
can't laugh anymore, 57-year-old Liang Shi is preparing for the 28th college entrance examination, and netizens in the comment area are frying

author:Happy Superman who is happy every day
can't laugh anymore, 57-year-old Liang Shi is preparing for the 28th college entrance examination, and netizens in the comment area are frying


Editor/Happy Superman who is happy every day


Liang Shi, this name is a household name in the college entrance examination circle.


Video source: @Sichuan Watch

Since 1983, he began to register for the college entrance examination and insisted on it 27 times intermittently.

can't laugh anymore, 57-year-old Liang Shi is preparing for the 28th college entrance examination, and netizens in the comment area are frying

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At the age of 57, Liang Shi still hasn't given up, and his goal has always been the same, which is to be admitted to Sichuan University.

can't laugh anymore, 57-year-old Liang Shi is preparing for the 28th college entrance examination, and netizens in the comment area are frying

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This year, Liang Shi chose liberal arts again. He said that he felt that he had made progress compared to last year, and his goal was still to target Sichuan University. He admitted frankly that this year may be the last time to take the college entrance examination, but he is still full of confidence and fighting spirit.

can't laugh anymore, 57-year-old Liang Shi is preparing for the 28th college entrance examination, and netizens in the comment area are frying

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The incident spread to the Internet, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

Liang Shi is a smart person, if he is admitted, he will retire after two years of work. High, really high

can't laugh anymore, 57-year-old Liang Shi is preparing for the 28th college entrance examination, and netizens in the comment area are frying

Liang Shi, the first person in the history of the total score of the college entrance examination, really lived to learn all the time

can't laugh anymore, 57-year-old Liang Shi is preparing for the 28th college entrance examination, and netizens in the comment area are frying

To tell the truth, although he didn't reach the undergraduate line, I admired him with his 104 points in mathematics.

can't laugh anymore, 57-year-old Liang Shi is preparing for the 28th college entrance examination, and netizens in the comment area are frying

Reviewed for 27 years... It was reviewed for one year by a student for a second...

can't laugh anymore, 57-year-old Liang Shi is preparing for the 28th college entrance examination, and netizens in the comment area are frying

Once you get this person every year, it means that the college entrance examination is about to start again

can't laugh anymore, 57-year-old Liang Shi is preparing for the 28th college entrance examination, and netizens in the comment area are frying

The editor has something to say

Liang Shi's college entrance examination story is undoubtedly an inspirational legend. In this era of fierce competition and the pursuit of efficiency, his persistence and perseverance are admirable. To some extent, Liang Shi is a "living fossil" of the college entrance examination, and his experience has witnessed the development and changes of China's education system. His dedication is not only the persistence of personal dreams, but also the unremitting pursuit of learning and progress.

For many people, the college entrance examination is a war for young people, and it seems that they will not be able to get away with it after a certain age. Liang Shi's existence shatters this preconceived notion. He proved with practical actions that there is no age limit for learning, and it is never too late to pursue your dreams. This spirit inspires countless people, especially those who encounter setbacks and difficulties on the way to study.

Every year, millions of candidates across the country take the college entrance examination, and the competition is extremely fierce. For young candidates, the college entrance examination is not only an exam, but also an important opportunity to change their fate. However, whether Liang Shi's multiple college entrance examination experiences have taken up the resources of young candidates is also a question worth discussing.

Some people believe that Liang Shi's repeated college entrance examination behaviors have occupied valuable social resources and affected the opportunities of other candidates. From a legal and institutional point of view, there is no age limit for the college entrance examination, and everyone has the right to pursue their dreams. Liang Shi's insistence was carried out within a legal framework, and he did not violate any regulations.

His dream is to be admitted to Sichuan University, and this is also the source of motivation for his unremitting efforts for many years. However, the realization of dreams is not only an individual effort, but also requires the support of society and the allocation of resources. In the process of pursuing personal dreams, we also need to consider social fairness and the rational use of public resources.

Liang Shi is a special case, and his story has attracted the attention of the public and has also sparked discussion. This discussion helps us to reflect on whether the design of the education system is scientific and reasonable, and whether it can achieve educational equity to the greatest extent. Equity in education is not only about giving everyone the opportunity to receive an education, but also about giving everyone fair treatment and support in the pursuit of their dreams.

In a pluralistic society, different people have different pursuits and choices. As a selection mechanism, the gaokao should be inclusive and able to accommodate candidates of all backgrounds and ages. Only in this way can we truly achieve equity in education and equality of opportunity.

The essence of education is to cultivate talents, not to limit human development across the board. As a selection method, the gaokao should be more flexible and inclusive, providing opportunities for all those who are interested in learning and progressing. Liang Shi's experience tells us that the college entrance examination is not only a battlefield for young people, but also a platform for all those who pursue knowledge and progress.

The story of Liang Shi's college entrance examination is a legend full of perseverance and dreams, which is both admirable and thought-provoking. While applauding him for his tireless pursuit of his dreams, we also need to reflect on the fairness of the education system and the rational allocation of resources. Everyone has the right to pursue their dreams, but in the process of realizing their personal dreams, we also need to consider the overall fairness of society and the rational use of public resources. It is hoped that the future education system will be more inclusive and diverse, so that everyone with dreams can get the support and opportunities they deserve on the road to pursuing their dreams.

What do you think about this?

#网友 ##头条创作挑战赛##评论区##挑战30天在头条写日记##57岁梁实备战第28次高考#

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