
Big S Weibo is in full swing: not afraid of the Internet storm, vowing to fight for Wang Xiaofei's property to the end!

author:Card Point Entertainment

Big S Weibo went crazy

Recently, Big S has set off a storm of public opinion on Weibo. She said firmly: This sentence is like a bombshell, instantly igniting the gossip hearts of netizens.

Big S Weibo is in full swing: not afraid of the Internet storm, vowing to fight for Wang Xiaofei's property to the end!

It turned out that the divorce dispute between Da S and her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei escalated again, and this time,

Big S Weibo is in full swing: not afraid of the Internet storm, vowing to fight for Wang Xiaofei's property to the end!

From sweetness to strife

Back then, the wedding between Da S and Wang Xiaofei was a sensation, and the sweet love between the two made countless people envious. However, after the divorce, issues such as property division and child support have been unresolved, and the two parties have come and gone without giving in to each other.

Big S Weibo is in full swing: not afraid of the Internet storm, vowing to fight for Wang Xiaofei's property to the end!

The entanglement of love and money

In this dispute, we can't help but ask: is love deteriorating, or is the temptation of money too great? What Big S's Weibo mentioned undoubtedly reveals the pain points of this dispute. In the entanglement of love and money, both of them tried to fight for more benefits for themselves, but ignored the sincere feelings they once had.

Big S Weibo is in full swing: not afraid of the Internet storm, vowing to fight for Wang Xiaofei's property to the end!

Marriage needs to be cautious

Big S's Weibo incident has brought us a profound warning. First of all, marriage is a major life event that needs to be approached with caution. Before getting married, both parties should fully understand each other's personalities and values, so as to avoid the breakdown of the marriage due to personality incompatibility and conflict of values in the future.

Big S Weibo is in full swing: not afraid of the Internet storm, vowing to fight for Wang Xiaofei's property to the end!

Second, the law is a powerful weapon to protect one's own rights and interests. In marriage, if you encounter problems, you should seek legal assistance in time and solve the problem through legal channels.

Big S Weibo is in full swing: not afraid of the Internet storm, vowing to fight for Wang Xiaofei's property to the end!

Treat rationally and resolve peacefully

In response to the dispute between Da S and Wang Xiaofei, we put forward the following suggestions: First, both sides should remain calm and treat the problem rationally. Don't act or say anything aggressive because you're emotional, as this will only complicate the problem.

Big S Weibo is in full swing: not afraid of the Internet storm, vowing to fight for Wang Xiaofei's property to the end!

Second, the two parties can try to solve the problem through negotiation, mediation, etc. After all, the love of the past is still worth cherishing. Finally, if the negotiation fails, the issue can be resolved through legal means. However, in this process, both parties should respect the law and respect the facts, and refrain from fabricating facts and slandering each other.

Big S Weibo is in full swing: not afraid of the Internet storm, vowing to fight for Wang Xiaofei's property to the end!

Leave a message to interact and talk about marriage

Big S's Weibo incident has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions among netizens. What do you think about this strife? Do you support Big S or Wang Xiaofei? How do you think property, children, etc., should be dealt with in marriage? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area and talk to us about marriage!

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