
The car is not broken, but repaired, these 5 parts are most afraid of frequent repair, the more repaired, the worse it is

author:Yuehao narrated


The car is not broken, but repaired, these 5 parts are most afraid of frequent repair, the more repaired, the worse it is

In this day and age, the car has long become an indispensable part of our lives, and it is much more convenient to go out.

Everyone is becoming more and more inseparable from cars, and the maintenance and repair of cars have naturally become a big deal.

Some friends pay attention to "prevention is better than prevention", and feel that regular maintenance can give the car a few more years to live. But you have to know that not all repairs are good for the car.

In fact, if you repair it too much or not correctly, it may have a negative impact on the car. Especially those delicate parts, if they are not repaired well, it is easier to scrap the car.

So let's talk about which auto parts can not be repaired all the time, and it is easy to be thankless in maintenance?

The car is not broken, but repaired, these 5 parts are most afraid of frequent repair, the more repaired, the worse it is

First, the engine

The engine of the car is like the heart of the car, which is responsible for turning the ability to burn oil into strength and pushing the car to run.

The structure is very delicate, there are many mechanical parts, and the electronic control system is also complex.

As soon as there is something wrong with the car, everyone's first reaction is that the engine is broken, and they quickly take it to the repair shop to repair it.

But did you know that if you fix it all the time, especially when it's not necessary, this kind of excessive repair can cause more trouble for the car?

The engine is designed to be very delicate, and the cylinder head, pistons, connecting rods, crankshafts, and valves must be tightly coordinated in order to give full play to the best efficiency.

If there is no problem, it is easy to destroy this precise fit. If engine performance does not go up but down, new problems will follow.

The car is not broken, but repaired, these 5 parts are most afraid of frequent repair, the more repaired, the worse it is

In order to save costs, some repair shops will replace the original ones with cheap but poor quality parts.

At first, there was nothing wrong with these accessories, and they looked like the original. But after a long time, if the resistance is not reliable, the risk of engine failure is greater, how dangerous it is.

Even if you use original accessories, you can have problems if you don't install them correctly. It's like the connecting rod bearing is not installed correctly, and it is easy to grind quickly when it touches something else, and the overall performance of the engine will be affected.

These problems may not be obvious at first, and it will take a while for them to appear, and it will be laborious and expensive to fix at that time.

So, unless the engine really affects driving or is unsafe, don't keep thinking about dismantling and repairing.

If you really want to find a professional store with a good reputation, use good accessories, so that the performance and reliability of the engine can be guaranteed.

The car is not broken, but repaired, these 5 parts are most afraid of frequent repair, the more repaired, the worse it is

2. Tires

The tire can be said to be the "foundation" of the car, not only to carry the weight of the whole vehicle, but also to be in close contact with the ground to provide grip for our car.

The quality of the tires and whether they are used correctly are directly related to how the car drives, whether it is safe and how long it can be used. Therefore, we usually have to be knowledgeable when picking and using tires.

There are a lot of tires on the market, and they are probably divided into several categories. One is fuel-efficient and quiet tires, fast-running sports tires, high-performance tires, and semi-hot melt tires.

Fuel-efficient and quiet, easy to roll, low sound, suitable for family cars. Sports and performance tyres offer strong handling and grip on the ground, making them the preferred choice for sports and performance cars.

Semi-hot melt tires are a balance between comfort and handling.

How long the tires last depends on driving habits, the road conditions you often drive, the weather, and the quality of the tires.

The car is not broken, but repaired, these 5 parts are most afraid of frequent repair, the more repaired, the worse it is

Generally speaking, tires can last three years or run 50,000 kilometers. But in reality, this distance is rarely just right.

Some people have tires that are a little worn, and they are nervous and anxious to change them. Some people have to grind to the point where they can't change it, but in fact, both of these are not quite right.

The right thing to do is to regularly check where the tires are worn and whether the air pressure is correct.

There are wear lines on the tires, and they have to be replaced when they get there. Tires with the right air pressure will last longer, are safe to drive, and are fuel-efficient.

Don't always step on the accelerator and brake suddenly, these operations will make the tires grind faster.

When changing tires, it's best to change them one-on-one. It's really not good, the front wheel or the rear wheel is changed together, the tire condition is symmetrical, and the car is stable when driving.

The car is not broken, but repaired, these 5 parts are most afraid of frequent repair, the more repaired, the worse it is

3. Waxing

Waxing a car is like giving beauty to people, not only protecting the car paint. It can also make the car look sparkling and even better.

But just like over-skinning can hurt your skin, waxing frequently or in the wrong way. In particular, if you use an unsuitable product, it will also hurt the car paint.

Car paint needs to be taken care of at ordinary times, waxing is like putting on a protective coat for car paint, preventing ultraviolet rays, acid rain, bird droppings and other bad things, so that the car paint aging is slower and the color is more durable.

In addition, the wax suit can also make it difficult for dirty things to stick to the car, so it is easier to wash the car. However, it is not okay to overdo good things, and waxing too often can have the opposite effect.

Old waxing will make the car paint wax too much, and if it is not clean, the paint will be battered, and there will be small scratches.

The car is not broken, but repaired, these 5 parts are most afraid of frequent repair, the more repaired, the worse it is

In particular, wax with abrasive particles is used, and if it is not used correctly, the paint will be scratched.

Therefore, you should be careful when choosing a wax to see if it has the words "mild" and "abrasive-free".

Generally speaking, where to park the car and what the parking environment is like determines the frequency of waxing, which is suitable for waxing once every four months to six months.

If you are outdoors or in a poor parking environment, you have to be diligent in waxing. But in any case, you must wash the car before waxing, and don't leave sand or anything, so as not to scratch the paint.

In addition to how often to apply, what wax to choose and whether the waxing technique is good or not is also crucial.

Wipe it in a straight line or in a circle, so as not to miss the corners of the car. After waxing, gently wipe with a microfiber cloth until the paint is as bright as a mirror.

The car is not broken, but repaired, these 5 parts are most afraid of frequent repair, the more repaired, the worse it is

Fourth, engine oil

The oil of the car is the blood of the engine, and it is especially critical to the car. It lubricates, cools, cleans and seals, protecting the delicate parts inside from wearing out.

Therefore, changing the engine oil on time is also very good for the health of the engine. But the oil is not changed as often as possible, and changing it too much will be bad.

The engine oil will gradually deteriorate when used, and the additives in it will fail after a long time. The quality of the engine oil is poor to a certain extent, and it will not play a role in the car, so it will have to be replaced with a new one.

The manufacturer's manual will generally give an oil change recommendation cycle, which is calculated according to the general situation, and the engine will not suffer a loss if you change the oil according to the manual.

But some people, in order to "protect the car", change the engine oil early. Not only is this a waste of money, but it's also bad for the environment.

The most important thing is that changing the engine oil can destroy the natural discharge of oil sludge from the engine.

The oil sludge was supposed to rush out as soon as the new oil flushed when the car was running normally.

But if you change the oil too often, the natural cleaning process will be interrupted. The sludge is piled up in the engine, and the engine is easy to wear out soon.

The car is not broken, but repaired, these 5 parts are most afraid of frequent repair, the more repaired, the worse it is

And every time you change the oil, you may also bring some impurities such as air or impurities into it, which is also a hidden danger in the engine.

Therefore, the oil change must be according to your car situation and the manufacturer's words, don't mess around yourself.

If you often drive in a bad environment, or always run and stop for short distances, it is better to change the oil frequently. If you use it for ordinary people, you can follow the manufacturer's oil change cycle.

When changing the oil, the type of oil must also be selected, and the oil consistency and specifications suitable for each car are different. If the wrong oil is replaced, its lubrication and performance will be affected.

The new oil has to be good oil, and the poor quality oil can't keep the engine, so it's better not to change it.

The car is not broken, but repaired, these 5 parts are most afraid of frequent repair, the more repaired, the worse it is

5. Transmission oil

The gearbox of a car is a delicate and complex instrument that controls engine strength and speed by adjusting the gears.

Transmission fluid is essential here. Not only lubrication reduces the wear of parts, but also helps dissipate heat and transmits the command to shift gears.

Therefore, the transmission oil is used correctly and changed in time, which is also quite critical to the performance of the car.

However, there is also a lot of attention to changing the transmission oil, and changing it too often or using the wrong oil may have a bad impact on the transmission.

Keep in mind that the oil here is not the same as regular engine oil, it is specially tailored for the harsh environment of the gearbox.

The car is not broken, but repaired, these 5 parts are most afraid of frequent repair, the more repaired, the worse it is

There are many types of oils on the market, such as automatic transmission, continuously variable gear, and hyperbolic gears, each with its own set of chemical formulations and performance standards.

Therefore, when changing the oil, you must strictly follow the types and standards marked by the car manufacturer, and don't mess around.

Nowadays, some new cars have a self-cleaning function, which can last a long time without changing the transmission oil.

The time to change the oil may be once every few years, or when the car has traveled tens of thousands of kilometers, which you can pay attention to yourself.

However, it is important to check the condition of the oil regularly. Look at the color and feel of the oil, if the oil turns black or there is metal residue in it, it's almost time to change.

However, an old oil change is not necessarily good for the gearbox. Changing too much may destroy the balance of additives in the oil, and the lubrication and cooling effect will be poor.

The car is not broken, but repaired, these 5 parts are most afraid of frequent repair, the more repaired, the worse it is

And if the operation is not done properly, air or dirt accidentally enters during the oil change, and it is not good for the small parts in the gearbox. So as long as the oil is not too much of a problem, in fact, there is no need to change it.

In addition to changing the oil on time, you must also check and check frequently. Look at the oil level, look at the oil, and see if the car has any strange movement or shaking.

If something is wrong in these areas, it could be a sign that something is wrong with the gearbox.

As soon as you feel that something is wrong, you should quickly check and repair it, don't wait for a minor illness to become a major illness, not only will it cost a lot of money but it will also be unsafe.

The car is not broken, but repaired, these 5 parts are most afraid of frequent repair, the more repaired, the worse it is


If we want the car we can't do without every day to be safe and "long-lived", good maintenance is the king.

But you also have to be careful, blind maintenance and often over-tending can be a kind of damage to those delicate instruments.

Therefore, it is necessary to figure out how to maintain and when to maintain, and don't fall into the pit of excessive maintenance, which is a must-have common sense for every car owner.

If you choose the right maintenance service reasonably, the car will run smoothly and reliably, and you can save the money spent on repairing the car.

Maintenance should be in accordance with the actual condition of the car and the manufacturer's guidance, don't listen to what others say, it's not good to be diligent and diligent in maintenance.

Scientific car maintenance can not only improve performance, ensure the safety of parts in the car, but also help you save time and money.


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