
Dongdong smoking (mistake)! The stage accident made Kim Minting become a 'firefighter' in seconds, and fans sprayed SM angrily

author:Kobayashi said entertainment

Set fire: The scene was really hot

At today's "MCD" pre-recording site, there were some unexpected situations on the stage set, the specific reason has not been disclosed, but this directly caused the stage to catch fire.

Dongdong smoking (mistake)! The stage accident made Kim Minting become a 'firefighter' in seconds, and fans sprayed SM angrily

Flames spread rapidly on stage, smoke filled the entire recording site, and crews and artists were forced to evacuate. Although the fire was not large, the smoke spread everywhere. Due to safety concerns at the scene, the recording was immediately suspended, and rescuers quickly arrived to deal with the sudden fire.


Netizens ridiculed on social media that the accident could be described as a "really hot" performance, and some people joked: "It seems that the stage effect is a bit too realistic this time." "Although things are under control, the ripple effects of this fire continue. The focus quickly shifted from the stage fire to one of the affected artists, aespa member Min-jeong Kim.

Dongdong smoking (mistake)! The stage accident made Kim Minting become a 'firefighter' in seconds, and fans sprayed SM angrily

A difficult time for Kim Min-jeong

Kim Min-jeong, a member of aespa who had just undergone pneumothorax surgery, felt unwell after inhaling a large amount of smoke. She had to stop recording and quickly undergo a medical examination.

Dongdong smoking (mistake)! The stage accident made Kim Minting become a 'firefighter' in seconds, and fans sprayed SM angrily

Kim Minting, who had just recovered from surgery, was supposed to have a good rest, but he suffered this sudden accident. Netizens expressed their distress, and some even angrily accused the company of improper arrangement: "The company doesn't take the artist's body seriously!" Someone else quipped, "Is the company going to let her practice how to dance in the smoke?" ”


SM Entertainment quickly issued an announcement, saying that in the live broadcast of "MCD" that day, only three members of aespa will participate, and Kim's follow-up activities will be decided based on her recovery. The announcement did not quell the anger of fans, but instead sparked more discussion. Everyone cheered for Kim Minting, hoping that she could rest well and recover soon.

Dongdong smoking (mistake)! The stage accident made Kim Minting become a 'firefighter' in seconds, and fans sprayed SM angrily

Fans' voices: Dongdong we love you

On social media, Kim Minting's fans affectionately called her "Xiao Dongdong" and expressed their concern and support for her.

Dongdong smoking (mistake)! The stage accident made Kim Minting become a 'firefighter' in seconds, and fans sprayed SM angrily

A fan posted: "Oh my God, Xiao Dongdong just had surgery, and it's so miserable to encounter this kind of thing again." Other fans expressed their dissatisfaction with the company's arrangement: "Just after the operation to let her go on stage, the company is really inappropriate." ”


The remarks spread quickly online, and some fans even made all sorts of hilarious memes to satirize the accident. Someone commented: "Xiao Dongdong's ability to resist pressure is definitely forced." Some fans also sighed: "For the sake of the stage effect, such a 'real' prop was used." ”

Dongdong smoking (mistake)! The stage accident made Kim Minting become a 'firefighter' in seconds, and fans sprayed SM angrily

aespa's "MCD" live broadcast

In today's MCD livestream, viewers saw aespa with only three members.

Dongdong smoking (mistake)! The stage accident made Kim Minting become a 'firefighter' in seconds, and fans sprayed SM angrily

Without Kim, the group is a little incomplete, but the other three members still perform well. During the live broadcast, fans continued to express their concern for Jin Minting through the barrage, and the "Come on Dongdong" on the screen made people feel strong support.


Netizens quipped in the comment area: "Jin Minting's fans are so powerful, I feel that she is not at the scene, but love is flying all over the sky." Someone else ridiculed: "Jin Minting must be able to feel this 'cloud cheer' from fans." In this live broadcast, although Kim Minting was absent, her sense of presence was still strong.

Dongdong smoking (mistake)! The stage accident made Kim Minting become a 'firefighter' in seconds, and fans sprayed SM angrily

Kim Min-jeong in recovery: The future is a mystery

Regarding Kim's future activities, SM Entertainment said that it will make a decision depending on her recovery. Fans naturally hope that she can rest well and recover as soon as possible. A fan left a message: "Regardless of whether Dongdong participates in the event or not, health is the most important!" Someone else said: "If the company does this again, we fans will not sit idly by." ”

Dongdong smoking (mistake)! The stage accident made Kim Minting become a 'firefighter' in seconds, and fans sprayed SM angrily

This accident made everyone pay more attention to the health of artists, and netizens discussed the company's responsibilities in artist management. Someone said, "Which is more important, the artist's health or the stage effect?" This incident has taught us a lesson. Someone else reflected: "Maybe we should give idols more time and space to rest, instead of just thinking about their performances." ”

Dongdong smoking (mistake)! The stage accident made Kim Minting become a 'firefighter' in seconds, and fans sprayed SM angrily

The controversy continues: the balance between health and performance

Kim's accident reveals the contradiction between the health of artists and their work arrangements in the entertainment industry. Although the company and fans alike expect artists to put on great performances, any work arrangement seems insignificant in the face of health. This incident has sparked a wide range of discussions, not only about the company's decision-making, but also about the reflection on the entire industry ecology.

Dongdong smoking (mistake)! The stage accident made Kim Minting become a 'firefighter' in seconds, and fans sprayed SM angrily

Some fans expressed strong dissatisfaction with the company's approach, and even called on more people to pay attention to the physical and mental health of the artists. "We don't just love their performances, we care about them as people." There are more and more voices like this, showing the maturity and rationality of fans.

Dongdong smoking (mistake)! The stage accident made Kim Minting become a 'firefighter' in seconds, and fans sprayed SM angrily

It has also been suggested that perhaps companies also need to find a better balance between commercial interests and the health of artists. "A good performance is important, but nothing is more important than health." These discussions are not only cheering for Kim, but also for the future of the entire entertainment industry.

Dongdong smoking (mistake)! The stage accident made Kim Minting become a 'firefighter' in seconds, and fans sprayed SM angrily

The Power of Fans: The Hope for Change

This event has opened people's eyes to the great potential of fan power. They not only spare no effort to support the cause of idols, but also become the strongest backing when idols encounter difficulties. Through social media, their voices are rapidly amplified, influencing company decisions and perhaps even driving change in the industry.

Dongdong smoking (mistake)! The stage accident made Kim Minting become a 'firefighter' in seconds, and fans sprayed SM angrily

Fans showed their care and support in a variety of ways, showing the deep emotional bond they have with their idols. Someone laughed and said: "The love of fans is the strongest medicine, and Dongdong will definitely get better soon." Some fans also said: "We are willing to wait, as long as she can be healthy and happy." ”

Dongdong smoking (mistake)! The stage accident made Kim Minting become a 'firefighter' in seconds, and fans sprayed SM angrily

The aftermath of this incident is far from over, and Kim's health and future arrangements remain the focus of fans' attention. The discussion was not only to express emotions, but also to discuss how to make idols find the best balance between career and health.

Through this incident, we saw the power of the fans and their deep affection for their idols. Perhaps it is this power that can propel the entire industry in a healthier and more humane direction. I hope that Kim Minting will recover soon, and I hope that such an accident will not happen again.

Dongdong smoking (mistake)! The stage accident made Kim Minting become a 'firefighter' in seconds, and fans sprayed SM angrily

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