
It was a big fuss, the old man was drunk and fell down, and the man was framed for helping, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

author:Happy Superman who is happy every day
It was a big fuss, the old man was drunk and fell down, and the man was framed for helping, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot


Editor/Happy Superman who is happy every day


A drunk elderly man fell to the ground while walking, suffering a head injury and a bloody face.


Video source: @DimensionNews

Seeing the old man falling, the enthusiastic man stepped forward to help him and tried to help.

It was a big fuss, the old man was drunk and fell down, and the man was framed for helping, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

Source network

After the family members of the old man arrived at the scene, they did not understand the situation and directly accused the enthusiastic man of being the perpetrator who caused the old man to fall.

It was a big fuss, the old man was drunk and fell down, and the man was framed for helping, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

Source network

The zealous man tried to explain his act of kindness, but the family of the old man insisted that he was the perpetrator, causing an escalation of the dispute at the scene and causing a traffic jam.

It was a big fuss, the old man was drunk and fell down, and the man was framed for helping, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

Source network

The police intervened, and the zealous man faced both legal and moral pressure because he was falsely accused.

The incident spread to the Internet, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

Judge Wang, what do you think?

It was a big fuss, the old man was drunk and fell down, and the man was framed for helping, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

It's not an apology, it's a lawsuit against this family

It was a big fuss, the old man was drunk and fell down, and the man was framed for helping, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

No wonder my mother said, don't be nosy, he fell down, and he couldn't help up, he really couldn't help him

It was a big fuss, the old man was drunk and fell down, and the man was framed for helping, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot
It was a big fuss, the old man was drunk and fell down, and the man was framed for helping, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

So sometimes it's not that you don't want to help, it's that you don't dare to help

It was a big fuss, the old man was drunk and fell down, and the man was framed for helping, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

It's Nanjing again, and the direct court sues for extortion, which can't be used to

It was a big fuss, the old man was drunk and fell down, and the man was framed for helping, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

Netizens expressed their opinions, emphasizing that society should protect more good-faith behaviors and avoid well-wishers being wronged. Some netizens shared their own experiences or those around them being misunderstood because of good deeds, and called for the establishment of a sound legal protection mechanism.

The editor has something to say

Recently, a thought-provoking incident occurred in Yuhuatai District, Nanjing. After a drunken old man fell, an enthusiastic man stepped forward to help him, but he was unexpectedly falsely accused of being the perpetrator by the old man and his family. The incident quickly sparked heated discussions on social media, with the public expressing sympathy for the plight of the zealous man and calling for the protection of the do-gooders. This incident is not only a torture of the protection of good deeds in society, but also a profound reflection on the social trust system.

The kind-hearted man who did not hesitate to step forward to help the old man after he fell down is commendable. However, he was framed as the perpetrator for his good deeds, which not only caused a psychological blow to him personally, but also had a negative impact on the enthusiasm of good deeds in society. Such incidents may lead more people to sit idly by in the face of similar situations in the future, fearing that good deeds will lead to trouble.

Good deeds need to be protected, which is not only respect for the good deeds, but also the maintenance of social morality. Society should provide a safe environment for do-gooders to do good without fear of being misunderstood or falsely accused. The government and relevant departments should strengthen legal protection, crack down on acts of slander against others, and ensure that the rights and interests of those who do good deeds are not violated.

This incident has exposed the current lack of trust in society. The imprudent behavior of the elderly and their families directly accusing the zealous man of being the perpetrator without knowing the truth reflects a crisis of trust in society. Social trust is an important foundation for social harmony, and if trust is missing, the relationship between people will become cold and defensive, and the society will lose warmth and love.

Building and restoring trust in society requires efforts from all fronts. Education and publicity should be strengthened so that the public understands and respects good deeds and raises the moral level of society. Laws and systems should be perfected to severely punish malicious acts of false accusations and deter potential malicious actors. The media should remain objective and impartial in reporting on events, present facts impartially, and avoid misleading the public.

The fall of a drunken elderly man in Nanjing is a mirror that reflects the protection of good deeds and the crisis of trust in society. We should deeply reflect on the need to build and restore social trust while protecting those who do good deeds, so that every good deed can be respected and protected. Only in this way can we build a harmonious, orderly, warm and caring social environment.

Through this incident, we hope to arouse more people's attention to the protection of good deeds and the issue of social trust, and work together to provide a safe environment for every good deed, so that good deeds can become the norm and virtue of society. Only in this way can our society be more harmonious and better.

What do you think about this?

#头条创作挑战赛 ##网友##评论区##挑战30天在头条写日记##当今社会该不该扶老人##老人醉酒摔倒男子搀扶反被诬陷#

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