
Polycystic ovary syndrome is troublesome? A comprehensive strategy for the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine

author:Medical science popularization class

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition that afflicts many women in their daily routine. As a physician, I often meet many patients with PCOS in my outpatient clinics, who are often distressed by the distress caused by the disease. However, through integrative medicine, I have witnessed many patients successfully overcome PCOS and regain a healthy and happy life.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is troublesome? A comprehensive strategy for the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine

There is a patient that I remember vividly. Xiaoling (pseudonym) is a 30-year-old woman who has long faced problems caused by PCOS such as irregular menstruation, acne, and weight gain. After a detailed examination and diagnosis, I confirmed her diagnosis and introduced her to the treatment plan of integrative medicine.

During the treatment, I formulated a targeted TCM conditioning plan for Xiaoling and advised her to insist on an appropriate amount of aerobic exercise. At the same time, I also prescribed her oral contraceptives and other western medicines to help regulate menstruation and hormone levels.

After several months of treatment, Xiaoling's symptoms gradually eased, her menstruation gradually returned to normal, her acne also decreased, and her weight was controlled. Her mood has also become cheerful, and she has regained her self-confidence and joy in life.

This story reflects the effectiveness of integrative medicine in the treatment of PCOS, and also enlightens us that for PCOS patients, do not despair, actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment, and adjust their lifestyle, they can get rid of the troubles caused by PCOS and regain a healthy and happy life.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is troublesome? A comprehensive strategy for the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine

Western medicine diagnosis and treatment of PCOS

Diagnostic criteria for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) include the following:

Clinical manifestations: including irregular or long-term cessation of menstruation, hirsutism, acne, etc.

Ultrasonography: shows multiple cystic changes in the ovaries.

Laboratory tests: elevated serum androgen levels to rule out other causes of hyperandrogenism.

Conventional treatment

Oral contraceptives: often used to regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome, such as acne and hirsutism.

Insulin modulators: For patients with concomitant insulin resistance, insulin modulators, such as metformin, may be considered to help reduce insulin resistance and improve ovarian function.

Lifestyle interventions: including dietary control and moderate exercise, can help improve insulin sensitivity and weight loss, thereby improving the symptoms of PCOS.

Treatment of symptoms: Symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome, such as acne and hirsutism, can be treated with topical treatments or other medications.

The above is the Western medical diagnosis and routine treatment of PCOS, but the specific treatment plan should be evaluated and formulated by the doctor according to the specific situation of the patient.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is troublesome? A comprehensive strategy for the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine

TCM diagnosis and treatment of PCOS

TCM diagnosis

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is usually classified as "amenorrhea", "missed menstruation", and "irregular menstruation" in traditional Chinese medicine. When diagnosing PCOS, the doctor will comprehensively consider the patient's clinical manifestations, tongue diagnosis, pulse diagnosis and other information.

Clinical manifestations: mainly include menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea, ovulation disorders, hirsutism and other symptoms.

Tongue diagnosis: the tongue is pale red or purple, and the tongue coating is thick or white.

Pulse diagnosis: pulse number or string thin, etc.

Traditional Chinese medicine treatment

The core concept of TCM treatment for PCOS is to "regulate menstruation and pulse, promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis", which aims to improve the patient's menstrual cycle and fertility, and regulate endocrine balance.

Medication: Commonly used Chinese medicines include formulas that regulate menstruation and invigorate blood, such as Siwu Tang and Angelica Angelica Yangxue Tang. In addition, other drugs can also be used for symptoms, such as dispelling dampness and water, regulating the spleen and stomach, etc.

Acupuncture treatment: Acupuncture can regulate the body's meridian qi and blood and promote the recovery of ovarian function. Commonly used acupuncture points include Guan Yuan, Zusanli, Shenque, etc.

Lifestyle conditioning: Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes adjusting dietary habits, avoiding cold foods, and eating more foods that help the spleen and stomach digest. At the same time, moderate exercise is also an important way to maintain good health.

In summary, TCM treatment for PCOS mainly regulates the patient's internal environment through traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and other methods, improves symptoms, and restores menstrual cycle and fertility.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is troublesome? A comprehensive strategy for the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine

Advantages of integrative medicine in the treatment of PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder, and integrative medicine plays an important role in its management. The following are the advantages of integrative medicine in the treatment of PCOS:

Better results with combined treatment:

Oral contraceptives and insulin modulators, commonly used in Western medicine, can effectively control hormone levels and cycles and relieve symptoms.

Traditional Chinese medicine can be treated according to the syndrome differentiation of the disease, regulate qi and blood, improve ovarian function, and increase fertility.

Reducing Medication Side Effects:

TCM treatment can reduce the side effects of Western medicines, such as indigestion and headaches that may be caused by oral contraceptives.

Traditional Chinese medicine is mainly herbal medicine, natural plant ingredients, and has few side effects on the body.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is troublesome? A comprehensive strategy for the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine

Personalized treatment plan:

TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment emphasizes individualization, and targeted treatment plans can be formulated according to the specific conditions of patients.

The treatment plan of the combination of Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine can be adjusted according to the changes of the condition to improve the treatment effect.

Lifestyle Improvements:

Integrative medicine treatment not only focuses on medication, but also emphasizes lifestyle adjustments, such as reasonable diet and moderate exercise.

By making lifestyle changes, the overall health of the patient can be further improved and symptoms can be reduced.

Holistic care for patient needs:

Integrative medicine treatment is not only concerned with symptom relief, but also on the patient's quality of life and mental health.

Through comprehensive care, the patient's confidence in the treatment can be increased and the treatment outcome can be improved.

In summary, the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in the treatment of PCOS has unique advantages, which can comprehensively consider the physical condition and lifestyle habits of patients, formulate personalized treatment plans, improve treatment effects, and improve quality of life.

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