
U.S. intelligence: Iran has prepared more than 100 cruise missiles or attacked Israel from its own territory

author:I thought


Recently, there was news that Iran has prepared more than 100 cruise missiles, which has aroused the attention of the international community. Does the presence of these missiles pose a threat to Israel? Maybe it's not simple, let's uncover the truth behind it!

Iran has prepared more than 100 cruise missiles, which does sound startling. What exactly are these missiles prepared for? Do they pose a threat to Israel? Let's take a look at the story behind it.

U.S. intelligence: Iran has prepared more than 100 cruise missiles or attacked Israel from its own territory

First of all, let's be clear that Iran, as a sovereign state, has the right to self-defense. Against the backdrop of the current tense international situation, Iran has indeed taken some military measures to deal with potential threats. But this does not mean that they will immediately launch an attack on Israel, much less that they intend to provoke the international community.

The number of these more than 100 cruise missiles, while it sounds like a lot, in reality, they may be only a small part of Iran's overall military capabilities. This is not enough to pose a great threat to Israel. Of course, we cannot ignore the progress of missile technology, but we must also look at this information rationally and not be swayed by panic.

U.S. intelligence: Iran has prepared more than 100 cruise missiles or attacked Israel from its own territory

Iran, as a country, has its own interests and considerations. They do not want to be drawn into a military conflict, which poses a huge risk to their economy and national security. On the contrary, they prefer to resolve disputes through diplomatic means to achieve stability and peace in the region.

In addition, we must take into account that these missiles are not aimed exclusively at Israel. There are geopolitical disputes and conflicts in several countries in the Middle East, and the measures taken by Iran may be to protect itself from any potential threat. We must not focus solely on Israel, but rather on a comprehensive understanding of the complexities in the Middle East.

U.S. intelligence: Iran has prepared more than 100 cruise missiles or attacked Israel from its own territory

To sum up, the news that Iran has prepared more than 100 cruise missiles does cause concern, but we cannot blindly panic about it. We should look at the facts objectively and rationally and understand the truth behind them. Iran, as a sovereign state, has the right to take the necessary measures of self-defense, which does not mean that they will immediately take military action against Israel.

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