
Faye Wong's decision 11 years ago was right, only two years after her second marriage, Li Yapeng's old problem was committed again

author:Xiao Ye sports sports
Faye Wong's decision 11 years ago was right, only two years after her second marriage, Li Yapeng's old problem was committed again

Li Yapeng has become popular again recently, not because of the gossip in the entertainment industry, nor because of the ups and downs of his emotional life, but because he was accused of arrears of employees' wages.

A brave employee stood up and publicly denounced Li Yapeng for owing them 10 months of wages, and also posted chat records, making his name appear on the entire Internet.

Heck, that's a big deal.

Faye Wong's decision 11 years ago was right, only two years after her second marriage, Li Yapeng's old problem was committed again

Naturally, netizens also participated in the discussion with great interest.

Someone said: Li Yapeng, what's wrong? Why does such a big star do such a thing? Isn't it too inauthentic to not pay your salary for 10 months? I hope that Li Yapeng can solve the problem in time and not affect the lives of employees.

This chat record is ironclad evidence, what else does Li Yapeng have to explain? For a while, the wind of public opinion was one-sided, and Li Yapeng seemed to have become a bad guy on the entire Internet.

Faye Wong's decision 11 years ago was right, only two years after her second marriage, Li Yapeng's old problem was committed again

Li Yapeng was also honest in the face of accusations, admitted his mistakes, and said that he would make up the difference in wages as soon as possible.

Although his attitude is sincere, netizens are not so easy to let him go, and they have said: It is good to admit mistakes, but the key is to return the money!

No matter how Li Yapeng is, he can't joke with employees' salaries! I hope he can really deliver on his promise this time and stop playing tricks.

Faye Wong's decision 11 years ago was right, only two years after her second marriage, Li Yapeng's old problem was committed again

Wage arrears are illegal, and it is hoped that the relevant authorities will intervene in the investigation.

Li Yapeng's transformation from an actor to a businessman can be described as a bumpy entrepreneurial road.

He has been trying to get involved in various fields, but he has been plagued by frequent investment failures.

Netizens are also talking about this, and some people said: Li Yapeng has lost so many times in investment, is it time to think about it? I don't think it's time for him to stop in moderation and invest again.

Faye Wong's decision 11 years ago was right, only two years after her second marriage, Li Yapeng's old problem was committed again

It seems that not everyone can do business, is Li Yapeng ready to bring himself down? He has failed to invest too many times, which is a bit miserable.

In his entrepreneurial experience, investing in real estate was also an unsuccessful attempt.

This point has also attracted the attention and comments of netizens: Li Yapeng's investment in real estate failed? It sounds a bit unexpected.

Real estate can fail, it seems that this industry is really not easy to mix.

Faye Wong's decision 11 years ago was right, only two years after her second marriage, Li Yapeng's old problem was committed again

If he had succeeded, he might not have been in arrears of wages this time.

No wonder he can't even afford a first-class ticket now.

Not only in his career, Li Yapeng's love life is also quite dramatic.

He had relationships with many women, including Ke Lan, Zhou Xun and Faye Wong, but in the end he divorced Faye Wong.

Netizens have said about this: His love life is also quite dramatic, no wonder he will owe employees wages.

Faye Wong's decision 11 years ago was right, only two years after her second marriage, Li Yapeng's old problem was committed again

I heard that he and Faye Wong divorced, and the emotional road was also full of twists and turns.

He remarried to a young partner, but there seems to be no way to surpass Faye Wong.

The relationship has failed, and the career has also failed, is Li Yapeng unlucky?

Li Yapeng's life can be described as a drama of ups and downs, and this ups and downs seem to have become his norm.

Despite frequent setbacks in his career, he still harbors ambitions for the future, which also makes people ambivalent about his attitude.

Faye Wong's decision 11 years ago was right, only two years after her second marriage, Li Yapeng's old problem was committed again

Netizens expressed their opinions, and some said: Li Yapeng is a bold person, but his judgment is not stable enough.

He's always full of energy, but unfortunately his luck doesn't seem to be good.

Perhaps he needs to re-examine his life plan in order to go further.

Either way, hopefully he can learn from his failures and move on.

Compared with this, Faye Wong seems more shrewd and steady, and she has achieved greater success by relying on her own ability and hard work, which makes people have to sigh at the huge difference brought about by different choices in life.

Faye Wong's decision 11 years ago was right, only two years after her second marriage, Li Yapeng's old problem was committed again

Netizens also expressed their opinions on this: Faye Wong is indeed an amazing woman, and her success not only comes from talent, but also from continuous hard work.

The comparison between Li Yapeng and Faye Wong is really stark, maybe life is like this, some people have infinite scenery, and some people frequently hit the wall.

Perhaps Li Yapeng needs to pursue his goals as firmly as Faye Wong in order to achieve something.

Faye Wong's personality has attracted much attention, and the independence and determination she has shown have left a deep impression.

Faye Wong's decision 11 years ago was right, only two years after her second marriage, Li Yapeng's old problem was committed again

Netizens also have various opinions and comments on this.

Some people say: Faye Wong is a truly independent woman, she has her own ideas and principles, and she will never follow the crowd.

Her personality is truly unique, neither ostentatious nor low-key, she is herself.

Faye Wong's uprightness and persistence are admirable, and she is never swayed by the eyes of others.

She is a clear stream in the entertainment industry and does not indulge in vanity and fame.

Faye Wong's decision 11 years ago was right, only two years after her second marriage, Li Yapeng's old problem was committed again

Faye Wong is a person with a deep heart, and every decision she makes is well thought out.

Faye Wong's personality is indeed unique, and she never goes against her heart when she does things.

Some netizens commented: Faye Wong's firmness and rationality make people feel down-to-earth, and she will not be swayed by emotions.

She likes to do things her own way and is not swayed by outside pressures.

Faye Wong has a sensitive heart hidden deep in her heart, and her sensibility and rationality are perfectly combined.

Faye Wong's decision 11 years ago was right, only two years after her second marriage, Li Yapeng's old problem was committed again

She may appear cold on the outside, but on the inside she is passionate and has strong beliefs.

Faye Wong is an independent woman, and her personality makes people feel very powerful.

Faye Wong's character is also reflected in the way she does things, she has always been known for her simplicity and accuracy.

Some people say: Faye Wong is very measured in her work, and her every decision is well thought out.

Her style of doing things is simple and capable, not dragging her feet.

Faye Wong's decision 11 years ago was right, only two years after her second marriage, Li Yapeng's old problem was committed again

Faye Wong is an organized person, and she likes things to be carried out in an orderly manner.

She thinks clearly, never drags things off, and everything is orderly.

Faye Wong is not a person who likes to be fancy, she likes to do things to the best of her ability, rather than pursuing superficial gorgeousness.

Li Yapeng's life is full of lessons, he has become a representative of a good hand played poorly, but it also shows the impermanence and changes of life.

Faye Wong's decision 11 years ago was right, only two years after her second marriage, Li Yapeng's old problem was committed again

In this regard, netizens also have various opinions: life is like a roller coaster, with ups and downs, and the key is to learn to face it calmly.

Li Yapeng's experience tells us that success is not all smooth sailing, but the important thing is not to give up.

Maybe failure is not terrible, what is terrible is not learning from failure.

Hopefully, he will be able to get back on his feet after the setback and move on.

Faye Wong's decision 11 years ago was right, only two years after her second marriage, Li Yapeng's old problem was committed again

The comparison between Li Yapeng and Faye Wong also makes people think deeply, maybe life is like this, full of unknowns and variables, the key is how to face it and work hard.

Li Yapeng's story tells us that success and failure are not the only destination, and the road of life is full of twists and turns.

Although he was in the limelight, he also faced lows and difficulties.

However, he did not give up, but continued to learn from his failures and strive to move forward.

Faye Wong's decision 11 years ago was right, only two years after her second marriage, Li Yapeng's old problem was committed again

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