
Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the US moon landing and helped the United States give evidence?

author:Fengqi Technology

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Recently, Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, gave evidence for the US moon landing in a public speech, which attracted widespread attention.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the US moon landing and helped the United States give evidence?

Jiang Pengfei's point of view seems to be reasonable, but after careful scrutiny, many doubts have not yet been solved. As an authority in the tech world, is he on an impartial stand? Is the evidence he presents really convincing?

What does Academician Pei's words confirm?

Jiang Pengfei mentioned that he noticed that Pei mentioned in an interview that there were indeed traces of the U.S. lunar module on the moon. This inspired him to delve into the secrets of the moon.

Pei's original words were just an understatement, and there seemed to be some traces on the moon. This description is too general to be conclusive. What's more, the traces on the moon may also be natural rather than man-made.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the US moon landing and helped the United States give evidence?

Academician Pei's remarks can only show that there are some traces of the moon at best, but they have nothing to do with whether the United States has successfully landed on the moon. Jiang Pengfei's unauthorized interpretation of this as evidence of the US moon landing is probably an exaggeration.

Are the ruins part of history?

Jiang Pengfei mentioned that the existing large telescopes can see the remains of the Apollo 13 lunar module on the moon, which is a witness to history.

However, the existence of relics does not intuitively prove the authenticity of historical events. For example, the existence of the remains of the Chang'e lunar probe on the moon does not directly indicate that China has successfully achieved a more complex manned landing on the moon.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the US moon landing and helped the United States give evidence?

The ruins themselves do not say anything about its origins. In order to verify history, more convincing records, videos and other first-hand information are needed. It is difficult to conclude based on the existence of the ruins themselves.

Does the operation of the instrument mean that the moon landing was successful?

Jiang Pengfei believes that the lunar seismograph of Apollo 14 is still working today, which shows that the United States has successfully landed on the moon.

However, the various exploration equipment existing on the moon is not necessarily installed by humans themselves. Autonomous equipment such as drones can also be deployed.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the US moon landing and helped the United States give evidence?

The continuous operation of the lunar seismometer can only indicate that the equipment has successfully reached the moon, but there is still some distance from the successful landing on the moon.

The presence of equipment should not be conclusive evidence for a manned landing on the moon. It may also be transported to the moon by an autonomous vehicle.

Is the difference in sample size an indication of the problem?

Jiang Pengfei pointed out that Apollo brought back 380 kilograms of moon rock, while Chang'e only 1.7 kilograms, which fully shows that there is a huge difference between the two.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the US moon landing and helped the United States give evidence?

However, this difference in quantity can also be explained by the difference in sampling techniques. Apollo was sampled by a person himself, and a large number of samples could be collected; Chang'e, on the other hand, takes automatic sampling, and it is normal for the amount to be small.

The difference in the same amount may also come from differences in mission objectives. Chang'e only conducts small-scale scientific sampling, while Apollo's goal is to collect large quantities. This precisely reflects the gap in the level of aerospace technology between the two eras, and there is no inevitable connection.

Why is the U.S. not going to the moon again?

As for why the United States has not achieved manned lunar landings for many years, Jiang Pengfei gave a different explanation of the background of the times.

Jiang Pengfei, chief engineer of Zhongke Guangqi Group, talked about the US moon landing and helped the United States give evidence?

But this can also be understood from another angle: the United States no longer lands on the moon because the technology for landing on the moon was not mature and there are huge risks. Otherwise, why would the United States give up the golden opportunity to continue the glorious achievements of those years and not achieve a manned landing on the moon?

Regardless of whether the United States successfully landed on the moon or not, mankind's adventurous spirit of exploring the unknown is worthy of recognition. This spirit transcends borders and races and belongs to the common heritage of all mankind. We should cherish the memory of the innovation and courage of the pioneers of science and technology, and at the same time maintain rationality and criticism, and seek the progress of human knowledge with a realistic and pragmatic attitude.

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