
Management is to manage things clearly and understand people

author:Jiang Xiaohua Management

Management, not only to be proficient in "management", but also to be good at "managing people"

In business management, the two core tasks of a leader are nothing more than "managing things clearly" and "understanding people". This requires both wisdom and determination.


Take care of things

Be sensible and dare to make decisions

In business management, clarity is an indispensable ability of leaders.

This not only requires leaders to have a cool head and decisive decision-making, but also requires them to be able to quickly make correct judgments and deal with various complex situations.

Next, we will delve into how leaders can "manage things clearly" in business management to ensure the stable and efficient operation of their teams.

1. Clean up the mess

A good leader is not about avoiding problems, but about being able to solve them quickly and calmly.

When a business encounters difficulties or mistakes, as a leader, you need to have enough wisdom and courage to "clean up the mess".

First, recognize the cost of trial and error, which includes not only material costs, but also intangible assets such as team morale and customer trust.

Therefore, when a problem arises, leaders should quickly intervene, clarify responsibilities, find out the root cause of the problem, and take effective measures to remedy it.

In practice, leaders need to have a cool head and a lot of experience to accurately determine the root cause of the problem, whether it is insufficient resources, poor communication, or insufficient execution.

Then, quickly mobilize resources and coordinate all parties to ensure that the issue is properly resolved.

This can not only stop losses in time, but also boost the morale of the team, so that everyone can see the responsibility and decisiveness of the leader at the critical moment.

Management is to manage things clearly and understand people

For example

If a project is lagging behind due to poor communication, leaders should immediately organize a meeting with relevant personnel to clarify their responsibilities and tasks, adjust the project plan, and ensure that the project can be completed on time.

At the same time, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis of the causes of the problem to prevent similar problems from happening again.

2. Fight for the interests of the team

The power of a leader lies not only in command and scheduling, but also in striving for every deserved benefit for the team.

In enterprise management, striving for interests is an indispensable link.

It's not just for the sake of individual gains and losses, but also for the welfare and development of the whole team. Leaders need to keep an eye on the interests of their team members and ensure that they are getting what they deserve.

What should be fought for his subordinates is not missing at all.

In practice, leaders need to have a comprehensive understanding of the needs and expectations of team members, actively communicate and negotiate with superiors or relevant departments, and strive for more resources and support for the team.

At the same time, they also need to pay attention to the development trend of the industry and the competitive situation of the market, and formulate a reasonable development plan and salary system for the team to ensure that the interests of the team members are maximized.

For example, during the year-end performance appraisal, leaders should be able to win due bonuses and promotion opportunities for team members based on their actual contributions.

This not only motivates team members to work harder, but also strengthens team cohesion and centripetal force.

3. Train the baby behind closed doors

Train the baby behind closed doors in order to better open the door to fight.

When a subordinate makes a mistake, as a leader, how to deal with it is an art.

Severe criticism in front of the public, although it can demonstrate the authority of the leader, is likely to hurt the self-esteem of subordinates and even lead to rebellion.

Therefore, "training the baby behind closed doors" has become a more humane way of management.

Management is to manage things clearly and understand people

Leaders need to choose a suitable time and place to communicate privately with their subordinates who make mistakes.

During the communication process, the leader needs to maintain a calm tone and attitude, clearly point out the mistakes of the subordinates, and give specific suggestions for improvement.

At the same time, they also need to listen to their subordinates' ideas and explanations, and give them enough understanding and support.

This approach not only protects the self-esteem of subordinates, but also promotes communication and understanding between both parties, which is conducive to problem solving and team harmony.

For more information on how leaders should criticize their subordinates, I also wrote in the article two days ago, you can pay attention to understand "The 5 kinds of criticism that subordinates are most willing to listen to, many leaders never say"

4. Let go when it's time to let go

Many leaders have a "nanny mentality" and are always worried that their subordinates will not do well, so they have to do everything themselves.

But in reality, this practice not only exhausts the leader himself, but also hinders the growth and development of his subordinates. Therefore, "let go when it's time to let go" is an important principle in enterprise management.

Letting go does not mean letting things go, but giving enough trust and support to subordinates while also providing necessary supervision and guidance.

When subordinates encounter difficulties, leaders should lend a helping hand in time; When subordinates achieve results, leaders should also give full recognition and rewards.

This not only stimulates the motivation and creativity of subordinates, but also allows the team to continue to develop healthily.


Rationalize people

Observe people's hearts and use people skillfully

However, getting things done is not enough to be a good leader.

True leadership is also reflected in how to perceive people's hearts and use people smartly.

A successful team not only needs to handle affairs properly, but also needs each member's heart to think and work together.

Next, we'll explore how leaders can show wisdom in managing people and subtly maximize the power of their teams.

1. Unite iron buddies

In terms of managing people, leaders must first unite those "iron buddies" who are of the same heart as themselves.

Whoever has the same heart with us will hug them tightly and work hard together.

These "iron buddies" are the core strength of the team and the most reliable partners of the leader.

They share the same goals and philosophies with the leader and are willing to contribute to the development of the team.

Management is to manage things clearly and understand people

In practice, leaders need to pay attention to the needs and dynamics of these core team members at all times, and give them enough support and trust.

At the same time, leaders also need to maintain close communication and collaboration with them to jointly develop the team's development strategy and plan.

For example, in an important project, a leader can select some loyal and capable team members as his or her right-hand man.

By giving them more opportunities and resources to support, they can play a greater role in the project.

This can not only improve the efficiency and quality of project execution, but also enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the team.

2. Fight for the shakers

What about some employees or team members who are on the sidelines?

They may have doubts or uncertainties about the direction of the company's or team's development, policies and systems, etc.

These members have some potential and ability, but they have not yet fully integrated into the team or have enough trust in the team.

As a leader, you need to actively fight for these wavers and turn them into supporters of your team.

In practice, leaders can understand their ideas and needs through in-depth communication and exchanges with them, and give positive responses and solutions.

Strengthen their sense of belonging and loyalty by providing training, promotion opportunities, and more.

At the same time, leaders also need to give them a certain level of support and trust, so that they can feel the warmth and strength of the team.

With such an effort, the shaker is likely to turn into a staunch supporter of the team.

3. Train the thorns

There are also employees or team members who are unresponsive and difficult to manage.

For this group of employees or team members, leaders need to take appropriate ways to guide and correct their behaviors to ensure the proper functioning of the team and effective collaboration.

Specifically, leaders can start by understanding their personalities, backgrounds, etc., to find out the reasons and motivations behind their behavior.

Then, help them realize their mistakes and correct their behavior through kind words and patient guidance.

If it is too much to correct, consider taking appropriate punitive measures to maintain discipline and order in the team.

However, it should be noted that punishment is not an end but a means, and in the end, it is still necessary to guide and educate.

Management is to manage things clearly and understand people

4. Clean up the hard bones

While most team members are positive, there will always be some "hard bones".

They may have strong individualistic tendencies and a negative attitude towards team rules and leader decisions.

These employees can have a great negative impact on the team and even destroy the team's cohesion and combat effectiveness. As a leader, you need to deal with these "hard bones" decisively.

In practice, leaders need to have a comprehensive understanding of what these employees are doing and where the problems are.

If they still can't improve their behavior or attitude after multiple sessions of communication and guidance, then leaders need to consider taking more decisive steps to deal with these employees.

This may include changing their position, imposing a certain amount of punishment, or removing them from their position.

In this way, you can ensure the harmony and stability of the team, while also setting a clear example for other employees.

✎ Write at the end

To be a leader, to put it bluntly, you have to be able to deal with all kinds of troubles, and you have to be able to win people's hearts.

If you mess up, you have to wipe your ass, if you have benefits, you have to rob them, if you make a mistake, you have to train them privately, and you have to let go of your subordinates at the right time.

You have to know who is your own person, who is still hesitating, who needs to be trained, and who is just stubborn to the end.

In this way, you can take the team to move forward steadily and make a fortune together!

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