New Year. During the festive season, the children would bounce to welcome their father back. Although the time spent together was short, Deng Jiaxian always spent all his time with his family, playing and playing with the children, and the family was happy.

However, good things are always fleeting. After the holiday, Deng Jiaxian had to leave for the institute again, separated from his family for a long time. Whenever they part, they are always reluctant. Before leaving, Xu Luxi would prepare convenient dry food for her husband and tell him to be careful all the way.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian, who was dying, asked his wife Xu Luxi: Will anyone still remember me after 30 years?

Although they were unable to see each other often, the couple maintained a close communication through letters. Whenever he rested, Deng Jiaxian would give his wife a few words of peace. And Xu Luxi's letter became his spiritual comfort in the difficult years.

In 1967, Deng Jiaxian was severely damaged by radiation, his hair was completely gone, and his physical condition deteriorated. During the Spring Festival this year, he finally spent a rare holiday at home. Looking at her husband's haggard appearance, Xu Luxi was heartbroken and said earnestly: "You have made great contributions to the country, why don't you consider retiring and recuperating?" "

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian, who was dying, asked his wife Xu Luxi: Will anyone still remember me after 30 years?

In the face of his wife's concern, Deng Jiaxian did not say much, but solemnly said: "The cause of nuclear weapons has a long future, and I will continue to struggle." Years of getting along made Xu Luxi understand her husband's dedication to his career, she did not dissuade him anymore, but silently stopped everything at home and carefully prepared sufficient dry food for her husband.

In the last days of his life, Deng Jiaxian has been thinking about this question: "30 years later, will anyone still remember us?" He wanted his story to be known to future generations. In fact, it is precisely because of the support and understanding of Xu Luxi's family that Deng Jiaxian can devote himself to his work and write his own legendary life.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian, who was dying, asked his wife Xu Luxi: Will anyone still remember me after 30 years?

Historical feats will be forever remembered as monuments

Deng Jiaxian made indelible contributions to the country's nuclear weapons cause. His outstanding achievements in theoretical design and engineering practice have been personally affirmed by the leaders of the Party and the state at the highest level.

In 1966, Deng Jiaxian was awarded the honorary title of "National Model Worker" for his participation in the theoretical design and research of the first atomic bomb. This honor is not only a personal commendation, but also an affirmation of the party and the state for the builders of nuclear weapons.

In 1989, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council decided to posthumously award Deng Jiaxian the honorary title of "Chinese Scientist with Outstanding Contributions", and gave the highest evaluation to him for his outstanding contributions to the country. This honor not only demonstrates Deng Jiaxian's courage in work, but also the greatest affirmation of his spirit of hard work.

After Deng Jiaxian passed away, all walks of life across the country paid his most sincere respects. In his eulogy, Qian Weichang, a well-known scientist, wrote: "Comrade Deng Jiaxian is the pioneer and founder of the mainland's nuclear weapons cause and an outstanding scientist who has made major contributions to the country's cause of peace. "

On October 16, 1986, Deng Jiaxian passed away. The leaders of the party and the state came to pay their respects to this scientist who has fought all his life for the country. At Deng Jiaxian's memorial service, the audience wept bitterly for the hero's death.

Although Deng Jiaxian's life is mostly kept secret, his deeds have long been a household name and have become a role model in people's minds. Back then, when Deng Jia paid the price of his life, his wife Xu Luxi once asked him: "Will anyone still remember us after 30 years?" Today, the answer to this sentence is clear.

Deng Jiaxian's heroic deeds have been widely spread, and bronze statues of him have been erected all over the country, forever engraved in people's memories. Whenever someone passes by the bronze statue that stands, they will stop and gaze at this scientist who has made great contributions to the country.

Deng Jiaxian's spirit will be evergreen and become an immortal force that inspires future generations to forge ahead. Generation after generation of scientists have taken up his torch and made new contributions to the cause of the country's comprehensive national strength. It is precisely because of pioneers like Deng Jiaxian that our motherland can stand tall among the nations of the world and radiate unprecedented light.