
CCTV criticized "Singer"! Na Ying completely broke the defense, netizens: None of the 5 Chinese can fight

author:Benevolence steamship zR

"I Am a Singer 2024" Live Broadcast Awards: The resurgence of the music scene, the collision of emotion and strength

CCTV criticized "Singer"! Na Ying completely broke the defense, netizens: None of the 5 Chinese can fight

When night falls and the stars shine, Hunan Satellite TV's "I Am a Singer 2024" once again ignites the passion of music fans with a unique live broadcast feast. This is a carnival of music, but also a blend of emotions, every note seems to carry a story, and every chant seems to tell the hearts of the stars.

CCTV criticized "Singer"! Na Ying completely broke the defense, netizens: None of the 5 Chinese can fight

The gorgeous return of Na Ying, the queen of the music scene

CCTV criticized "Singer"! Na Ying completely broke the defense, netizens: None of the 5 Chinese can fight

When it comes to the Chinese music scene, how can you not mention Naying? This former queen of music has conquered the hearts of countless listeners with her unique voice and soulful interpretation. However, the years are not forgiving, and as she grows older, Na Ying gradually fades out of the public eye. But on this early summer night, with her love and dedication to music, she once again appeared on the stage of "I Am a Singer 2024".

CCTV criticized "Singer"! Na Ying completely broke the defense, netizens: None of the 5 Chinese can fight

Na Ying's return undoubtedly adds more highlights to this musical feast. Her voice is still so moving, and every note seems to carry the traces of time, making people feel her growth and change. On stage, she not only showed her musical talent, but also shared her life insights and mental journey. Her performance is not only a feast of music, but also a baptism of the soul.

CCTV criticized "Singer"! Na Ying completely broke the defense, netizens: None of the 5 Chinese can fight

The rise of foreign singers, a new trend in the music scene

CCTV criticized "Singer"! Na Ying completely broke the defense, netizens: None of the 5 Chinese can fight

On the stage of "I Am a Singer 2024", the rise of foreign singers has become another highlight. With different cultural backgrounds and musical styles, they bring a new audio-visual experience to the audience. Among them, a singer from Europe won warm applause from the audience with his unique voice and soulful interpretation. His songs are full of emotional power and make people feel the borderless and inclusive nature of music.

CCTV criticized "Singer"! Na Ying completely broke the defense, netizens: None of the 5 Chinese can fight

The rise of foreign singers has not only brought new breath and vitality to the music scene, but also triggered people's thinking and discussion on music culture. Their success is also a testament to the power and charm of music, which can transcend borders and cultural differences and touch people's hearts.

CCTV criticized "Singer"! Na Ying completely broke the defense, netizens: None of the 5 Chinese can fight

Emotional entanglements, the story behind the starlight

CCTV criticized "Singer"! Na Ying completely broke the defense, netizens: None of the 5 Chinese can fight

On the stage of "I Am a Singer 2024", in addition to the collision and competition of music, the emotional entanglement between stars has also become the focus of attention of the audience. The friendship, love, and friendship between them are intertwined to form a moving picture.

CCTV criticized "Singer"! Na Ying completely broke the defense, netizens: None of the 5 Chinese can fight

Among them, Na Ying's mentor-apprentice friendship with a young singer is particularly eye-catching. Na Ying not only gave him guidance and help in music, but also gave him care and support in life. Their mentor-apprentice friendship is not only a kind of inheritance and continuation, but also a kind of emotional blending and resonance. This deep sense of mentorship and apprenticeship makes people feel the power and warmth of music.

CCTV criticized "Singer"! Na Ying completely broke the defense, netizens: None of the 5 Chinese can fight

In addition, the love between celebrities has also become a hot topic among the audience. Some stars boldly confessed on stage, while others silently supported each other behind their backs. Their love stories may be sweet or poignant, but they all make people feel the power and beauty of love. These emotional entanglements not only enrich the content of the show, but also allow the audience to have a deeper understanding of the inner world and emotional life of the stars.

CCTV criticized "Singer"! Na Ying completely broke the defense, netizens: None of the 5 Chinese can fight

The audience interacted with each other and witnessed the grand event of the music scene

CCTV criticized "Singer"! Na Ying completely broke the defense, netizens: None of the 5 Chinese can fight

The live broadcast format of "I Am a Singer 2024" provides a new way for viewers to participate. Viewers can watch the show in real time and express their opinions and comments through the Internet. This interactive form not only increases the fun and interactivity of the program, but also allows the audience to participate more deeply in the program.

CCTV criticized "Singer"! Na Ying completely broke the defense, netizens: None of the 5 Chinese can fight

During the live broadcast, the audience expressed their opinions and comments in the barrage. Some viewers applauded the stars' wonderful performances, while others questioned and suggested the stars' performances. This interactive form not only makes the stars feel the support and attention of the audience, but also makes them cherish and value their stage performance more.

CCTV criticized "Singer"! Na Ying completely broke the defense, netizens: None of the 5 Chinese can fight

At the same time, the audience also shared their views and feelings through social media and other platforms. They all said that they were moved by the musical talents and emotional stories of the stars, and felt the power and beauty of music. This kind of resonance and emotion not only enhances the cohesion and sense of belonging of the audience, but also makes "I Am a Singer 2024" a real music event.

CCTV criticized "Singer"! Na Ying completely broke the defense, netizens: None of the 5 Chinese can fight

On this early summer night, "I Am a Singer 2024" has once again ignited the passion of music fans with its unique charm and emotional power. Whether it is Na Ying's gorgeous return or the rise of foreign singers, whether it is the emotional entanglement between stars or the warm interaction of the audience, it makes us feel the power and beauty of music. Let's look forward to the next musical feast!

CCTV criticized "Singer"! Na Ying completely broke the defense, netizens: None of the 5 Chinese can fight
CCTV criticized "Singer"! Na Ying completely broke the defense, netizens: None of the 5 Chinese can fight
CCTV criticized "Singer"! Na Ying completely broke the defense, netizens: None of the 5 Chinese can fight

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