
Becoming a mother should not be a limitation of life

author:Amei's circle of friends

Mother's Day is like a carnival of thanksgiving! Everyone is eager to become a little expert in gratitude and give full gratitude to mothers.

However, sometimes these words of thanks and gifts become strange once they change their taste, like sweet soup with "spices" added.


I saw a piece of news a few days ago, which made me angry as a mother!

A certain brand actually launched a laundry gift box on Mother's Day, saying what "makes mother's laundry easier, more labor-saving, and more worry-free".

Becoming a mother should not be a limitation of life

I wondered, shouldn't mothers be allowed to relax during the holidays?

It's like saying in Mom's ear, "Hey, Mom, it's your holiday, be happy doing laundry!" ”

What is this like? It's ironic!

Anyway, when I receive such a gift, I will be cold and heartbroken.

It seems that mothers should be a "selfless" character, and once they show a bit of "self", they are said to be irresponsible and unqualified.

I saw a news before, a girl complained about her mother on the Internet because of her mother's star-chasing thing.

I would say that moms also have their own interests and hobbies! Young people can do it, but why can't mothers do it?

What's even more speechless is that some people always feel that their mothers should devote themselves to their families, and once mothers have a little idea of their own, they will be called "selfish".

When the mother returned to the workplace after giving birth, she was told that she would not bring a baby, be irresponsible, selfish, and not be able to give birth...... But taking a baby at home is still said: an idler, he will not make money, and he is worthless......

Becoming a mother should not be a limitation of life


Shouldn't mothers be given more understanding and respect? In addition to thanking them for their efforts on Mother's Day, we should also pay attention to their inner world, so that they can also feel free and happy.

After all, mothers are also ordinary people, and they also have the right to pursue their dreams and interests, rather than being bound by the label of "motherhood".

A mother sent her child to a childcare class when she was 1 year and 3 months old. But as soon as this incident was broadcast, the Internet exploded.

A large wave of "maternal judges" began to point fingers at her: "The child is so young, you are willing to send it to the childcare class, are you still worthy of being a mother?" "Children before the age of 3 need their mother's company the most to establish a sense of security, you are irresponsible!"

Becoming a mother should not be a limitation of life

Are children really that vulnerable? How many parents themselves grew up in the nursery class, and now they are also alive and successful in their careers!

Besides, it's true that children need companionship, but mothers are also human beings, and they also have their own dreams and pursuits.

But more often than not, it's a last resort.

After becoming a mother, it seems that you have to constantly give up your interests, career and life, and you have to accept those inexplicable motherhood dogmas:

"You have to give birth to a child naturally, otherwise the child will not be smart." "You have to be breastfeeding, otherwise your child will not be nutritionally balanced."

If the child has a headache and brain fever, he has to be held accountable: "How can you be a mother, you can't even take care of a child!" ”

Society's expectations for the role of "mom" are simply ridiculously high.

It seems that only when a mother achieves "high pay, high sacrifice" can she be considered a good mother.


The recent 10,000-word long article "The Death of My Wife", which has become popular all over the Internet, makes people feel distressed and suffocated.

Becoming a mother should not be a limitation of life

The husband in the story, hey, it's all tears......

On the surface, this husband held a beautiful memorial party for his wife, which seems to be sincere, but in fact?

When we took a closer look at the bits and pieces of Zhang Min's life, we found that this husband's so-called "beloved wife" was just a beautiful disguise.

Speaking of Zhang Min, it is really respectful and pitiful.

A top student, IELTS score of 9, graduated from Tulane Business School in the United States.

It is said that this young lady should have a future that everyone envies, but for the sake of love, she simply put this good future on hold and returned to China to live a small life with her husband.

Becoming a mother should not be a limitation of life

In 7 years, she gave birth to 3 babies, two daughters and a child, and in order to have a third child, the family also moved to Canada.

As a result, this husband has no driver's license and can't speak English, so finding a job is a problem, so he directly became a full-time dad.

But don't think that this dad is good, inside and outside this family, in addition to taking care of the children, Zhang Min has to take care of it.

Studying, working, working part-time to make money, cooking, repairing lawns, shoveling snow, and planting vegetables, Zhang Min is a superhuman mother!

On the other hand, this husband has to rely on others for daily communication, and once his son had a fever, he didn't even take him to the doctor, and he had to be a translator for his eldest daughter.

There are only three dishes to cook, so this heavy responsibility basically falls on Zhang Min's shoulders.

You said that Zhang Min was so tired these days!

In the end, Zhang Min's body finally couldn't bear it, and he was diagnosed with cancer on the 17th, and left on the 30th. It felt like she was crushed by this endless exhaustion, and she was finally able to rest and rest.

At this time, the husband began to praise his wife's greatness, writing eulogies and holding memorial services. But what's the use of that? If you don't cherish it well in life, no matter how much you sing the praises of virtue after death, you can't get anything back.

Becoming a mother should not be a limitation of life

If he could share more during Zhang Min's lifetime, maybe she wouldn't have left so early.

So, we have to be wary of this kind of hypocritical praise.

Those seemingly beautiful words may hide countless unknown bitterness and sacrifice behind them.

True love is not shown after death, but the care and companionship of every bit of life before death.

In real life, mothers are indeed like "supermen" in the family, and they rely on their innate carefulness and patience to handle all things at home.


However, with the progress of the times, more and more men have joined the ranks of parenting, breaking the stereotype that "men don't have babies".

Have you seen the video of parenting blogger @曹琦? Since his wife gave birth, this father has become a "super dad".

His wife needs to rest at night, so he gets up in the middle of the night to make milk powder and feed the child;

His wife's back hurts, and the work of bending over to change diapers is all handed over to him;

Becoming a mother should not be a limitation of life

Afraid that his wife would have a pain in his arm when he was holding the child to breastfeed, he took the initiative to take over this important task so that his wife had time to recover well.

As a result, after a few months, his wife's figure recovered quickly, and he fell into a "confinement disease", with headaches, back pain, and arm pain.

Who says men can't bring babies? It's just a question of whether you're willing to pay!

In fact, many people always use the division of labor in the family and the support of the family as an excuse to evade the responsibility of childcare. As a result, wives have to spend a lot of time on household chores, and they are tired enough.

To make matters worse, these menial chores may also limit their professional development.

Becoming a mother should not be a limitation in women's lives, they should also find a balance between family and career and realize their self-worth.


Before becoming mothers, they were also independent women with dreams!

Becoming a mother does not mean giving up on yourself, those parents who fully realize the value of life are actually more powerful and encouraging for their children.

Mother's love is great, that's right. But great maternal love should not be a shackle that binds mothers.

They give for love, but that doesn't mean everything is taken for granted.

Becoming a mother should not be a limitation of life

As moms, they can cook delicious meals for their loved ones at home or pursue their dreams in the wide open world.

The important thing is that all of this is voluntary and not kidnapped by morality.

May you all live a free and free life outside of the role of "mother", without being bound by any shackles, and live your own wonderful life!

As a mother, are you tired?