
In 1958, Mao Zepu went to Beijing for a meeting, and the chairman quietly advised, "I entrust you with this matter!" ”

author:Xiao He Xiao He is full of stars

In 1958, Chairman Mao Zedong quietly said to Mao Zepu: "I entrust you with this matter!" "What the hell is going on? Let's go back to that turbulent era and trace this little-known history together.

The teacher taught earnestly, enlightened and cultivated new sprouts

In 1909, Xiucai Mao Luzhong founded a private school in Maotang, Shaoshan Mountain. Although it was only a small private school, it gave birth to a burning fire and ignited the raging fire of the revolution.

The students at the private school have always been diligent and studious, including the young Mao Zedong. Because Mao Luzhong and Mao Zedong's father Mao Shunsheng are cousins, Mao Zedong affectionately called Mao Luzhong "cousin" since he was a child. As a well-known local talent, Mao Luzhong attached great importance to his nephew Mao Zedong, not only teaching carefully in class, but also often recommending advanced reading materials such as "Historical Records" for him after class, hoping to make him learn in a down-to-earth manner.

Mao Luzhong is not only knowledgeable, but also very progressive in thinking. He had traveled abroad, witnessed the corrupt side of the Qing court, and became increasingly disillusioned with its governance, and finally chose to live in seclusion in the fields, secretly supporting the activities of the revolutionaries. In his lectures, he often expounded his views to his students, criticized the stereotypes of feudal society, and advocated the ideas of change and progress. Mao Zedong has been influenced by it since he was a child, and his ideological consciousness has been greatly awakened, so that he will continue to forge ahead bravely on the road of revolution in the future.

It can be said that Mao Luzhong was Mao Zedong's first mentor, who opened the door to Mao Zedong Thought with knowledge and wisdom and sowed the seeds of revolution in his heart. Mao Zedong respected Mao Luzhong very much and regarded him as a teacher, and the relationship between teachers and students was born from this. In the difficult years that followed, Mao Zedong often recalled the teachings of his mentor as a motivation to persist in his struggle.

In 1958, Mao Zepu went to Beijing for a meeting, and the chairman quietly advised, "I entrust you with this matter!" ”

In 1910, Mao Shunsheng once wanted Mao Zedong to drop out of school and go home, but Mao Luzhong personally went to enlighten Mao Zedong so that Mao Zedong could return to school. Although Mao Zedong, who later went out to study, saw Mao Luzhong see each other sharply, the teachings of his mentor have long been implanted in his heart, nourishing that young mind.

In 1921, Mao Luzhong's youngest son, Mao Zepu, was born. It's a pity that when Mao Zepu was two years old, the studious and rigorous Mao Luzhong died of illness. Before dying, he told his wife Zhang Wenqing to let his sons study, hoping that they could all become promising people like Mao Zedong.

Although he fell into poverty in the future, Zhang Wenqing still remembered her husband's entrustment and encouraged her children to study hard. Because he heard and witnessed Mao Zedong's deeds since he was a child, Mao Zepu admired this outstanding cousin very much since he was a child. Perhaps it was Mao Luzhong's earnest teaching that made two outstanding figures who went down in history in later generations.

Inherit the flame of revolution and dedicate your youth to the country

Time flies, years fly. With the death of Mao Luzhong, the flame of his enlightenment cultivation has not been extinguished, but has become more and more prosperous in the hands of future generations. Zhang Wenqing remembered her husband's will and tried her best to raise her son Mao Zepu as an adult, hoping that he could contribute his youth to the country and the people's liberation cause like his cousin Mao Zedong.

In 1934, the Red Army led by Mao Zedong made an arduous trek and moved to the base area in northern Shaanxi. After hearing the news, Mao Zepu was deeply shocked in his heart, and admired his cousin's heroic deeds even more. After successfully graduating from Xiangtan Middle School, he secretly decided to follow Zhang Wenqing's mother's expectations and go to Yan'an to participate in the revolution.

In 1938, Mao Zepu, who was twenty-seven years old at the time, finally had this opportunity. He first wrote a letter to Mao Zedong, who was far away in Yan'an, telling him about his ambitions. Soon, Mao Zedong's reply reached him, and he immediately found the underground party member Xu Teli, and arranged for him to go to Yan'an with Mao Huachu and others.

In 1958, Mao Zepu went to Beijing for a meeting, and the chairman quietly advised, "I entrust you with this matter!" ”

It's a long journey, a rugged long way. Along the way, Mao Zepu and his companions went through hardships, but no one flinched. Finally, in 1938, they finally arrived in Yan'an, the famous holy land of the revolution. Mao Zepu, who had walked through thousands of mountains and rivers, was extremely excited when he saw his dear cousin Mao Zedong, and his eyes couldn't help but moisten. Although Yan'an has a simple environment and difficult conditions, it has gathered revolutionary aspirants from all over the country to jointly compose a magnificent epic of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

At the meeting, Mao Zedong was very happy with the arrival of the juniors. He inquired carefully about the situation of Mao Zepu's family and expressed his warm welcome and heartfelt wishes for his joining the revolution. As a revolutionary mentor, Mao Zedong also solemnly exhorted Mao Zepu to have an indomitable revolutionary will, defy difficulties and obstacles, and serve the people by example.

In Yan'an, Mao Zepu was eager to learn revolutionary theoretical knowledge. Although the living environment was more difficult than he imagined, he never complained. Under the personal guidance of Mao Zedong and other leaders, he gradually realized that theory must be combined with practice in order to truly promote the continuous development of the revolutionary cause. In order to put what he had learned into practice, in the winter of 1944, Mao Zepu took the initiative to ask Mao Zedong to go behind enemy lines to participate in the struggle, which was quickly approved. Since then, he has assumed the pseudonym "Ge Kai", shared weal and woe with the 359th Brigade, and forged a strong style in the rain of bullets.

Walking together in the smoke of war

Smoke rose and guns rumbled. The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression gradually entered the white-hot stage, and the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army led by the Communist Party of China bravely and stubbornly resisted behind enemy lines and fought against the Japanese puppet army. It was in this treacherous era that Mao Zepu assumed the pseudonym "Ge Kai" and fought side by side with Mao Zedong to experience that cruel but singing and crying years together.

In the winter of 1944, after two years of study and practical training in Yan'an, Mao Zepu took the initiative to request Mao Zedong to go behind enemy lines to participate in the struggle. As an uncle and nephew, Mao Zedong had high hopes for Mao Zepu and approved his request. From then on, Mao Zepu joined the famous 359th Brigade under the pseudonym of "Ge Kai" and started a new combat journey.

In 1958, Mao Zepu went to Beijing for a meeting, and the chairman quietly advised, "I entrust you with this matter!" ”

In the anti-Japanese base areas behind enemy lines, the smoke of war burned all over the land, and the rain of bullets and bullets hovered over the sky all the time. Even in the face of such a difficult environment, Mao Zepu never flinched, and still followed the officers and soldiers to eat, live and share weal and woe. He always kept in mind Mao Zedong's teachings, closely integrated theory with practice, and constantly improved his ability through personal participation in battles, sniping at the enemy, and propaganda and mobilization. Chen Jianjun, commander of the 359th Brigade, saw that he had performed well, so he kept him by his side as a liaison.

From then on, Mao Zepu undertook the important task of transmitting intelligence to the troops and coordinating the activities of the communist army. He worked tirelessly, often shuttling through dense forests and valleys late at night, sometimes avoiding the enemy, sometimes maneuvering with the puppet army. With extraordinary courage and tenacity, he turned danger into desperate situations on several occasions and ensured that the movement of his troops was foolproof.

In 1946, the headquarters of the 359th Brigade was once surrounded by the enemy and fell into a heavy siege. Besieged, Mao Zepu was calm and calm, managed to escape and pass the information back to the mountains. With the help of the mountain people, the officers and men of the 359th Brigade finally broke through the enemy's siege and broke out unscathed. Mao Zepu's bright red party flag fluttered in the wind in the rain of bullets, becoming a ray of dawn that illuminated the night.

The arduous training during the Yan'an period helped Mao Zepu complete the complete transformation from a young shoot in the greenhouse to a deep anti-Japanese war behind enemy lines. Even when he was in a life-and-death situation, he never flinched and always insisted on fighting at the forefront. Over time, he has grown from an ordinary soldier to a strong, brave and resourceful revolutionary hero.

The struggle continues in peacetime

In 1958, Mao Zepu went to Beijing for a meeting, and the chairman quietly advised, "I entrust you with this matter!" ”

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression won the final great victory, and New China was finally born in 1949. The smoke of war has drifted away with the wind, and the dawn of peace has reappeared in the land of China. But for Mao Zepu, the revolution is far from stopping, and the struggle still needs to continue.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Mao Zepu, who had made meritorious contributions to the Japanese resistance, did not stop at complacency. He realized that hard work was needed to consolidate the nascent regime and put the reform process into practice. In order to apply his revolutionary experience and the revolutionary theories he had learned to practice, Mao Zepu took root in the hot land of Hunan and started as an ordinary grassroots worker.

At first, Mao Zepu worked as a district and township cadre in rural Hunan. He didn't have the slightest arrogance, he did it himself, and mingled with the local people. During the day, he sweated and worked with everyone; At night, he patiently explained the party's principles and policies to the villagers. Under the influence of his enthusiasm and tireless teaching, the rural areas of Xiangxiang have gradually revitalized and become vibrant.

Soon, with his excellent work style and skillful organizational ability, Mao Zepu quickly started from the grassroots level and assumed an important post in the Hunan Provincial Party Committee. However, the road to the construction of New China was not a smooth one. In the early stage, he had to struggle for a long time against bureaucracy, self-centeredness, and other poisonous phenomena. Whenever he encountered such problems, he always applied Mao Zedong's "mass line" policy, extensively solicited the opinions of the masses, and based on the will of the people. It is this style of work that has helped him overcome one difficulty after another and lead Hunan to continuously make new progress in various undertakings.

In 1958, when the local work in Hunan had achieved a phased victory, Mao Zepu was ordered to go to Beijing for a meeting. This time, he finally has the opportunity to reunite with his cousin Mao Zedong, whom he has not seen for a long time. During the break in the meeting, Mao Zedong specially called him aside and advised: "There is something here, I entrust you to do it!" "

It turned out that Mao Zedong wanted to build a simple residence in his hometown of Shaoshan in case he returned to his hometown in the future. This is not only out of nostalgia for his homeland, but also out of the desire to let future generations know about his poor living conditions. As one of his closest relatives, Mao Zedong trusted Mao Zepu so much that he entrusted this important task to Mao Zepu.

Mao Zepu agreed without hesitation. Upon his return to Hunan, he immediately went into action. According to Mao Zedong's requirements, the newly built residence must be consistent with the living environment of the chairman when he was a teenager, and it looks very simple. In order to achieve this, Mao Zepu did not hesitate to send people to rebuild the old house and restore all the details in place.

In 1958, Mao Zepu went to Beijing for a meeting, and the chairman quietly advised, "I entrust you with this matter!" ”

After many twists and turns, it was not until the end of 1959 that the simple mud-brick house was finally completed. Mao Zepu deliberately arranged for people to decorate the interior of the residence as messy and outdated as in the old days, so as to highlight the fact that the chairman "lived very poor in the past". In addition, under his careful arrangement, vegetable gardens, fish ponds, and dense bamboo forests were built to restore the rural environment in the chairman's youth.

After everything was ready, Mao Zedong finally came to inspect it in person in the summer of 1959. As soon as he walked into the old mud brick house and saw the old living environment restored, he sincerely admired: "This is so touching to me!" It's great that you're putting yourself in the Chair's shoes. He looked around with relief, unable to calm his excitement for a long time.

Passing on the torch and the spirit is sustainable

The years are like a song, and unconsciously they have gone through a hundred years of wind and rain. Turning over the thick chapter of history, the revolutionary friendship between Mao Zepu and Mao Zedong shines brightly and is forever engraved in the great cause of the party. Now, although they have passed away, the flame of ideals and beliefs is passed down from generation to generation in the hands of future generations.

In the 80s of the last century, Mao Zepu's second son Mao Xueting did not hesitate to buy a house near the mountains and rivers during his military service, in preparation for the day when he could pay tribute to his ancestors. After retiring from the army, he settled here and took on the responsibility of worshiping his ancestors and respecting his relatives. Because he heard that his father and mother had a strong child in Yan'an, he also named this house "Yan'an Village".

Located in Changde, Hunan Province, Yan'an Zhuang has a pleasant scenery, and the entire manor is composed of more than a dozen houses, covering an area of about 7 acres. There are ancestral halls, halls and sacrificial places, and the layout is solemn and solemn. During the Spring Festival every year, Mao Xueting will put incense on the table here to worship the spirits of the ancestors. At the same time, he will also invite Mao Xiaoping, Mao Zedong's grandson in Hong Kong, to come and join their relatives in Shaanxi to recall and remember the revolutionary exploits of the two ancestors.

In 1958, Mao Zepu went to Beijing for a meeting, and the chairman quietly advised, "I entrust you with this matter!" ”

Mao Xueting admired the traditional virtues of protecting the family and defending the country. In 1996, when the new ancestral hall of Yan'an Zhuang was completed, he deliberately inscribed the word "prayer" on it, which means praying for the peace of the country and the people. An ancient well next to the ancestral hall, formerly known as Yanshou Well, was built to draw water for the ancestral tomb of the cypress crown. Surprisingly, Mao Xueting named it "Suman" ancient well, but its meaning is to "have no connection".

In Yan'an Village, the imprint of the life trajectory of the two outstanding comrades can be seen everywhere. In addition to the main ancestral hall and many ancillary buildings, Mao Xueting has integrated their footprints into the grass and trees. He deliberately planted a crooked-neck tree to reflect the rugged twists and turns of the revolutionary road; On a wooden bonsai, the upside-down hanging roots mean that the problem should be examined from the perspective of development; An isolated dead tree in the pond also means self-appreciation and self-improvement...... Such a metaphor is full of philosophy and evocative.

For Mao Xueting, Yan'anzhuang is more than just a simple commemorative place. For many years, he used it as a house, as a school, and carefully taught his children and grandchildren to learn revolutionary traditions. When visiting this garden, he always leads the younger generation to learn about the buildings, plants and landscapes with special significance, and explains to them the profound truths and revolutionary spirit contained in them.

Year after year, spring and autumn. Today, Yan'anzhuang has become a red base for carrying forward the revolutionary tradition and educating the younger generation. From time to time, schools, government agencies and other organizations come to visit to remember the martyrs and receive traditional education. Mao Xueting often explains the revolutionary process of the two ancestors here, and he hopes that in this way, everyone can really feel the arduous struggle, so as to better inherit the revolutionary spirit and pass it on forever.


Time flies, and everything will eventually be washed away by the years. But on the hot land of Yan'anzhuang, the revolutionary fire sown by his mother Mao Luzhong during her lifetime has already taken root and sprouted. It is precisely because of the revolutionary practice of our ancestors who used their blood and lives to work hard and arduously that we have a great picture of prosperity in our country today. Yan'anzhuang is not only a commemorative scenic spot, but also a bridge, which will pass on the torch of the past forever, burning and shining in the hands of future generations.