
Is tea a "killer" of high blood lipids? Suggestion: Middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old can try these kinds of tea

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Mom, have you read this article? It is said that tea is the 'killer' of high blood lipids! ”

Wang Xiaoli held a cup of green tea and handed it to her mother, Aunt Wang, with a hint of doubt and curiosity on her face. "Oh, can you believe this kind of thing? However, our family likes to drink tea, so it doesn't hurt to listen to it. Aunt Wang took the teacup, blew lightly, and took a sip.

Is tea a "killer" of high blood lipids? Suggestion: Middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old can try these kinds of tea

Aunt Wang is a retired teacher, and her favorite thing is to drink tea and chat with her neighbors. Since her retirement, she often feels that her health is not as good as before, especially because the high blood lipid problem makes her have some headaches. Her daughter Xiaoli is a nurse and usually likes to pay attention to some health articles. Today this topic has aroused a discussion between their mother and daughter.

Is tea a "killer" of high blood lipids? Suggestion: Middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old can try these kinds of tea

"Xiaoli, since you think tea is useful for high blood lipids, why don't we go to Dr. Li and ask to see if it's true or not." Aunt Wang put forward her own ideas. Dr. Lee is a senior doctor at the hospital and provides health consultation and treatment to the community throughout the year. He is a trustworthy medical advisor to Aunt Wang's mother and daughter. So, they went to Dr. Lee's office.

Is tea a "killer" of high blood lipids? Suggestion: Middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old can try these kinds of tea

"Dr. Li, Xiaoli recently saw an article saying that drinking tea can lower blood lipids, do you think this is true?" Aunt Wang asked eagerly as soon as she sat down. Dr. Li smiled and said, "Aunt Wang, Xiaoli, tea does have many benefits, especially for middle-aged and elderly people. However, if you want to say that tea is the 'killer' of high blood lipids, you have to say it carefully. ”

Is tea a "killer" of high blood lipids? Suggestion: Middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old can try these kinds of tea

Dr. Li cleared his throat and began to explain: "Tea is rich in active substances such as tea polyphenols and catechins, which help to improve blood circulation and reduce blood lipid levels. The proportion of people who drink tea regularly has low blood lipid levels as high as 30%. However, this does not mean that all teas have the same effect, and different types of tea have different effects on hyperlipidemia. ”

Is tea a "killer" of high blood lipids? Suggestion: Middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old can try these kinds of tea

"So what specific teas are suitable for middle-aged and elderly people like us?" Aunt Wang asked curiously. Dr. Li nodded and said, "It depends on the individual's physique and taste." Based on my experience and some data, I recommend several teas for you to try. ”

"First of all, green tea, green tea contains a lot of catechins, which can effectively inhibit the absorption of cholesterol and promote fat metabolism in the body. In particular, famous green teas such as West Lake Longjing and Biluochun contain more antioxidants, which are very beneficial to cardiovascular health. ”

Is tea a "killer" of high blood lipids? Suggestion: Middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old can try these kinds of tea

"This is followed by oolong tea, which is a semi-fermented tea between green tea and black tea, and its polyphenolic compounds can significantly reduce blood lipids. Tieguanyin and Da Hong Pao are among the best, and regular drinking can play a role in lowering blood lipids. ”

"Then there is black tea, which has been fermented and stored for a long time, and the theaflavins, thearubigins and other ingredients contained in it have obvious effects on reducing blood lipids. Pu-erh tea is a representative of black tea, and regular consumption of ripe Pu-erh tea can effectively reduce blood cholesterol. ”

Is tea a "killer" of high blood lipids? Suggestion: Middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old can try these kinds of tea

"There is also white tea, the production process of white tea retains a large number of natural nutrients, and the polyphenols in it are helpful for patients with hyperlipidemia. Fuding white tea and Baihao silver needle are all good choices. ”

"Finally, there is flower tea, which not only has the effect of tea, but also has the effect of floral fragrance, which is suitable for middle-aged and elderly women who love beauty. Rose tea and jasmine tea can regulate endocrine and assist in lipid reduction. ”

Is tea a "killer" of high blood lipids? Suggestion: Middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old can try these kinds of tea

After Dr. Li finished speaking, he looked at Aunt Wang and Xiaoli, and added: "Of course, drinking tea can only be used as an adjunct, the key is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, a reasonable diet and moderate exercise. ”

Aunt Wang nodded and said with a smile: "Listening to you say this, I have the bottom in my heart." It seems that we will have to pay attention to tea in the future. Xiaoli took over the conversation: "Mom, I think our family should also add some good tea, let's choose tea according to Dr. Li's advice in the future." ”

Is tea a "killer" of high blood lipids? Suggestion: Middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old can try these kinds of tea

Dr. Li smiled and said, "Yes, choose the right tea, and your health will be a plus." However, everyone must pay attention to the fact that everyone's physique is different, and drinking tea should be moderate and not excessive. Aunt Wang and Xiaoli said goodbye to Dr. Li and left the consultation room happily. Auntie Wang started her healthy tea life, carefully selecting different tea leaves every day and sharing them with her neighbors.

Not only did they enjoy the delicious taste of the tea, but they also felt the health benefits of the tea. Aunt Wang's physical condition has also gradually improved, her blood lipids and blood pressure have been controlled, and her life has become more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Is tea a "killer" of high blood lipids? Suggestion: Middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old can try these kinds of tea

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Is tea a "killer" of high blood lipids? Suggestion: Middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old can try these kinds of tea