
Adhere to the party spirit, party style, and party discipline together

author:Shangqiu environment

Strong party spirit, fine work style, and strict discipline are the distinctive characteristics of the Communist Party of China. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that party spirit, party style, and party discipline are organic wholes, party spirit is the foundation, party style is performance, and party discipline is the guarantee. Adhering to the party spirit, party style, and party discipline at the same time is the embodiment of the systematic thinking of managing the party and governing the party, and it is a further deepening of the understanding of the regularity of upright conduct and discipline. At the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that it is necessary to carry out in-depth education on party spirit, party style and party discipline, inherit the party's glorious traditions and fine style, inspire Communist Party members to pursue lofty ideals, and regard the abuse of power for personal gain and corruption as a great shame.

As the basic regulations on the party's discipline construction, the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") transforms General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction into disciplinary requirements, and uses the positions, views and methods that run through the party's innovative theories to guide the discipline construction work, adhere to the clear direction, establish rules, positive atmosphere, and strong immunity, and promote the tempering of party spirit, pure party style, and strict party discipline, and continue to amplify the comprehensive effectiveness of both symptoms and root causes.

Pay attention to drawing discipline nourishment from the party's glorious tradition, guide party members and cadres to continue the red blood, and improve the cultivation of party spirit

The Communist Party of China is a Marxist political party organized by revolutionary ideals and iron discipline. Looking back on the 100-year history of the party, the reason why our party has stood tall and stronger despite ups and downs is that it attaches great importance to the issue of party spirit, party style, and party discipline, which is the party's fine tradition and political advantage, and is also a lifelong compulsory course for communists.

"Those who are fundamentally solid, Huashi will be mao." Party spirit is the cornerstone of party members and cadres to establish themselves, careers, words and morality. Correct party style, strict party discipline, and the foothold all lie in strengthening party spirit. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has adhered to the ideological building of the party and the system of governing the party in the same direction, and has successively carried out a series of centralized study and education within the party to guide party members and cadres to build a solid foundation of faith, replenish spiritual calcium, and stabilize the ideological rudder. Practice has shown that only by taking the strengthening of the cultivation of party spirit as a lifelong compulsory course and by cultivating the "study of the heart" of communists can we properly solve the problem of the "general switch" of world outlook, outlook on life, and values, and build a solid ideological embankment of "not wanting to be corrupted."

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China drew a grand blueprint for building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way with Chinese-style modernization, and issued a great call for the "three musts" to all party comrades. The "Regulations" implement the requirements of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on the "three musts", pay attention to drawing discipline nourishment from the party's glorious tradition, add "carry forward the great spirit of party building" in the second guiding ideology, and add "stick to the original mission" and "earnestly practice the correct view of power, political performance, and career" in the third general requirement, so as to guide party members and cadres to continue the red blood and improve the cultivation of party spirit.

In addition, in the sub-provisions, in view of the problems of a small number of party members and cadres who have wavered in their ideals and beliefs discovered in the supervision of discipline enforcement, the "Regulations" have added provisions on the punishment of reading, browsing, and listening to materials with serious political problems without permission, and further improved the punishment provisions for party members who believe in religion and engage in superstitious activities by individuals, so as to build a solid foundation of faith for party members and cadres, replenish spiritual calcium, and stabilize the rudder of thought.

The cultivation of party spirit among party members and cadres will not naturally improve with the growth of party age and the promotion of positions, and we must always strengthen party spirit education and guide party members and cadres to clean up the source and consolidate the foundation from the ideological point of view. Party committees (Party groups) at all levels should increase the intensity of publicity and education on the "Regulations", guide Party members and cadres to consciously use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to forge their souls, carry forward the great spirit of party building, promote the normalization and institutionalization of education on ideals and beliefs, establish a correct view of power, political achievements, and careers, and consciously be firm believers and faithful practitioners of the lofty ideals of communism and the common ideals of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

The vast number of party members and cadres should work hard to study and implement the "Regulations" and achieve results, accurately grasp the main purpose and requirements of the regulations, further clarify the yardstick for measuring daily words and deeds, correct their thoughts and actions with party rules and party discipline, and truly make the process of studying party discipline a process of enhancing the sense of discipline and improving the cultivation of party spirit.

Improve the punishment provisions for violations of the spirit of the eight central regulations, and maintain a high-pressure situation of keeping a close eye on and not giving an inch

The party's work style has a bearing on the people's support and the party's life and death. A strong style of work is a vivid embodiment of strong party spirit and strict party discipline. The Third Plenary Session of the 20 th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection pointed out that the formulation and implementation of the eight regulations of the Central Committee is a move by our party in the new era, which has won the hearts and minds of the party and the people and laid a solid foundation for governance.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee has taken the lead in setting an example, insisting on correcting the "four winds" and building new winds at the same time, and building the embankment stipulated in the eight provisions of the Central Committee. However, under the high-pressure situation, some stubborn work styles have changed their appearance and turned from bright to dark, which have become "roadblocks" and "stumbling blocks" to consolidate the achievements of work style construction and promote the high-quality development of work style construction. In response to this situation, the "Regulations" adhere to the problem-oriented approach, and enrich and improve the punishment provisions for violations of the spirit of the eight central regulations. For example, a new paragraph 2 is added to Article 98 to clarify the punishment provisions for disguised gift-giving in the name of lecture fees, project fees, consulting fees, etc.; Article 114 adds provisions on the punishment of indiscriminate distribution of benefits; Article 116 "Violation of the Provisions on the Administration of Official Receptions" is amended to "Violation of the Provisions on the Administration of Receptions" to cover all kinds of receptions such as official business, business, and foreign affairs, and a catch-all clause on violations of the Regulations on the Administration of Conference Activities is added to Article 118. These regulations reflect the firm determination of the CPC Central Committee to keep a close eye on and not give an inch, highlighting the long-term implementation of the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Committee.

Formalism and bureaucracy are the great enemies that hinder the implementation of the party's line, principles, and policies and the major decisions and arrangements of the party Central Committee. In view of the new situations and new problems discovered in the work of supervising and enforcing discipline in recent years, the "Regulations" have further strengthened the pertinence of the provisions on the punishment of formalism and bureaucratic behavior. For example, the punishment regulations for arbitrary decision-making, mechanical execution, engaging in a mountain of literature and meeting the sea, increasing the code at all levels, leaving excessive traces, and increasing the burden of work at the grassroots level have been added, demonstrating the clear attitude of formalism and bureaucracy that is strongly reflected by the cadres and the masses.

In addition, the "Regulations" not only enrich the punishment provisions for in-service Party members and cadres who violate the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Committee and carry out relevant unclean behaviors, but also improve the punishment provisions for Party members and cadres who have left or retired from work in violation of regulations, and used their original authority or position influence to seek benefits for their relatives and friends, and do not lower the requirements for Party members and cadres because they leave their posts. The "Regulations" also strengthen the regulation of the relevant violations of the law by the relatives of leading cadres, the staff members around them, and other persons with specific relationships, improve the provisions on the punishment of leading cadres who provide assistance to their relatives in operating special resources such as precious and special products in violation of regulations, and the punishment regulations for their spouses, children, and their spouses who refuse to correct their illegal business and enterprise activities, and release a strong signal that the party will be more and more strict in an all-round and strict manner, and the stricter the discipline will be in the future.

Promote the majority of party members to temper their moral character, and lead the social and people's customs with excellent party style

The advanced nature and purity of party members should not only be embodied in production, work, and study, but also in daily life and social interactions. The "Regulations" have enriched and improved the relevant provisions in the life discipline to better play the demonstration effect of Party members and cadres.

Thrifty and simple, and vigorously avoiding extravagance, is the heirloom of our party. General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized "insisting on diligence and thrift, and opposing extravagance and waste". Judging from reality, it is precisely because some party members and cadres have constantly failed to keep in their work style and small matters that they have left room for "hunters" to make breakthroughs, triggering a chain reaction and causing qualitative changes, and finally sliding into the abyss of violating discipline and law. On the other hand, if party members and cadres fail to play a good exemplary role in practicing diligence and thrift and opposing extravagance and waste, it will also greatly affect the party's prestige and image in the hearts of the masses.

The "Regulations" implement the important requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and in Article 150, add provisions on the punishment of extravagance and waste that cause adverse effects, aiming to guide the majority of Party members to advocate a simple life, promote the majority of Party members to temper their moral character, and lead the social customs and people's customs with a good Party style.

In the Internet era, party members play a vanguard and exemplary role in the whole society, not only offline, but also online. In recent years, there have been incidents of a small number of party members causing adverse effects due to improper online behavior. In this regard, on the basis of summarizing practical experience, the "Regulations" keep pace with the times, improve discipline requirements, and effectively regulate and restrain the words and deeds of Party members online. In Article 153, provisions are added on sanctions for violating social order and good customs and having inappropriate words and deeds in cyberspace, to promote Party members to be the same online and offline, and to tighten the string that the Internet is not a place outside the law.

Discipline is the "precept ruler" for managing the party and governing the party, and it is necessary to establish strict standards and enforce strict discipline, so as to promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to earnestly cultivate their sense of discipline. The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection made arrangements for "highlighting the strict tone and deepening the party's discipline building". The General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued the "Circular on Carrying Out Party Discipline Study and Education in the Whole Party," and the Central Leading Group for Party Building held a meeting and pointed out that this party discipline study and education is an important measure to strengthen the party's discipline building and promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party to develop in depth. On April 9, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection held an office meeting to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and important instructions on party discipline study and education, and to study and deploy the party discipline study and education work of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission.

One point of deployment, nine points of implementation. It is necessary to take the opportunity of the whole party to carry out party discipline study and education, adhere to the party spirit, party style and party discipline together, educate and guide party members and cadres to learn discipline, know discipline, understand discipline, and abide by discipline, and integrate strengthening party spirit, strict discipline, and tempering work style into daily life and turn it into habits.

(Zhan Tianyang)

Source: The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission