
None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

author:Talking about Xiao Li

In the ancient times of the world, there were four lies whose truth was far from what we know, but many people still believe it. Why is this happening?

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

In fact, the reason is that the lie has been spread for so long that everyone thinks it is true. So how bizarre are these four lies, and how have they deceived the world for thousands of years?

Today, let's unveil their mystery together and take a look at the untold stories behind them.

When we mention Cleopatra, do we immediately think of a femme fatale?

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

Legend has it that she had a beautiful appearance that not only fascinated Julius Caesar and other celebrities of the time, but also many people in later generations were attracted to her beauty.

However, these are just legends, and no one can tell what the real Cleopatra looked like.

Judging from the existing statue of Cleopatra, her appearance is actually very ordinary, not only not as beautiful as the legend, but even a little mediocre.

Even if it is placed in the "Four Beauties" in ancient China, I am afraid that it can only be regarded as a mediocre-looking palace maid.

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

So why are there so many legends about her beauty? This has to start with the historical background of the time.

It turned out that Cleopatra and her younger brother were originally in charge of the state together, but as the conflict deepened, Cleopatra was finally driven out by her younger brother.

In order to regain power, she took refuge in Julius Caesar at the time, and the two also gave birth to a son.

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

With Caesar's help, Cleopatra finally returned to power. And other men who want to get close to Cleopatra are nothing more than fancy the power in her hands, just like a political marriage.

Therefore, Julius Caesar and Cleopatra are together, more of a cooperation of power than a genuine liking.

Later, Cleopatra was killed by Octavian. Legend has it that she was bitten to death by a poisonous snake in order to preserve her beautiful face. But in fact, this is just a conjecture of people's imagination.

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

Because at that time, there was no such high level of technology to preserve corpses. Cleopatra was probably killed because she wanted to conquer Octavian with her beauty, but she was rejected and brutally killed.

It seems that the legendary Cleopatra, who conquered everything with her beauty, is just a fictional image of later generations.

Her real appearance is far less glamorous and moving than the legend, and more of a powerful but ill-fated female figure.

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

Throughout the ages, there have been many glorified female images like Cleopatra. They may have had a glorious life, but their true appearance is often overlooked. Most of our perception of them comes from the descriptions and imaginations of others.

So apart from Cleopatra, what other lies have deceived us for thousands of years?

Next, let's turn our attention to a man who was the most powerful man in Europe - Napoleon.

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

You must have heard rumors that Napoleon was not tall enough, right? He is said to be only 1.58 meters, which is a typical "short man".

But do you know where this statement comes from? It turned out that all this was to blame for the "malice" of the British.

At that time, Napoleon single-handedly defeated the Four-Power Alliance, including the British, and greatly expanded the territory of France in the northern and southern conquests of Europe. At that time, it can be said that no one in Europe could defeat Napoleon.

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

He was so eloquent that he almost unified the whole of Europe. The rise of such a person naturally caused panic and jealousy in other countries.

The British began to spread rumors that Napoleon was not an emperor at all, but a heinous criminal. At the same time, they also deliberately discredited Napoleon's height, saying that he was only 5 feet tall, about 1.58 meters tall.

But is that really the case? In fact, according to the French unit of measurement at that time, Napoleon's height was at least about 1.7 meters, which was already considered tall at that time.

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

The reason why the British wanted to discredit Napoleon's height was nothing more than because they themselves were short. By belittling Napoleon's height, they were able to find a glimmer of superiority.

Later, Napoleon did like to wear high heels to various occasions, but this was more to highlight his temperament and status than to make up for the lack of height.

It can be seen that the lie about Napoleon's lack of height was completely concocted by the British out of jealousy and fear.

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

They could not defeat this great military genius on the battlefield, they could only discredit his image in public opinion.

But history will eventually restore the truth, and Napoleon's great achievements and influence will not be diminished in the slightest by these lies.

With Napoleon's height out of the way, let's turn our attention to a thrilling battle – the Battle of Thermopylae.

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

I'm sure many people have heard the story of the "Spartan 300 Warriors", right? Legend has it that they were outnumbered and resisted the attack of 300,000 Persian troops, and although they were all killed, they created an immortal military miracle.

This story has not only been made into a movie, but also become an inspirational story in the hearts of countless people.

But have you ever wondered if 300 men can really withstand an army of 300,000?

You know, even if these 300,000 people stand there and don't move, just by physical exertion, the Spartan warriors probably won't last long.

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

Not to mention, the Persian army was one of the most powerful military forces of its time, they were well-trained and well-equipped, how could they be repulsed by 300 men?

In fact, the truth of the Battle of Hot Springs Pass is far less mysterious than the legend. According to historical records, it was not just 300 Spartan warriors, but more than 7,000 Greek allies who fought against the Persian army.

Moreover, instead of fighting each other in a hand-to-hand manner as in the movie, the two sides took advantage of the narrow terrain of Thermopylae Pass to engage in a war of attrition with the Persian army. Eventually, the Persian army was forced to retreat under the stubborn resistance of the allied Greek forces.

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

But even so, the battle was a miracle. Faced with such a disparity in numbers, the Greek coalition did not choose to surrender or retreat, but fought bravely to the last moment.

With their blood and lives, they defended their dignity and freedom. This kind of courage and spirit of seeing death as if it were home is probably the most valuable asset of this battle.

And the legend of the 300 warriors of Sparta is widely spread, perhaps because people need such a spiritual totem.

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

In real life, we often feel small and powerless, and in the face of strong opponents, it seems that we can only choose to compromise or back down.

But the story of the Spartan warriors tells us that even in absolute disadvantage, as long as we have a strong will and courage, no difficulty is invincible. This belief has undoubtedly given strength and encouragement to countless people.

Of course, we also need to realize that reality is not a legend after all. The story of the Spartan warriors is inspiring, but it is irresponsible to over-glorify the cruelty of war.

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

Behind every war, countless lives have been lost and countless families have been torn apart. Of course, we must remember the great achievements of our heroes, but we must also cherish the hard-won peaceful life.

Only by staying away from war can mankind truly achieve civilization and progress.

Finally, let's talk about the story of the "Trojan Horse". I believe many people know that this is a famous war myth that has been passed down for thousands of years.

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

Legend has it that in order to capture the impregnable city of Troy, the ancient Greeks built a huge wooden horse and hid elite soldiers inside. The Trojans didn't know what to do, and dragged the Trojan horse into the city.

In the dead of night, the Greek soldiers jumped out of the Trojan horse and, together with the troops outside the city, captured the city of Troy in one fell swoop.

But how much truth is there in this story?

According to research, Homer's epic poem "The Iliad" does mention the Battle of Troy, but there is no record of Trojan horses.

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

It wasn't until hundreds of years later that the poet Virgil first mentioned this episode in the Aeneid, which means that the Trojan Horse is probably just an imaginary story rather than a real historical event.

However, this does not mean that the story of the "Trojan Horse" is meaningless, on the contrary, it reflects the understanding and yearning of the ancients for war and wisdom. In ancient times, wars were often brutal and long.

Sieges and seizures are costly, often years or even decades, and unexpected schemes like the Trojan Horse undoubtedly offer a new possibility.

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

It tells us that war is not just about physical strength and numbers, but also about using brains and intelligence, and that sometimes stratagem and strategy are more effective than violence and force.

This wisdom applies not only to war, but also to all aspects of life, and in the real world, we often face various dilemmas and challenges.

Sometimes, the problem seems unsolvable, and there seems to be no way out. However, if we can think outside the inherent mode of thinking and think about problems with innovation and wisdom, we may be able to find unexpected breakthroughs.

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

As the Trojan Horse symbolizes, sometimes, a crucial move can turn the whole thing around.

Of course, we must also be wary of the "Trojan horse" in reality.

In this world full of temptations and traps, there are always things that seem beautiful but are actually dangerous to tempt us.

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

They could be an unsolicited gift, a liar full of sweet words, or a seemingly harmless piece of virus software. If we are not careful, believe and accept easily, we may fall into the trap of others and cause irreparable losses.

Therefore, we must learn to keep our eyes open and see the essence through the phenomenon. Don't be fooled by superficial beauty, but always be vigilant and judgmental.

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

Like the Trojans, if they had seen through the Trojan Horse's tricks earlier, they might have avoided the tragedy of the city's destruction. It also reminds us that in the face of unknown risks and challenges, we must be cautious, think twice, and not trust others easily, let alone let our guard down.

The above is the truth and reflection on the four major lies of the world. From Cleopatra to the Trojan Horse, these legends may not be entirely true, but the wisdom and revelations they contain are worth learning and thinking about for a lifetime.

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

History is not just a mirror, it is a treasure trove. It teaches us the power of truth, but it also teaches us the dangers of lies. As a new era, we must not only learn to think independently and pursue the truth, but also maintain vigilance and judgment, and not be deceived by lies.

Only in this way can we find the direction and strength to move forward in this foggy world.

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

Through the fog of history, it may be difficult for us to fully restore the truth. But we can use the eyes of discovering lies to examine all kinds of chaos in reality; You can use the footsteps of pursuing the truth to explore unknown areas and possibilities.

As the English poet Keats said, "Beauty is truth, truth is beauty, and this is all you know on earth, and all you need to know."

None of the famous "4 big lies" in world history is true, but there are still people who believe it deeply

Let us embrace the challenges and opportunities of life with a yearning for the truth. No matter how rough the road ahead may be, as long as we persevere, we will one day find our way to the light.

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