
These 3 wrong sweats, be careful that you are hollowing out your body!

author:Physician Sister Xiaohong

On a hot summer day, Zhang San walked into the office as usual, and after a while, large sweat stains began to appear on his chest, which made him quite embarrassed. Zhang San thought that this was just a normal phenomenon in summer, but what he didn't expect was that this phenomenon of frequent sweating in specific parts was actually a warning signal from the body.

Behind this seemingly inconspicuous little detail, there are hidden secrets of the body and risks to health. Today, we're going to talk about these 3 wrong types of sweating and tell you why you should be careful that they are hollowing out your body!

These 3 wrong sweats, be careful that you are hollowing out your body!

Frequent localized sweating: health warnings that should not be ignored

Around us, examples like Zhang San are not uncommon. Some people sweat in their chests, some have wet hands and feet, and some people always have beads of sweat on their heads. These seemingly ordinary sweating phenomena may actually be signals from the body to us.

Frequent sweating on the front chest often suggests a weak heart. In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the heart is the main blood vessel, and if the heart qi is weak, it will not be able to promote blood circulation normally, resulting in sweating on the chest. At this time, lotus seeds, longan, and other foods that nourish the heart and calm the mind have become good helpers on the table.

These 3 wrong sweats, be careful that you are hollowing out your body!

Let's take a look at those friends whose palms and feet are always wet, probably because of the cold in the lungs. The lungs open to the nose and are in charge of the skin, and the cold invades the lungs, and the lungs are unable to regulate the secretion of sweat normally, so sweat can only be discharged from the "outlets" of the hands and feet.

As for those who always sweat on the door of the brain, they may be aware that the liver yang is hyperactive. The liver is drained, the liver yang is too vigorous, and the internal heat cannot be dissipated normally, so it will naturally be released from the top of the "hot air balloon" of the head.

Frequent sweating after falling asleep: the dangers of night sweats

When it comes to sweating while sleeping, many people may think of what it would be like when it's so hot in the summer that it's hard to fall asleep. However, if you still experience frequent night sweating without any external influence, then you need to pay attention, which is often referred to as "night sweats".

The appearance of night sweats is often caused by heavy cold and lack of yang energy in the body. At this time, the body unconsciously adjusts by sweating in order to maintain the internal temperature balance as much as possible. When you wake up, sweaty clothes, palpitations, and cold hands and feet are all direct consequences of night sweats.

These 3 wrong sweats, be careful that you are hollowing out your body!

In this case, there is a tip that can ease the discomfort of night sweats – and that is to put a slice of ginger in your mouth. The pungent and warm properties of ginger can help dispel cold in the body and relieve symptoms of palpitation and cold hands and feet. Moreover, long-term insistence on eating ginger can also fundamentally adjust the physique and reduce the occurrence of night sweats.

Blindly sweating your body: misunderstandings and risks

Excessive sweating can lead to the loss of water and electrolytes in the body, which can affect the body's normal metabolic and physiological functions. Especially in hot weather or when exercising too hard, sweating profusely can lead to serious consequences such as dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and even heat stroke.

These 3 wrong sweats, be careful that you are hollowing out your body!

Blindly letting your body sweat profusely doesn't really achieve the effect of detoxification. The detoxification of the human body is mainly done through organs such as the liver, kidneys, etc., rather than through heavy sweating. Therefore, frequent sweating does not effectively remove metabolic waste and toxins from the body, but may put a burden on the body and increase the load on the kidneys and liver.

Excessive sweating can also cause skin problems such as rashes, eczema, etc. Because excessive sweating can leave the surface of the skin in a damp state, it is easy to breed bacteria and fungi, leading to skin infections and inflammation.

Correctly understand the relationship between sweating and health

Sweating is an important physiological function of the human body to regulate body temperature, remove metabolic wastes, and maintain moisturized skin. Many people have a misconception about sweating, believing that sweating more is healthier, or that sweating less is better. In fact, the amount and frequency of sweating should match the individual's physique, ambient temperature, and exercise intensity, and cannot be generalized.

Under normal circumstances, human sweating is mainly divided into two categories: one is temperature sweating, which is mainly used to regulate body temperature; The other type is emotional sweating, which usually occurs during mood swings such as nervousness and anxiety.

These 3 wrong sweats, be careful that you are hollowing out your body!

If you sweat unusually frequently or too little at a certain time, your body may be sounding a health alarm. For example, excessive sweating may indicate problems such as hyperthyroidism, diabetes, or infections; Sweating too little or no sweating may be associated with sweat gland dysfunction, skin disorders, or autonomic nervous system problems.

Correctly understanding the phenomenon of sweating, paying attention to the changes in one's own sweating, and seeking medical attention in time under abnormal circumstances is an important part of maintaining good health.


In daily life, the right treatment of sweating is essential to maintain good health. Sweating is a normal physiological response of the human body and helps to regulate body temperature, expel waste, etc. Sweating excessively or blindly letting your body sweat profusely is not good for your health and may even pose health risks.

These 3 wrong sweats, be careful that you are hollowing out your body!

In daily life, you can also promote the detoxification and health of the body through scientific diet and exercise. It is recommended to eat more foods that have the ability to clear heat and detoxify, nourish the liver and kidneys, such as bamboo sun, astragalus, rose, etc., and participate in some aerobic exercises and physical exercises to maintain the health and vitality of the body.

Finally, what experiences and insights would you like to share? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area!