
Wei Jizhong, who forced the "iron hammer" Lang Ping to the United States, has long been out of luck!

author:Fish talk about the past and the present
Wei Jizhong, who forced the "iron hammer" Lang Ping to the United States, has long been out of luck!

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Looking back on the past, we cannot deny that the name Wei Jizhong was once loud in the field of sports, shining with endless honor and pride. He, a respected elder who is deeply involved in China's sports industry, has devoted his life to this cause.

On three occasions, he devoted himself with enthusiasm to the arduous and great task of bidding for the Olympic Games, and each time he gave his full attention and gave it his all. Although he did not realize his dream in the Olympic bid, his outstanding contributions to promoting the prosperity and development of the motherland's sports cause have made him a hero in the sports world admired by the masses.

However, Wei Jizhong, who is now in his old age, should have enjoyed his old age and enjoyed the joy of family. However, what is unexpected is that this old man who once dedicated his life to the cause of sports made a series of jaw-dropping decisions and behaviors in his later years, and even criticized many national coaches such as Lang Ping, Chen Zhonghe, Liu Guoliang and other sports giants, and did not hesitate to maliciously slander, the fierce words and absurd behaviors made the entire sports world fall into shock and chaos.

Among them, the most controversial and unbelievable is Wei Jizhong's bad behavior towards table tennis legend Liu Guoliang. What is puzzling is that in 2017, when the Chinese table tennis team carried out internal management model reform, the position of head coach was directly abolished, so that Liu Guoliang, as the head coach, had to leave.

Wei Jizhong, who forced the "iron hammer" Lang Ping to the United States, has long been out of luck!

So, what exactly led to this shocking decision? After in-depth investigation, we found that all this was actually due to a careful plan in Wei Jizhong!

It turns out that the origin of all this can be traced back to 14 years ago. In that era when the Chinese table tennis team was proud and brilliant, Liu Guoliang, as the head coach, led the national team to win more than 30 international competitions in one fell swoop, making China the dominant and invincible in the world table tennis arena.

At the same time, Liu Guoliang also won high praise and praise from Cai Zhenhua, the senior coach of the team. Cai Zhenhua even did not shy away from saying that Liu Guoliang will surpass himself in the future and become a leader among the rookies in the table tennis world.

This remark was undoubtedly like a heavy punch that hit Wei Jizhong's heart hard. As a veteran of the table tennis team, he was filled with fear and anxiety when he saw his position of authority in the team being challenged and threatened by newcomers.

Wei Jizhong, who forced the "iron hammer" Lang Ping to the United States, has long been out of luck!

As a result, in the shocking management change in 2017, Wei Jizhong relied on his keen insight, seized a rare opportunity, skillfully and secretly manipulated the entire decision-making process, and finally succeeded in removing the original head coach, thus effectively curbing and weakening Liu Guoliang's influence.

Imprinted on his knees since 2017, Wei Jizhong's interference has left a deep trace in the long history of the Chinese women's volleyball team. It is especially worth mentioning that when Chen Zhonghe, who had led the women's volleyball team to achieve brilliant results, was forced to leave, Wei Jizhong disregarded the friendship of his colleagues and directly recommended his compatriot Cai Bin to serve as the head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

At that time, such a personnel change undoubtedly brought deep doubts and uneasiness to the whole team. After all, Cai Bin is only a junior and inexperienced recruit, and it is really doubtful that he can take on such a heavy responsibility.

What's more, the Chinese women's volleyball team has always been strong and has outstanding records, and commanding such a strong team does require an experienced and prestigious coach.

Wei Jizhong, who forced the "iron hammer" Lang Ping to the United States, has long been out of luck!

As expected, during the period when Cai Bin was in charge of the coaching whip, although the overall strength of the Chinese women's volleyball team was not greatly impacted, the team was repeatedly defeated in some key games, and the record was far less than in the past.

In the end, the National Volleyball Association lost confidence in Cai Bin's leadership and decided to temporarily remove him and find other suitable candidates to take over.

This result once again verifies the fact that the outside world has long foreseen: the reason why Cai Bin can be highly respected by Wei Jizhong is most likely not because of the recognition of his true strength, but because of some ulterior selfish desire to support his fellow villagers.

Obviously, this chaotic personnel arrangement has undoubtedly caused serious damage to the overall strength of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and has also greatly damaged the fundamental interests of the country's sports cause.

Wei Jizhong, who forced the "iron hammer" Lang Ping to the United States, has long been out of luck!

Also subjected to Wei Jizhong's groundless accusations and malicious slander, there is also the legendary Lang Ping of the Chinese women's volleyball team. As a symbol of the "Iron Hammer", Lang Ping has repeatedly achieved great results in the field, and her outstanding performance has not only defended the dignity of the country many times, but also broken the opponent's defense line many times with her otherworldly strength.

Because of this, Lang Ping was once placed on high hopes by the country, entrusted with important tasks, and became the coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

However, at the tense juncture of joining forces to fight the epidemic, Wei Jizhong questioned and criticized whether Lang Ping could take on the coaching job, and he pointed out that Lang Ping may have hidden some "ulterior" motives when coaching overseas, implying that she may not be wholeheartedly dedicated to the country after returning to China.

Regrettably, Wei Jizhong's accusations have not been restrained by this. When Lang Ping was in charge of the women's volleyball team, his physical condition deteriorated day by day because of the high training intensity. Wei Jizhong took the opportunity to make a big fuss, stubbornly believing that Lang Ping had entered old age, and he was afraid that it would be difficult to take on the heavy responsibility of coaching.

Wei Jizhong, who forced the "iron hammer" Lang Ping to the United States, has long been out of luck!

In the face of such accusations, many people believe that Wei Jizhong is just picking a bone in the egg and deliberately derogating Lang Ping's personal reputation and status.

Lang Ping's hard work and unremitting efforts have been vividly demonstrated on the field. However, Wei Jizhong turned a blind eye and insisted on maliciously slandering and slandering her, and this unscrupulous despicable behavior was exposed.

In addition to the malicious attack on Lang Ping, Wei Jizhong was even more slanderous against Chen Zhonghe, who had coached the women's volleyball team and achieved brilliant results, and his vicious verbal attacks were like a storm.

Looking back on 2001, Chen Zhonghe briefly served as the head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team. At that time, the Chinese women's volleyball team was at a low ebb, and the players' mental outlook and fighting spirit needed to be improved urgently.

Wei Jizhong, who forced the "iron hammer" Lang Ping to the United States, has long been out of luck!

In order to reinvigorate the players, Chen Zhonghe carefully formulated a rigorous and professional training plan to correct mistakes and promote strengths, hoping to promote the continuous improvement of the players.

In the 2004 Athens Olympics, although the Chinese women's volleyball team only won the third place, Chen Zhonghe still felt deeply guilty about the team's performance, and even frankly expressed his willingness to take responsibility and resign from his position in the post-match interview.

Such professionalism and sense of responsibility are truly admirable.

However, at this critical moment, Wei Jizhong suddenly appeared, full of gibberish, claiming that Chen Zhonghe's choice to retire was entirely due to health reasons.

Wei Jizhong, who forced the "iron hammer" Lang Ping to the United States, has long been out of luck!

Thinking about it carefully, this remark is undoubtedly a lie fabricated by Wei Jizhong in order to achieve some ulterior purpose, in an attempt to obliterate Chen Zhonghe's coaching talent and professional ethics.

In fact, long before that critical moment, Mr. Wei Jizhong, who has a high prestige, expressed disagreement and doubt about Chen Zhonghe's outstanding training methods, thinking that he even ignored the actual level of the players, and then formulated many unconvincing and hasty plans, and even blamed him for the failure of the Chinese women's volleyball team to win the championship!

Under tremendous pressure and unwarranted abuse, Coach Chen Zhonghe finally chose to leave the field gloomily and bid farewell to his beloved coaching position.

This situation has happened again and again, which is enough to reveal Mr. Wei Jizhong's villainous face. Not only does he turn a blind eye to the facts, he also carefully weaves lies; What is even more serious is that he has unscrupulously slandered those who have made a difference, which has brought great harm to the country and brought deep suffering to the people.

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