
25fall starts! The new national 13 majors have been approved in advance and have opened applications, sprint quickly!

author:Chengdu Study Abroad Circle

24fall is not completely over yet, and 25fall is coming?

Yes, you heard it right! Applications are now open for 25fall early approval! Are you ready?

Today, the National University of Singapore's Faculty of Science (NUS) will open applications for early approval in 25 Fall. The application deadline is July 15, 2024, and admission results are expected to be announced from July 2024.

25fall starts! The new national 13 majors have been approved in advance and have opened applications, sprint quickly!

Applications for the regular batch of these projects will not open until October 1, 2024, and will close on January 31 of the following year.

Advantages of early approval

Streamlining the process

First of all, the application approved in advance is simple and crude, and the online application process is solved, and the result can be waited, and there is no other process. In terms of application materials, the focus is on the transcript, which is relatively more targeted than preparation!

Two chances

Another advantage of early approval is the increase in application opportunities, if you apply for early approval, whether it is successful or not, it will not affect the application of the normal batch, which is equivalent to having two chances to apply.

Get ashore as soon as possible

If you can successfully get an early admission, then you will no longer have to experience the anxiety of waiting for an offer this year, and with an early approval in hand, you will also try more difficult applications with a completely relaxed mind.

25fall early approval of open majors

25fall starts! The new national 13 majors have been approved in advance and have opened applications, sprint quickly!

Data Science & Machine Learning

The Mathematics programme at the National University of Singapore is ranked 10th in the world and 1st in Asia in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024. Hosted by the Department of Mathematics of NUS and supported by the Department of Statistics and Data Science, the Department of Computer Science, and the Swee Fu School of Public Health, the Master of Science in Big Data Science and Machine Learning has formed a first-class interdisciplinary program that integrates the field of Big Data Science and Machine Learning at NUS.

25fall starts! The new national 13 majors have been approved in advance and have opened applications, sprint quickly!


The programme aims to provide advanced training in the mathematical sciences to acquire advanced knowledge of modern mathematics, including pure and applied mathematics, as well as other interdisciplinary fields, and to provide students with a solid foundation in mathematics to meet the growing demand for talent in the industry.

25fall starts! The new national 13 majors have been approved in advance and have opened applications, sprint quickly!

Quantitative finance

The Department of Mathematics at the National University of Singapore launched the MSc in Quantitative Finance in 2009. Supported by the Department of Economics and the Department of Statistics and Data Science at NUS, the programme is an interdisciplinary programme that integrates financial mathematics, econometric finance and financial statistics.

25fall starts! The new national 13 majors have been approved in advance and have opened applications, sprint quickly!


The 1-2 year MSc in Statistics programme at the National University of Singapore (NUS) aims to provide students with the basic principles and methods of statistics needed to become professional statisticians, while also focusing on developing their professional skills in the field of applied statistics. The curriculum covers the major areas of statistics, data science, and big data analytics.

25fall starts! The new national 13 majors have been approved in advance and have opened applications, sprint quickly!

Sustainability & Data Science

The project is a collaboration between the Department of Statistics and Data Science, the Centre for Nature-Based Climate Solutions and the Department of Biological Sciences, and aims to train data scientists so that they can combine their knowledge and skills with an understanding of sustainable development issues.

25fall starts! The new national 13 majors have been approved in advance and have opened applications, sprint quickly!


The Department of Physics at the National University of Singapore (NUS) has a number of advanced laboratories, such as the Advanced 2D Materials Laboratory, the Ion Beam Application Research Centre, the Biophysics Laboratory, the Surface Physics Laboratory, and the Organic Nanodevices Laboratory.

25fall starts! The new national 13 majors have been approved in advance and have opened applications, sprint quickly!

Technical Physics

The Master of Technical Physics (MPT) is a multidisciplinary program that is practice-oriented towards solving high-tech problems. MPT aims to equip high-tech R&D professionals and recent graduates with the latest knowledge and skills in science, innovation and technology. Efforts are made to equip students with the theoretical background needed to deal with complex problems and the practical knowledge to solve these problems in the fields of quantum technology, semiconductor technology, photonic technology, etc.

25fall starts! The new national 13 majors have been approved in advance and have opened applications, sprint quickly!

Chemical Sciences

The Department of Chemistry at the Faculty of Science of the National University of Singapore was founded in 1929. According to the QS World University Rankings by Subject in Chemistry, NUS's Department of Chemistry has been ranked among the top 10 in the world and No. 1 in Asia for six consecutive years. The world-class faculty, outstanding research capabilities and advanced laboratory and teaching platforms have contributed to the outstanding contribution of NUS Department of Chemistry to the field of chemistry research and education in the region and globally.

25fall starts! The new national 13 majors have been approved in advance and have opened applications, sprint quickly!

Biodiversity conservation and sustainable development

The Department of Biological Sciences at NUS has the oldest and most comprehensive biodiversity and climate change research programme in Singapore, covering a wide range of disciplines such as biodiversity surveys, forest and marine environmental monitoring, ecosystem protection and related policy making, and computer modelling research.

25fall starts! The new national 13 majors have been approved in advance and have opened applications, sprint quickly!


Organised by NUS's Department of Biological Sciences, the programme offers courses in structure, genomics and proteomics, bioengineering, bioimaging, botanical and microbiology in different fields such as pharmaceutical research and development, public health, disease diagnosis and control, and urban agriculture.

25fall starts! The new national 13 majors have been approved in advance and have opened applications, sprint quickly!

Forensic Science

Project Introduction

Organised by NUS's Department of Biological Sciences, the Master of Science in Forensic Science programme is based on rigorous science and close ties with the industry, covering the fields of law, justice and criminal investigation, seamlessly integrating law and science, and providing a steady stream of professionals with both theoretical foundation and practical experience in the fields of financial and insurance underwriting and claims, DNA identification, criminal investigation, science and technology archaeology in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.

25fall starts! The new national 13 majors have been approved in advance and have opened applications, sprint quickly!

Food Science and Human Nutrition

The MSc program includes food biosciences (microbiology and safety, fermentation), modern food processing technologies, evidence-based functional foods, modern analytical sciences and human nutrition. The program is designed to provide professional continuing education training to better prepare the workforce for a rapidly changing food environment.

25fall starts! The new national 13 majors have been approved in advance and have opened applications, sprint quickly!

Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

The National University of Singapore's Pharmaceutical Science and Technology programme aims to address this gap in talent training in the pharmaceutical industry. Singapore has built a world-class infrastructure in bioscience R&D and manufacturing, and has become the innovation capital of Asia in the pharmaceutical and life sciences sectors. The programme will provide students with a solid foundation for the future challenges of the biopharmaceutical industry, providing them with important knowledge and content on the various stages of the development of the pharmaceutical industry.

Application Requirements:

  • Have a recognized bachelor's degree; Some majors have professional background requirements;
  • :985/211/海归80+,双非85+;
  • : IELTS 6.0, but IELTS 6.5 in the actual application, TOEFL 85, preferably 88+;
  • Individual interviews are required;
  • Pharmacy (Clinical Pharmacy) requires a GRE320+;
25fall starts! The new national 13 majors have been approved in advance and have opened applications, sprint quickly!

Precautions for early approval of applications

Although there are many advantages to early approval, it is not so easy to implement the actual application, and the number of applicants for world-class universities such as the National University of Singapore is also on the rise every year.

With the increasing volume of study abroad applications, many students not only have excellent hardware backgrounds, but also excellent soft backgrounds, and many students have long been ready for excellent scientific research and internships, which makes the competition constantly fierce.

Although the elements of the early approval application are relatively simple, it is extremely pursuing the hardware background, that is, the undergraduate school background and the average score. Many students who apply for early approval from the state are basically "985 + 3.7" such as colleges + average score configuration.

Of course, the application still needs to be treated on a case-by-case basis, and the individual's background should be analyzed and considered comprehensively. If you want to apply, please scan the QR code below to consult Chengdu Shenyou Study Abroad!

If you encounter problems in this area and want to find an agency to help, please add Chengdu Shenyou Study Abroad Mia Senior Sister (VX: Symia123) for consultation~