
Is animal visceral cholesterol too high, which is not conducive to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases? Doctor: 4 types of offal are good nutrition

author:Physician Sister Xiaohong
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Lao Wang is a food lover and has a special love for all kinds of offal dishes. On weekends, he likes to go to the market to pick up fresh pork liver and chicken hearts, and when he returns home, he will show off his cooking skills.

A recent physical examination showed that his blood lipids were slightly high, and the doctor advised him to pay attention to the cholesterol intake in his diet. This made Lao Wang start to worry: Is his beloved internal organs really an invisible killer of health?

Is animal visceral cholesterol too high, which is not conducive to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases? Doctor: 4 types of offal are good nutrition

1. The problem of cholesterol in animal offal: what is the truth?

When it comes to organ meats, many people's first reaction may be "cholesterol is too high". Indeed, some animal visceral parts, such as brain flowers and liver and kidneys, are indeed rich in cholesterol.

But this does not mean that all internal organs should be considered enemies of health. In fact, the cholesterol content of the intestines, stomach, and heart of animals is not even 1/7 of the egg yolk, and it does not exceed 200mg per 100 grams. This data is actually completely acceptable in the daily diet.

Is animal visceral cholesterol too high, which is not conducive to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases? Doctor: 4 types of offal are good nutrition

From a broader perspective, although cholesterol plays a non-negligible role in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, the key lies in balanced intake and individual health status.

For most people, moderate consumption of low-cholesterol offal parts, such as the intestines, stomach, and heart of animals, does not cause health problems.

Of course, for those patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases who need to control their cholesterol intake, it is a wise choice to choose low-cholesterol offal foods or reduce the intake of offal foods in moderation.

2. Fat content: Is visceral fat content really high?

When people talk about offal food, in addition to cholesterol, fat content is also a common issue. However, the fat content of different visceral organs actually varies greatly.

Chicken gizzards, hairy tripe, pork liver, and pork lungs typically contain no more than 5% fat, which is comparable to whole milk. Although the fat content of the heart, kidney, brain and fat intestine is slightly higher, it is only about 7%-12%, far lower than the 30.1% of ordinary pork.

Is animal visceral cholesterol too high, which is not conducive to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases? Doctor: 4 types of offal are good nutrition

In the context of a healthy diet, moderate intake of these low-fat offal products not only does not pose a burden on health, but can provide essential nutrients. For those who pursue a healthy lifestyle, understanding the fat content of each food and arranging the daily diet reasonably is the foundation for maintaining health.

3. Purine levels: What do patients with uric acid and gout need to pay attention to?

Purine is a naturally occurring chemical in the human body, and its metabolite is uric acid. For the average person, the metabolism of purines usually does not cause obvious problems. For patients with high uric acid or gout, purine intake is a matter of great concern.

Animal offal, such as liver, kidneys, pancreas, etc., do contain higher levels of purines. Similar to shellfish (e.g., razor clams, scallops), the purine content in organ meats makes people with high uric acid or gout need to be especially cautious in their dietary choices. These patients need to control their visceral intake to avoid further elevation of uric acid levels, which can lead to gout attacks.

Is animal visceral cholesterol too high, which is not conducive to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases? Doctor: 4 types of offal are good nutrition

Gout is a metabolic disease that is often accompanied by severe joint pain, which is often closely related to dietary intake of high-purine foods.

Patients with gout should try to avoid or reduce the intake of offal when choosing food. For ordinary people, although the internal organs contain high purines, moderate intake will not cause significant health effects. The body's ability to metabolize purines is relatively stable within the normal range, and moderate consumption of offal will not cause a significant increase in uric acid levels.

4. The nutritional value of animal offal: health benefits you don't know

Although animal offal has high levels of cholesterol and purines, they have a non-negligible advantage in terms of nutritional content. Offal foods are rich in a variety of nutrients needed by the human body, including vitamin B1, vitamin B2, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, protein, selenium, etc.

Is animal visceral cholesterol too high, which is not conducive to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases? Doctor: 4 types of offal are good nutrition

Vitamins B1 and B2 play an important role in maintaining normal metabolism and promoting energy production. Folic acid is essential for the health of pregnant women and babies and is effective in preventing neural tube defects.

Vitamin A is indispensable for maintaining vision, boosting immunity, and maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from free radical damage.

Iron is an essential element for the synthesis of hemoglobin, and patients with iron deficiency anemia often improve their iron intake by increasing their intake of organ meats.

Is animal visceral cholesterol too high, which is not conducive to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases? Doctor: 4 types of offal are good nutrition

As the body's building block, protein is essential for maintaining muscle mass, repairing tissues, and boosting immunity. Selenium, as a trace element, plays an important role in antioxidant and normal immune function, although it is not required in large quantities.

5. Four kinds of nutritional offal recommended by doctors

Among the many offal, four are particularly recommended by medical experts, and they are beef liver, chicken heart, pork belly, and sheep kidney. Not only are these offal highly nutritious, but they also have specific health benefits.

Beef liver is an excellent source of iron and vitamin A. Iron is a key component in the production of red blood cells and can effectively prevent and treat anemia. Vitamin A is especially important for vision care. Secondly, chicken hearts are rich in B vitamins and protein, which are especially good for heart health. Coenzyme Q10 in the heart of chickens helps the heart maintain a normal rhythm and function.

Is animal visceral cholesterol too high, which is not conducive to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases? Doctor: 4 types of offal are good nutrition

Pork belly is rich in collagen and trace elements, especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people who need skin and joint support. Finally, sheep kidneys are high in zinc and protein, which is a key mineral for maintaining a healthy immune and reproductive system.


Although animal offal has its own unique advantages in some nutritional aspects, moderate and scientific consumption is the key to ensuring health. Offal foods can play an active role in our diet, but they also need to be paired with other foods to form a balanced diet.

Is animal visceral cholesterol too high, which is not conducive to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases? Doctor: 4 types of offal are good nutrition

By arranging our diet wisely and paying attention to the diversity of our food and its nutritional combinations, we can not only enjoy delicious food, but also maintain and promote health.

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