
I can't laugh anymore, Guo Youcai changed the venue live, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

author:Happy Superman who is happy every day
I can't laugh anymore, Guo Youcai changed the venue live, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens


Editor/Happy Superman who is happy every day


The spring college entrance examination in 2024 is about to kick off, and in order to provide a quiet examination environment for candidates, Heze City has decided to suspend all cultural and recreational activities in the square of Heze South Railway Station during the college entrance examination.


Video source: @Jiangbei Rong Media

Guo Youcai's live broadcast event originally scheduled to be held at Heze South Railway Station Square was affected as a result.

I can't laugh anymore, Guo Youcai changed the venue live, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

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In order to cooperate with the smooth progress of the examination, Guo Youcai and his team decided to change the live broadcast location to the National Flower Expo Park.

I can't laugh anymore, Guo Youcai changed the venue live, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Source network

The new live location not only solves the noise problem, but also provides a more spacious venue for viewers.

I can't laugh anymore, Guo Youcai changed the venue live, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Source network

The incident spread to the Internet, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

Guo Youcai's version of "The Promise" has a lot of stamina, and the more I listen to it, the more I get up

I can't laugh anymore, Guo Youcai changed the venue live, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Live broadcast to rejuvenate the country and benefit the people

I can't laugh anymore, Guo Youcai changed the venue live, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Let students come to watch the live broadcast, the live broadcast is the future of the motherland

I can't laugh anymore, Guo Youcai changed the venue live, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Guo Youcai is really talented! It's amazing! One person drives the entire Heze !!

I can't laugh anymore, Guo Youcai changed the venue live, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Live streaming can be included in compulsory education, so that students can start learning from an early age! So that there is hope for the country

I can't laugh anymore, Guo Youcai changed the venue live, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

The editor has something to say

The annual college entrance examination season can always tug at the heartstrings of countless families. The spring college entrance examination in 2024 is approaching, and in order to create a quiet examination environment for candidates, Heze City has decided to suspend all cultural and recreational activities in the square of Heze South Railway Station during the college entrance examination. The well-known network anchor Guo Youcai's originally planned live broadcast here was also urgently transferred to the National Flower Expo Park. This incident not only aroused concern in the society, but also made me think deeply about the importance that society attaches to the college entrance examination and the responsibilities and roles of all parties in dealing with major examinations.

The importance of the gaokao to Chinese families is self-evident. As an important turning point in life, the college entrance examination is related to the future development of students and affects the hopes and dreams of countless families. A series of measures taken by the education department and relevant management parties in Heze City during the college entrance examination, especially the suspension of cultural and recreational activities, reflect the deep concern for candidates and the great importance attached to education.

Guo Youcai, as a public figure, quickly made adjustments in the face of this decision and transferred the live broadcast event to the National Flower Expo Park. This initiative not only shows his commitment to social responsibility, but also reflects his support for the cause of education. As an online anchor, Guo Youcai's influence is huge, and his action has undoubtedly set a good example among the public, showing the attitude and sense of responsibility that public figures should have in major social events.

The actions of public figures often have an exemplary effect. Guo Youcai's livestream event was not only widely reported by the media, but also sparked heated discussions on social media. Most netizens expressed their understanding and support for Guo Youcai's decision, believing that he showed his due sense of social responsibility. At the same time, some netizens also proposed that similar recreational activities should try to avoid major exam dates to avoid unnecessary interference to candidates.

Public opinion plays an important role in promoting public figures and corporate social responsibility. Through the guidance of public opinion, more public figures can be made aware of their influence and responsibility, so as to pay more attention to social benefits in future actions and actively contribute to social welfare undertakings.

The college entrance examination is not only a personal matter for candidates, it is related to the harmony and progress of the whole society. It is the responsibility of the whole society to create a quiet and comfortable examination environment for candidates during the college entrance examination. The decision of Heze City to suspend the cultural and recreational activities in the square of Heze South Railway Station is undoubtedly to ensure that candidates can play their level in the best environment. This initiative reflects the emergency response capability and management level of government departments during major examinations.

For test takers, a quiet test environment can effectively reduce external distractions and help them focus and perform better at their level. This not only helps to improve the fairness and impartiality of the examination, but also reflects the importance and support of the society for the cause of education.

What do you think about this?

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