
The spirit of the old Hunan army is immortal. In the First Sino-Japanese War, the most tragic and tragic bloody battle of Niuzhuang

author:Onigiri says things

In the smoke of the First Sino-Japanese War, the fates of two East Asian countries, China and Japan, collided. In 1894, with the internal political turmoil on the Korean Peninsula, the contradictions between Japan and the Qing Dynasty gradually intensified, and finally a full-scale military conflict broke out. This is an all-round confrontation involving sea power and land warfare, and it is not only a military collision, but also a contest between two strategic ideas. In this war, what is particularly striking is the Battle of Niuzhuang, a bloody battle that has almost been forgotten by history, showing the fearlessness and tragedy of the old Hunan army.

The spirit of the old Hunan army is immortal. In the First Sino-Japanese War, the most tragic and tragic bloody battle of Niuzhuang

In the cold and windy early 1895, the sky in the northeast was overcast like lead. The sound of the Japanese army's iron hooves is gradually approaching, but the breath of the Qing army is getting heavier and heavier. On this land of the motherland, the town of Niuzhuang is about to become the main battlefield of a war.

Niuzhuang Town, located on the Liaodong Peninsula, is a key logistical supply point. The strategic layout of the Qing Dynasty relied heavily on the solidity of this point in order to maintain the strength of the offensive against Haicheng. The eyes of the Japanese army were equally sharp, and they decided to destroy this supply line in one fell swoop, completely destroying the Qing army's will to fight.

In a tense atmosphere, the remnants of the Hunan army, the soldiers of the fifth battalion known as the old Hunan army, under the leadership of Li Guangjiu, were preparing here for what could be the hardest battle of their military career. Li Guangjiu, the second son of Li Xubin, inherited his father's bravery. Faced with the coming battle, he gathered all the generals in the tent and arranged the pre-battle preparations.

The spirit of the old Hunan army is immortal. In the First Sino-Japanese War, the most tragic and tragic bloody battle of Niuzhuang

"Brothers, the Japanese army is coming from thousands of miles away, and they have only one purpose, that is, to completely defeat us and seize Liaodong." Li Guangjiu's voice was firm and powerful, and his eyes swept over everyone present, "Although we are not many in number, our courage and determination are enough to shake any enemy. ”

"General, how will we deploy the defensive line?" A middle-aged general asked.

"Our main force will be fortified in the center of Niuzhuang Town, and small teams will be sent to conduct guerrilla attacks and disrupt the actions of the Japanese army. Remember, every inch of land has to be paid by the enemy. "Lee Kwang gyu planned every detail.

The spirit of the old Hunan army is immortal. In the First Sino-Japanese War, the most tragic and tragic bloody battle of Niuzhuang

Early in the morning, it was foggy. The footsteps of the Japanese army gradually sounded, and with their overwhelming strength, they launched an assault on Niuzhuang. As the battle erupted, smoke and fire began to engulf the land.

Li Guangjiu stood at the forefront, brandishing his sword and shouting: "For the sake of the family and country, rush!" With his order, all the soldiers of the Hunan army seemed to be infused with infinite strength, and they shouted and rushed towards the Japanese army. The battle was extremely fierce, and every soldier of the Hunan army showed the perseverance to die.

Although the Japanese army was well equipped, under the stubborn resistance of the Hunan army, the continuous offensive was repeatedly defeated. Despite this, the numerical superiority of the Japanese and the continuous reinforcements allowed the battle to gradually tilt in their favor. The Hunan army began to run out of ammunition, and the casualties were increasing. In retreat and reorganization after retreat, Lee Kwang Kwang and his soldiers showed incredible resilience and sacrifice.

The spirit of the old Hunan army is immortal. In the First Sino-Japanese War, the most tragic and tragic bloody battle of Niuzhuang

"We can't go back! Behind is our homeland, our land! Li Guangjiu shouted loudly on the battlefield, and his voice stood out in the midst of the artillery fire and shouts. The soldiers surrounded him as if he were their last hope for survival.

As the sun set, the battle entered its most intense phase. One by one, the soldiers around him fell, but he continued to fight until a stray bullet hit him in the chest and knocked him to the ground.

"General!" A mournful shout cut through the silence, and the surrounding warriors rushed to him, trying to protect him from the battlefield, but Lee Kwang Kwang knew that his time was running out.

The spirit of the old Hunan army is immortal. In the First Sino-Japanese War, the most tragic and tragic bloody battle of Niuzhuang

"Don't... Don't stop, keep fighting, defend our land. His voice was weak, but every word was full of power.

With tears in their eyes, the soldiers of the Hunan army regrouped and threw themselves into battle with a more ferocious attitude. In the end, although they were unable to completely repel the Japanese army, their persistence and sacrifice inflicted heavy losses on the enemy, forcing the Japanese to reevaluate their battle strategy with the Qing army.

The spirit of the old Hunan army is immortal. In the First Sino-Japanese War, the most tragic and tragic bloody battle of Niuzhuang

After the battle, although Niuzhuang eventually fell into the hands of the Japanese army, the heroic resistance of the Hunan army won the respect of both sides. Lee's sacrifice and the fearlessness of his troops became a legend that inspired later fighters to fight bravely on the battlefield of resistance against Japan.

The spirit of the old Hunan army is immortal. In the First Sino-Japanese War, the most tragic and tragic bloody battle of Niuzhuang

In the long course of history, although the bloody battle of Niuzhuang was a small-scale conflict, it showed an indomitable fighting spirit and a deep love for his home and country. This battle is not only a revisit to the spirit of the old Hunan army, but also a remembrance of all the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country. Today, when we look back on this period of history, we should draw the strength of perseverance and sacrifice from it, pass on this spirit, and continue to defend and build our beautiful homeland. In every land, the names and deeds of the martyrs who fought for it should be remembered.