
On the red carpet on the second day of Cannes, the "decency" lost by domestic entertainment was finally recovered by Tang Yan

author:Talking about Xiao Li

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On the red carpet on the second day of Cannes, the "decency" lost by domestic entertainment was finally recovered by Tang Yan

The Festival de Cannes has always been the focus of global attention, attracting stars, directors and filmmakers from all over the world every year.

As an important part of the film festival, the red carpet ceremony has attracted much attention.

Here, the stars compete for beauty, using their own clothes and temperament to show the demeanor of filmmakers.

However, on the red carpet of Cannes this year, the performance of mainland stars was a big surprise.

From the red carpet of the opening ceremony to the premieres, mainland stars have encountered embarrassment one after another, with zero close-ups, being driven away by security guards, boring styling, and all kinds of problems have been exposed.

On the red carpet on the second day of Cannes, the "decency" lost by domestic entertainment was finally recovered by Tang Yan

For a while, some people lamented the loss of domestic entertainment's "decency" on the international stage, and some people questioned the red carpet qualifications of mainland stars.

In this context, Tang Yan's appearance is undoubtedly a clear stream.

As one of the few stars in the mainland who has won a close-up shot in Cannes, Tang Yan has won the favor of photographers and the media with her beauty and temperament.

A sparkling halterneck dress, diamond-embellished eye makeup, and an elegant and sweet smile all show her charm.

On the red carpet on the second day of Cannes, the "decency" lost by domestic entertainment was finally recovered by Tang Yan

In fact, it is no accident that Tang Yan was able to make a name for herself in Cannes.

As a popular actress in the mainland, Tang Yan has always been known for her sweet image and outstanding acting skills.

From Zixuan in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy III", to Ma Xiangsui in "Golden Jade Romance", and then to Amy in "Carat Lover", Tang Yan has created vivid and vivid characters, which are deeply loved by the audience.

In the field of fashion, Tang Yan has always been a leader.

On the red carpet on the second day of Cannes, the "decency" lost by domestic entertainment was finally recovered by Tang Yan

Whether it's street photography or event styling, she can always perfectly control various styles and show her beauty to the fullest.

Tang Yan's success lies not only in her outstanding appearance and acting skills, but also in her hard work and persistence.

For more than ten years, Tang Yan has always maintained her love and pursuit of acting, constantly sharpening her acting skills and challenging various different types of roles.

And on a big stage like the red carpet, Tang Yan has never slacked off, and always shows people in the best condition.

Such professionalism and professionalism are undoubtedly an important reason why she can shine in Cannes.

On the red carpet on the second day of Cannes, the "decency" lost by domestic entertainment was finally recovered by Tang Yan

Tang Yan's appearance not only won glory for mainland stars in Cannes, but also injected a boost into the much-questioned domestic entertainment.

In the current overall downturn in domestic entertainment, we need an excellent artist like Tang Yan to use his strength and charm to reshape the image of domestic entertainment and win the respect of the world.

Of course, one person's power is limited after all.

If you want to really change the situation of domestic entertainment in the world, you need the joint efforts of more stars.

On the red carpet on the second day of Cannes, the "decency" lost by domestic entertainment was finally recovered by Tang Yan

This not only requires them to strive for excellence in their profession, but also needs to continuously improve their literacy and cultivation.

Only when our stars can show themselves in the best state and work with the most professional attitude, will the spring of domestic entertainment really come.

Although the Cannes red carpet is just a small microcosm, it reflects the overall image of domestic entertainment on the international stage.

Tang Yan's appearance gave us a glimmer of hope and inspiration.

I believe that as long as we work together and speak with strength, one day, internal entertainment will regain the respect and applause of the world.

On the red carpet on the second day of Cannes, the "decency" lost by domestic entertainment was finally recovered by Tang Yan

Next, let's continue to pay attention to the Cannes red carpet and look forward to the wonderful performances of more mainland stars.

At the same time, let us work together to contribute to the future of domestic entertainment.

After all, the glory of domestic entertainment needs all of us to protect it together.

Looking back on history, the Cannes red carpet has left us with too many unforgettable moments.

On the red carpet on the second day of Cannes, the "decency" lost by domestic entertainment was finally recovered by Tang Yan

From Maggie Cheung winning the Best Actress Award for "In the Mood for Love" in 1997, to Zhang Ziyi's stunning appearance in 2000, and then to Fan Bingbing's glimpse in 2010, one shining name after another has witnessed the historic moment of Chinese films on the international stage.

That year, Maggie Cheung wore a black cheongsam, showing the elegance of oriental women in her gestures.

When she lifted the Palme d'Or, the entire Chinese film industry was excited.

This moment not only belongs to Maggie Cheung, but also to all the people who struggle for Chinese films.

On the red carpet on the second day of Cannes, the "decency" lost by domestic entertainment was finally recovered by Tang Yan

And Zhang Ziyi, a newcomer who has just debuted, surprised the audience with a pale yellow backless dress when she stepped on the Cannes red carpet for the first time.

Her fresh and agile temperament, like a spring breeze, blows away the stereotype of Westerners about Oriental faces.

That year, people remembered the name - Zhang Ziyi.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is 2010. This year's Cannes ushered in a glimpse of another Chinese actress.

Fan Bingbing was wearing a pale pink trailing dress, looking back gently at the end of the red carpet, and the moment of amazement made everyone hold their breath.

On the red carpet on the second day of Cannes, the "decency" lost by domestic entertainment was finally recovered by Tang Yan

At this moment, Fan Bingbing is not only showing her beauty, but also showing the confidence and elegance of oriental women to the world.

The shining names and precious memories all tell the arduous journey of Chinese filmmakers who have overcome obstacles and thorns.

It is they who, with their own efforts and sweat, have gone to the world step by step and won the recognition of the international film industry.

And this is the motivation for us to continue to move forward.

On the red carpet on the second day of Cannes, the "decency" lost by domestic entertainment was finally recovered by Tang Yan

Now, standing at a new historical starting point, we should inherit and carry forward the spirit of our predecessors and meet the challenges of the future with a more high-spirited attitude.

Let us go hand in hand, conquer the world with strength and charm, and write a new chapter in Chinese films in our own way.

Perhaps, the road to the international stage is still very long, but as long as we have firm beliefs and dedication, one day, we will stand on the red carpet of this film with a more shining attitude.

At that moment, the whole world will applaud Chinese films and be proud of our stars.

On the red carpet on the second day of Cannes, the "decency" lost by domestic entertainment was finally recovered by Tang Yan

This day may not be too far away.

When it comes to international film festivals, many people's first reaction may be the Oscars.

However, more than 20 years before the Oscars were born, the Cannes Film Festival kicked off in the beautiful seaside city of the south of France.

As one of the world's three major film festivals, Cannes is undoubtedly one of the most desirable stages for filmmakers around the world.

For Chinese filmmakers, Cannes also has a special significance.

On the red carpet on the second day of Cannes, the "decency" lost by domestic entertainment was finally recovered by Tang Yan

As early as the 90s of the last century, domestic films began to go abroad and participate in international film festivals.

In 1994, Zhang Yimou's "Alive" was shortlisted for the main competition unit of Cannes, becoming the first Chinese film to win this award.

Although it missed the Palme d'Or in the end, this film showed the world the potential and charm of Chinese films.

And what really made Chinese films emerge in Cannes was the spring of 1997.

On the red carpet on the second day of Cannes, the "decency" lost by domestic entertainment was finally recovered by Tang Yan

This year, two Chinese films were shortlisted for the main competition at the same time, with Zhang Yimou's "Something to Say" winning the Grand Jury Prize, and Chen Kaige's "Fengyue" winning the Best Director Award.

This year, Chinese filmmakers have reaped unprecedented glory in Cannes and proved our strength to the world.

After entering the 21st century, the performance of Chinese films in Cannes has become more eye-catching.

In 2000, Wong Kar-wai's "In the Mood for Love" made Tony Leung and Maggie Cheung both emperors;

On the red carpet on the second day of Cannes, the "decency" lost by domestic entertainment was finally recovered by Tang Yan

In 2002, Jia Zhangke's "Let It Go" won the Grand Jury Prize

In 2006, Zhang Yimou's "The City Full of Golden Armor" amazed the audience with Chinese elements

In 2007, Ang Lee's "Lust and Caution" brought Chinese films to the top podium again......

The excellent works and the shining awards again and again all tell the world about the rise of Chinese films.

However, in recent years, the performance of Chinese films in Cannes has been somewhat lonely.

Although domestic films are shortlisted every year, few works can actually win awards.

On the red carpet on the second day of Cannes, the "decency" lost by domestic entertainment was finally recovered by Tang Yan

What's even more embarrassing is that our celebrities frequently make mistakes on the red carpet, with boring looks, standing in the back, few shots, and even being chased away by security guards.

For a while, some people began to question the international status of Chinese films, and some people worried that we were gradually losing the stage.

But from another perspective, this may also be an opportunity for us to further reflect and improve.

On the red carpet on the second day of Cannes, the "decency" lost by domestic entertainment was finally recovered by Tang Yan

Cannes has never been just a stage for walking the red carpet and showing off clothes, but also a platform to show strength and strive for recognition.

What we need is more stars like Tang Yan who can shine on the red carpet, and more filmmakers like Zhang Yimou and Ang Lee who can conquer the world with their works.

Each of us has a responsibility to do this.

As film creators, we must polish our works with a more professional attitude, tell Chinese stories with our hearts, and create excellent films worthy of this era.

On the red carpet on the second day of Cannes, the "decency" lost by domestic entertainment was finally recovered by Tang Yan

As film practitioners, we should go to the world with a more open mind, learn from the strengths of others with an open mind, and boldly show our own characteristics.

As movie audiences, we must look at domestic films from a more inclusive perspective, and use our own attention and support to help their growth.

Only in this way can Chinese films truly sail and stand proudly on the stage of world films.

The moment when the world watched and applauded may not be far away.

On the red carpet on the second day of Cannes, the "decency" lost by domestic entertainment was finally recovered by Tang Yan

When we look back at those classic moments that once shined in Cannes, and think back to those outstanding filmmakers who have won glory for the country, will there also be a surge of enthusiasm and impulse in our hearts?

Yes, that's the power of cinema, that's what we're fighting for.

For the "movie dream" in our hearts, for the revival and glory of national films, let us work together and move forward together.

I believe that in the near future, in that beautiful coastal town, at the end of that shining red carpet, the glory of Chinese films will definitely bloom again.

On the red carpet on the second day of Cannes, the "decency" lost by domestic entertainment was finally recovered by Tang Yan

We will meet the eyes of the world with a more confident attitude; We will accept the world's tribute with a more calm bearing.

At that moment, the whole world will be proud and proud of us.

Let's walk hand in hand and move towards our dreams together.

The future of Chinese films is worth all of us fighting for.

And the stage that belongs to us is waiting in Cannes not far away.

Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think, let's exchange in the comment area!

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