
In 1952, at the scene of the counter-revolution, the daughter of the vice chairman of the province shouted that the gun would keep people, who was he?


It was a silent morning, and the clock had just struck midnight. The executioners are in place, everything is ready to carry out the execution. The prisoners tied up in the middle of the execution ground were silent and calm. However, at this moment, a woman suddenly rushed into the execution ground, stopped in front of the muzzle of the gun and shouted: "Leave people under the gun!" You can't kill him! "It turned out that she was the daughter of the vice president of the province. The gunners looked at each other, bewildered. And the prisoner who was about to be executed changed his expression even more, and scolded the woman, "What are you doing? Get out of here! "What is the relationship between the two? What crime did this condemned criminal do? Why did the lieutenant governor's daughter try to save his life?

In 1952, at the scene of the counter-revolution, the daughter of the vice chairman of the province shouted that the gun would keep people, who was he?

1. Tan Yubao during the Great Revolution: A heroic revolutionary from a civilian background

In the 1920s, the land of Hunan was turbulent. Tan Yubao was born in an ordinary peasant family and has tasted the hardships of the world since he was a child. When he was young, he dropped out of school to work in the family farm, and he was industrious and simple. However, this young man from a humble background has a sincere and patriotic heart.

In 1926, underground workers of the Communist Party of China came to Tan Yubao's hometown to carry out a peasant movement, which aroused Tan Yubao's desire for reform of the status quo. He was one of the first to join the local farmers' association, and was soon elected director of the organizing committee for his outstanding ability and leadership skills.

In 1952, at the scene of the counter-revolution, the daughter of the vice chairman of the province shouted that the gun would keep people, who was he?

In the process of carrying out the agrarian revolution, Tan Yubao showed extraordinary courage and firmness. He has no favoritism, and even treats his aunt ruthlessly, which is impressive. This move not only won the support of the masses, but also allowed him to join the Chinese Communist Party in February 1927.

Since then, Tan Yubao has devoted himself to the revolutionary cause. Known for his excellent ability to mobilize the masses, he soon became an important target wanted by the Kuomintang reactionaries. In order to escape persecution, Tan Yubao had to leave his hometown and go to the Jinggangshan revolutionary base, where he was fortunate to meet the great leader Mao Zedong.

In 1952, at the scene of the counter-revolution, the daughter of the vice chairman of the province shouted that the gun would keep people, who was he?

In 1928, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China transferred Tan Yubao back to his hometown, hoping that he would carry out party work in Hunan. Tan Yubao was not afraid of danger and insisted on carrying out difficult guerrilla warfare and underground struggle in his hometown. In 1934, he was elected as a member of the Central Executive Committee of the Chinese Soviet Republic, shouldering the heavy responsibility of leading the troops.

In the face of the frenzied "encirclement and suppression" of the Kuomintang army, Tan Yubao bravely commanded the Red Army to resist bravely and stubbornly, and broke out of the encirclement many times. Although he had to be separated from his young daughter Tan Mulan when he met at Qipanshan, Tan Yubao's enthusiasm and loyalty to the revolutionary cause never wavered. This hero, who was born as an ordinary peasant, used his life to interpret the original intention and mission of the communists to "serve the people".

In 1952, at the scene of the counter-revolution, the daughter of the vice chairman of the province shouted that the gun would keep people, who was he?

2. The tragic past of the separation of father and daughter

In August 1932, Chiang Kai-shek launched a frenzied "Hui Suppression" campaign, carrying out a large-scale raid and air raid on Jinggangshan, the central base of the Jiangxi Soviet. The tea tomb where the Tan family is located was also relentlessly bombed. In this air raid, Tan Yubao's wife and parents were brutally killed by bombs, and only his 6-year-old daughter Tan Mulan barely survived.

In 1952, at the scene of the counter-revolution, the daughter of the vice chairman of the province shouted that the gun would keep people, who was he?

When the news came, Tan Yubao was commanding operations on the front line far from home. Hearing the bad news, tears welled up in his eyes, and he was full of grief. Daughter Tan Mulan witnessed the tragic death of her family, she collapsed in the ruins, and suffered a huge trauma in her life at a young age.

In order to avoid further harm, the villagers took Tan Mulan to the safety of the mountainous area for shelter. Soon, Tan Mulan, who had been walking alone all the way, came to her father's county seat, and the two hugged each other and cried in a sad reunion. Since then, Tan Yubao and his daughter Mulan have relied on each other, but they are also destined to be separated in the future.

In 1952, at the scene of the counter-revolution, the daughter of the vice chairman of the province shouted that the gun would keep people, who was he?

In 1934, the Kuomintang reactionaries launched a new round of "offensive and suppression" against the central Soviet districts. In this campaign, Tan Yubao was ordered to lead the Red Sixth Army to persist in the struggle on the Hunan and Jiangxi borders. The fighting was fierce, and the armed forces of both sides reached the size of tens of thousands of people. In order to avoid being surrounded, Tan Yubao had to lead his troops to break through.

At the moment of life and death, Tan Yubao couldn't bear to put his young daughter in a desperate situation, so he had to hide his daughter Tan Mulan in a pile of firewood and grass, hoping that she would survive. It was a difficult decision, but the conditions were so bad that he had no choice. In the bombardment of the enemy, the father and daughter were separated and each embarked on a long road.

In 1952, at the scene of the counter-revolution, the daughter of the vice chairman of the province shouted that the gun would keep people, who was he?

Tan Mulan hid in the firewood and grass for a while, but when she woke up, she found that there was no one around. As a young child, she cried and hesitated until her legs weakened and she fainted deep in the mountains. A woodcutter stumbled upon her and took Tan Mulan home for adoption. Since then, Tan Mulan has been separated from her revolutionary father, displaced, and entered the life track of ordinary people.

However, as fate would have it, this little girl was finally "chosen" home by an unexpected person, thus starting a different kind of revolutionary legend.

In 1952, at the scene of the counter-revolution, the daughter of the vice chairman of the province shouted that the gun would keep people, who was he?

3. An unknown episode in the Revolution

At the end of 1934, after the rendezvous at Qipanshan, the people's army moved to a new stage of the Zunyi Conference. At this critical moment, an orphan was adopted by a man named Hong Zongyang, thus starting an unknown revolutionary legend.

In 1952, at the scene of the counter-revolution, the daughter of the vice chairman of the province shouted that the gun would keep people, who was he?

Hong Zongyang was originally a servant in the family of a landlord in Sichuan. He was bright and studious since he was a child, and was able to read and write with the help of his master. As he grew older, Hong Zongyang gradually awakened his patriotic enthusiasm and resolutely joined the revolutionary team to show his anti-Japanese bravery.

In 1937, when the invading Japanese army captured Sichuan, Hong Zongyang was unfortunately captured. Out of valuable qualities, he not only did not defect to the puppet regime, but actively propagated anti-Japanese slogans and instigated many uprisings in prison. As a result of his outstanding performance, he was soon appointed as a prison administrator and was able to move relatively freely.

In 1952, at the scene of the counter-revolution, the daughter of the vice chairman of the province shouted that the gun would keep people, who was he?

One day in 1944, when Hong Zongyang was patrolling outside the prison, he happened to meet a street child - it was Tan Mulan, who had lost her father. The little girl was described as haggard and erratic. Hong Zongyang was greatly moved when he saw this, and he remembered that he had also been a poor orphan. So, he resolutely decided to take Mulan back to prison and adopt her secretly.

Under the harsh control of the Japanese army, Hong Zongyang took great pains to take care of all the daily life of Mulan, treating her as his own daughter. As an administrator, he also secretly used his power to deliver food and medicine to his fellow prisoners. It wasn't until 1945 that he finally came to his long-awaited victory.

In 1952, at the scene of the counter-revolution, the daughter of the vice chairman of the province shouted that the gun would keep people, who was he?

After peace returned, Hong Zongyang took Tan Mulan back to his hometown in Sichuan. There, he told Mulan many stories about his revolutionary ancestors and the smoke of war. Mulan was deeply shocked after hearing this, and was full of yearning for revolutionary ideals, planning to follow her father's deeds and plunge into the revolutionary torrent.

However, after the outbreak of the civil war, the split between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party put Hong Zongyang in a dilemma. Although he was a member of the Communist Party, it was difficult for him to decide which side to join. At this moment, an unexpected and amazing encounter completely changed the fate of Hong Zongyang and Tan Mulan.

In 1952, at the scene of the counter-revolution, the daughter of the vice chairman of the province shouted that the gun would keep people, who was he?

Fourth, the great turning point of fate after the outbreak of the civil war

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945, the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party broke out, and the two camps were reshuffled. As an old Communist Party member, Hong Zongyang should have returned to the revolutionary ranks as a matter of course, but he was indecisive and kept hovering between the two camps.

In 1952, at the scene of the counter-revolution, the daughter of the vice chairman of the province shouted that the gun would keep people, who was he?

On the one hand, Hong Zongyang has been influenced by revolutionary ideals for a long time and has sincere loyalty to the communist cause; On the other hand, he also had a bit of luck with the Kuomintang regime, hoping to live a peaceful life under the new regime. In the dilemma of these two choices, he has not been able to make up his mind.

At this critical moment, Hong Zongyang's adopted daughter Tan Mulan took the initiative to ask to join the Communist Party. Mulan has received revolutionary education since childhood, knows the deeds of martyrs well, and is extremely yearning for revolutionary ideals. She told Hong Zongyang about how she had missed her father for many years, and hoped to contribute to the cause of the people's liberation like her father.

In 1952, at the scene of the counter-revolution, the daughter of the vice chairman of the province shouted that the gun would keep people, who was he?

Faced with his daughter's decision, Hong Zongyang felt that he should make a careful choice. He clearly remembered that when they were devastated by the Japanese army in prison, it was the people's army led by Tan Mulan's father, Tan Yubao, who rescued them. The revolutionary ideal has not been extinguished because of the blood and lives of the pioneers.

In the end, under the inspiration of his daughter, Hong Zongyang made up his mind and took Tan Mulan to the Xiangxi base area and rejoined the revolutionary ranks of the Communist Party of China. There, a surprise awaited them that they never expected.

In 1952, at the scene of the counter-revolution, the daughter of the vice chairman of the province shouted that the gun would keep people, who was he?

It turned out that after a difficult trek, Hong Zongyang and Mulan inadvertently met Tan Yubao, who had been reunited after a long absence. When the three of them saw each other, they cried with joy, and the scene was very touching. Since then, the father and daughter have fought side by side with Hong Zongyang, and their fate has been deeply linked to the revolutionary cause.

However, the good times did not last long, but fate soon pushed them to a new stage. After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong wanted to eradicate the remnants of the counter-revolution and purge dissidents. In this movement, many people who had made outstanding revolutionary contributions were also implicated and affected to varying degrees.

In 1952, at the scene of the counter-revolution, the daughter of the vice chairman of the province shouted that the gun would keep people, who was he?

Hong Zongyang and Tan Yubao, father and daughter, were also listed as "key review objects" because they had wandered during the civil war. Although they were eventually cleared of suspicion, Hong was sentenced to 10 years in prison and imprisoned. And this verdict also laid a deep reason for Tan Mulan's shocking move to protect Hong Zongyang's later efforts......

5. A thrilling scene of saving people under the gun

In 1952, at the scene of the counter-revolution, the daughter of the vice chairman of the province shouted that the gun would keep people, who was he?

In 1952, Chairman Mao Zedong launched a campaign to purge the remnants of the counter-revolution. In this movement, countless former revolutionaries were censored and punished to varying degrees. Although Hong Zongyang and Tan Yubao's father and daughter were eventually cleared of suspicion, Hong Zongyang was still sentenced to 10 years in prison for shaking during the civil war.

In the autumn of this year, a public trial will be held in Hong Zongyang's city. On the last day before the meeting, shocking news suddenly came from the prison: Hong Zongyang will be listed as a key target for review, and it is very likely that he will be shot in public! This bad news was like a blow to the head, which made Tan Mulan completely in a trance.

In 1952, at the scene of the counter-revolution, the daughter of the vice chairman of the province shouted that the gun would keep people, who was he?

In order to save her benefactor from danger, Tan Mulan made a desperate attempt to blend in with the scene. With great effort, she finally broke into the execution ground at the last moment of the execution scene. That scene is thrilling and exciting:

The gunmen were in position, and the bound prisoner, Hong Zongyang, hung his head down. Just as the gunshots were about to go out, Tan Mulan suddenly stepped forward and shouted, "Leave people under the gun!" You can't kill him! Her voice pierced the silence and reverberated through the room.

In 1952, at the scene of the counter-revolution, the daughter of the vice chairman of the province shouted that the gun would keep people, who was he?

It turned out that at the beginning of Chairman Mao's anti-rebellion campaign in 1949, it was Hong Zongyang who made countless intercession statements for Tan Mulan at all costs, so that Tan Yubao, a former revolutionary hero, was spared from being implicated; And it was thanks to Tan Yubao's disagreement with his superiors that he defended a glimmer of life for Hong Zongyang and avoided him from being executed. Now that fate has reversed, it is Tan Mulan's turn to protect the life of her benefactor.

For a time, the audience was in an uproar, and the law enforcement officers were at a loss. Even Hong Zongyang, who was about to be executed, was shocked and scolded the woman who was blocking the muzzle: "What are you doing? Get out of here! He didn't know that the woman in front of him who tried to protect himself was Tan Mulan, who was saved by him back then.

Before the gunshots rang out, the crowd fell silent in the commotion, and everything seemed to stand still. The provincial leaders sat in the front row, allowing the people around them to talk differently. For a while, the atmosphere at the scene was confusing, and no one knew what would happen next. And the cause of all this began many years ago in an unknown period of revolution......

At this tense moment, the provincial leader suddenly waved his hand to stop the shooting, demanding a thorough investigation into the cause and effect of the incident. Soon, the ins and outs of this episode were found out one by one. Under the mediation of the leadership, Hong Zongyang finally picked up a way to survive and was finally re-released. And Tan Yubao's father and daughter, who have a deep brotherly relationship, also reunited with their benefactor Hong Zongyang to recount the eventful journey after farewell.

Since then, the three of them have relied on each other for their lives and enjoyed their old age in peace. They wrote a magnificent revolutionary legend with their blood and lives, and witnessed the difficulties and twists and turns of that turbulent era. And the scene of "saving people under the gun" will forever become the most thorny but also the most singable page in their lives......