
Who is Chen Lihua Cixi, and what does it have to do with Puyi? Why live in the Summer Palace?

author:Ahua History says

Chen Lihua, whose name was once famous on the rich list, is inextricably linked to Cixi and Pu Yi who are also legendary. How did she go from an ordinary Manchu descendant to the pinnacle of business step by step, and became the most dazzling female business giant of our time? What is her relationship with the female emperors who were once in power? Why was she born in the Summer Palace, but she has no relatives with the royal family? All these mysteries, let us clear the fog one by one and explore the mystery of Chen Lihua's life experience.

Who is Chen Lihua Cixi, and what does it have to do with Puyi? Why live in the Summer Palace?

A legendary descendant of the Yehnara family

Back in time to the heyday of the Qing Dynasty, a long-standing Manchu family, the Yehenara clan, rose and fell here. Although he is not a relative of the emperor, he has assisted the imperial court for generations and has been a pillar of the country, which is enough to be famous all over the world. However, time has passed, and this once prestigious aristocratic family has also declined with the demise of the Qing Dynasty.

Who is Chen Lihua Cixi, and what does it have to do with Puyi? Why live in the Summer Palace?

Until the middle of the 19th century, Chen Lihua, an extraordinary child, was born in the Manchu Yehenala family, which seemed to re-inject vitality into this long-dormant family history. Her father was an ordinary civil servant, and his ancestors were far from a noble family, so how could such an ordinary Manchu descendant write such a legendary life later?

Perhaps it is the tenacious character of the Yehenara family that has been passed down from generation to generation that has allowed Chen Lihua to permeate the tenacious spirit since she was a child. She was born in a turbulent time, when her family from Beijing had to migrate to Shandong to escape the war, where she spent a poor childhood. Despite her poor family, Chen Lihua is still diligent and studious, and has made a long-cherished wish to serve the country since she was a child.

After the turmoil, the Chen family finally returned to Beijing in the fifties of the last century. Since then, this national capital has become the starting line for Chen Lihua's struggle and youth. She was admitted to Peking University with excellent grades, and soon after graduation, she was hired by the Beijing Municipal Government and began her career in public service.

However, with the tide of reform and opening up, Chen Lihua keenly smelled the smell of business opportunities. An irresistible entrepreneurial impulse gradually grew in her heart, which eventually prompted her to give up a comfortable life in public office and rush to the business journey. This descendant of the Manchu people, who once came from a humble family, thus opened a new chapter on the road to wealth and legend.

Who is Chen Lihua Cixi, and what does it have to do with Puyi? Why live in the Summer Palace?

Commoner origins in the Summer Palace

The Summer Palace, a royal garden, was forced to open to the public in the late Qing Dynasty, and some of the palaces were also demolished and sold to raise military expenses. It was in this context that Chen Lihua's ancestors were able to purchase property in this royal forbidden land where the rich rarely traveled, and settled down.

Chen Lihua was born in the Summer Palace in the 40s of the last century, and her father was an ordinary civil servant from a poor family. Although her birthplace was once a royal garden, it has been reduced to a commoner's courtyard. The Chen family is just an ordinary tenant here, and they no longer have any royal blood to speak of.

Despite this, it can be said that this simple family background has instead fulfilled Chen Lihua's character of later hard work. Living in the former royal gardens since she was a child, she is accustomed to this rich scenery, but she has no attachment to the powerful gatekeepers. When her peers were still yearning for a rich life, Chen Lihua was already focusing on her studies and career without distraction.

Who is Chen Lihua Cixi, and what does it have to do with Puyi? Why live in the Summer Palace?

After leaving the Summer Palace, Chen Lihua worked in the Beijing Municipal Government for many years. Although he has made some achievements in public office, he still feels that he is confused and difficult to enjoy. The tide of reform and opening up made her realize that the business route is the future, so she decisively left her public post and threw herself into the tide of department store business in Beijing.

Although the courtyard life of the Summer Palace does not have the slightest shadow of the powerful family, it has given Chen Lihua a solid and simple heart. This simple and innocent personality made her never lose her sense of proportion in her later business journey and walked out of her own path to success.

It is precisely because her birthplace is just an ordinary civilian courtyard that Chen Lihua can completely transcend the shackles of her gate valve identity, and walk towards the peak of her life step by step with her true talent and perseverance. This simple and simple background finally created her open character in the mall.

Rosewood love and luxury kingdom

Who is Chen Lihua Cixi, and what does it have to do with Puyi? Why live in the Summer Palace?

The spring breeze of reform and opening up is blowing all over the land of China, and business opportunities are blooming everywhere. The keen Chen Lihua quickly smelled the unprecedented atmosphere of the times, and she decisively left her public office, joined the business world, and started her own entrepreneurial road.

Initially, Chen Lihua chose the traditional industry of furniture. She founded a small furniture company and set up a production base on the outskirts of Beijing, specializing in processing, wholesale and retail of all kinds of household goods. Because she keeps up with the trend of the times and pays special attention to product quality and design, her small workshop quickly became well-known in Beijing and even in North China.

With excellent product quality and meticulous service, Chen Lihua's furniture industry has gradually gone out of Beijing and radiated to all parts of the country. Her company has grown to thousands of employees in just a few years, forming a sizable production capacity.

Who is Chen Lihua Cixi, and what does it have to do with Puyi? Why live in the Summer Palace?

The success of the furniture industry has undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for Chen Lihua's entrepreneurial journey. Relying on this pyramid-like business cornerstone, she soon began to expand into other fields and expand her business territory.

Rooted in the furniture manufacturing industry, Chen Lihua has a strong interest in rosewood. As a high-quality material for making fine furniture, rosewood was once favored by nobles and magnates, and has been the object of collection since ancient times.

Perhaps because of her long-term immersion in this industry, coupled with her love for the unique temperament of rosewood, Chen Lihua became fascinated by the interest of collecting rosewood furniture and handicrafts. What started out as a pastime turned into an obsession that eventually gave birth to another business kingdom of hers.

Who is Chen Lihua Cixi, and what does it have to do with Puyi? Why live in the Summer Palace?

With the funds accumulated in the furniture industry, Chen Lihua spares no effort to collect rare rosewood products. Her private collection already includes almost all of the top works in the history of rosewood, making her a remarkable collector.

Due to the special requirements of mining and processing, the red sandalwood industry has a very high industry threshold and considerable profits. Chen Lihua soon smelled this smell of oil and water, and she began to attach importance to this industry from the root, and then monopolized the entire supply chain.

With her unique experience in collecting rosewood products for many years, Chen Lihua has gradually become a highly respected expert in this industry. Her right to speak directly determines the direction of this industry. In China's rosewood industry, Chen Lihua has achieved a dominant position and truly built a rosewood empire.

Real estate tour capital to improve the business territory

Who is Chen Lihua Cixi, and what does it have to do with Puyi? Why live in the Summer Palace?

After the great success of the furniture and rosewood industries, Chen Lihua did not stop there, but set her sights on the hottest real estate industry at the time. She predicted exactly what real estate would be the next big thing to grow.

In the early 90s of last century, China's real estate industry was still in its infancy. At that time, the policy environment and market prospects were very attractive, and Chen Lihua seemed to be in a daze, and she had a soft spot for this hot land. She is fascinated by the huge potential of this emerging industry and is looking forward to the path it holds.

With the wealth she had accumulated in the manufacturing sector, Chen Lihua began to buy a large amount of land and real estate in Beijing. Her sense of smell is very accurate, grasping the last prime location of this ancient capital, and controlling the real estate market in the popular business district of Beijing in one fell swoop.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Lihua has purchased a large number of shops and office buildings on Wangfujing Street. This traditional commercial pedestrian street in the center of Beijing was later completely transformed and upgraded by her, and has become synonymous with high-end consumption. Today, top luxury brands at home and abroad gather here, constituting a powerful wealth growth point in Chen Lihua's business empire.

Who is Chen Lihua Cixi, and what does it have to do with Puyi? Why live in the Summer Palace?

With the development momentum of residential and commercial real estate rising wave after wave, Chen Lihua's real estate territory is spreading more and more. Her investment vision is no longer limited to Beijing, but exported to the whole country and even overseas. Whether it is a first-tier city or an emerging market, as long as there is a definite room for value growth, she will take the lead in laying out and obtaining a controlling stake.

Accurately judging the market trend and making large-scale mergers and acquisitions across the country are the two magic weapons for the success of Chen Lihua's real estate career. From initially looking for land in Beijing, to later taking control of multiple product lines such as residential, office buildings, and shopping malls, her portfolio can be described as scattered across the land of China.

An independent and self-reliant example of a contemporary woman

From an ordinary Manchu descendant to the richest man in China, Chen Lihua's legendary life is enough to show the unique side of a generation of women. With her own strength and wisdom, she fought the ups and downs in the business world, and finally won the supreme glory of the business world.

Who is Chen Lihua Cixi, and what does it have to do with Puyi? Why live in the Summer Palace?

Looking back on Chen Lihua's growth process, she has never been attached to any power and family, and has completely relied on her own diligence and wisdom to succeed step by step. Born in a civilian family, he lived a rather poor life in the turbulent years of the last century. But it is this unforgettable experience of poverty that tempers her tenacious and hard-working character.

After the reform and opening up, Chen Lihua keenly smelled that the spring of the market economy was coming. She boldly resigned from a stable public career and resolutely devoted herself to business. At first, he founded a small furniture workshop in Beijing, and later took advantage of the trend and gradually became a leader in the furniture manufacturing industry.

The collectible fetish of rosewood became another key factor in her career. Her obsession with rosewood products and in-depth research have made her familiar with the entire industry, and then she has monopolized this lucrative industry step by step. Walking on two legs, collecting and manufacturing, Chen Lihua soon created her own kingdom in the rosewood industry.

Real estate was her later success. With accurate judgment of the market and large investment, Chen Lihua has a piece of the pie in this emerging and hot industry, including a large number of real estate resources in prime locations. Whether it is residential or commercial real estate, she has a fairly comprehensive layout and has formed her own real estate map.

Who is Chen Lihua Cixi, and what does it have to do with Puyi? Why live in the Summer Palace?

Looking at Chen Lihua's road to success, the key is that she always regards opportunities as her own belonging, and strives to grasp the dividends of the times in every industry. From manufacturing to luxury goods to real estate investments, she has won handsome returns without exception. It was her pursuit of perfection in every field that finally won such a huge business empire.

As the banner of a generation of women, Chen Lihua has gained financial freedom with her own strength, and has also written a glorious stroke for the independent struggle of contemporary women. She shows the tenacious will of women in their careers, and also interprets the unremitting pursuit of their own values. This spirit of independence and self-improvement will surely be passed down from generation to generation, inspiring more women to bravely pursue their ideals in life.

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